
The Energy Balance Experiment EBEX-2000 (Part 1: Overview and energy balance ; Part 2: Intercomparison of eddy-covariance sensors and post-field data processing methods ; Part 3: Behaviour and quality of the radiation measurements)

Oncley, S. P. and Foken, T. and Vogt, R. and Kohsiek, W. and DeBruin, H. A. R. and Bernhofer, C. and Christen, A. and van Gorsel, E. and Grantz, D. and Feigenwinter, C. and Lehner, I. and Liebethal, C. and Liu, H. and Mauder, M. and Pitacco, A. and Ribeiro, L. and Weidinger, T.. (2007) The Energy Balance Experiment EBEX-2000 (Part 1: Overview and energy balance ; Part 2: Intercomparison of eddy-covariance sensors and post-field data processing methods ; Part 3: Behaviour and quality of the radiation measurements). Boundary-layer meteorology, Vol. 123 (2007) , S. 1-28 (Part 1) ; Vol. 123 (2007), S. 29-54 (Part 2) ; Vol. 123 (2007), S. 55-75 (Part 3).

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An overview of the Energy Balance Experiment (EBEX-2000) is given.This experiment studied the ability of state-of-the-art measurements to close the surface energy balance over a surface (a vegetative canopy with large evapotranspiration) where closure has been difficult to obtain. A flood-irrigated cotton field over uniform terrain was used, though aerial imagery and direct flux measurements showed that the surface still was inhomogeneous. All major terms of the surface energy balance were measured at nine sites to characterize the spatial variability across the field. Included in these observations was an estimate of heat storage in the plant canopy. The resultant imbalance still was 10%, which exceeds the estimated measurement error. We speculate that horizontal advection in the layer between the canopy top and our flux measurement height may cause this imbalance, though our estimates of this term using our measurements resulted in values less than what would be required to balance the budget.
Faculties and Departments:05 Faculty of Science > Departement Umweltwissenschaften > Ehemalige Einheiten Umweltwissenschaften > Meteorologie (Parlow)
Item Type:Article, refereed
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Journal article
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Last Modified:30 Jun 2016 10:48
Deposited On:22 Mar 2012 14:18

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