
Clinical characteristics of illness caused by Bordetella parapertussis compared with illness caused by Bordetella pertussis

Heininger, U. and Stehr, K. and Schmitt-Grohé, S. and Lorenz, C. and Rost, R. and Christenson, P. D. and Uberall, M. and Cherry, J. D.. (1994) Clinical characteristics of illness caused by Bordetella parapertussis compared with illness caused by Bordetella pertussis. Pediatric infectious disease journal, Vol. 13, no. 4. pp. 306-309.

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In conjunction with a pertussis vaccine efficacy trial in Germany, nasopharyngeal specimens were collected from May, 1992, to March, 1993, from patients with cough illnesses. Clinical data were obtained by initial and follow-up questionnaires. Bordetella parapertussis was isolated from 38 patients (mean age, 3.5 years; 68% girls). Clinical characteristics in these cases were compared with those of 76 patients (matched by age and sex) with illness caused by Bordetella pertussis during the same period. Findings were: (B. pertussis/B. parapertussis): cough < 4 weeks 57%/37% (P = 0.06); whoop 80%/59% (P = 0.07); whoop < 2 weeks 26%/18% (P = 0.05); paroxysms 90%/83% (P = 0.5); body temperature < or = 38 degrees C 9%/0% (P = 0.17); vomiting 47%/42% (P = 0.69); and mean leukocyte and lymphocyte counts 12,500/mm3 and 7600/mm3 (P > 0.0001) and 7800/mm3 and 3500/mm3 (P > 0.0001), respectively. Illness caused by B. parapertussis was typical of pertussis but less severe than that caused by B. pertussis. In contrast with B. pertussis infection, lymphocytosis is not a characteristic of B. parapertussis infection. This is most likely a result of the lack of production of lymphocytosis-promoting factor toxin by B. parapertussis.
Faculties and Departments:03 Faculty of Medicine > Bereich Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde (Klinik) > Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde (UKBB)
03 Faculty of Medicine > Departement Klinische Forschung > Bereich Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde (Klinik) > Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde (UKBB)
03 Faculty of Medicine
UniBasel Contributors:Heininger, Ulrich
Item Type:Article, refereed
Article Subtype:Research Article
Publisher:Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Journal article
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Last Modified:08 Jun 2012 06:53
Deposited On:08 Jun 2012 06:28

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