
Environmental peacebuilding: managing natural resource conflicts in a changing world : Swisspeace Annual Conference 2007

Péclard, Didier. (2009) Environmental peacebuilding: managing natural resource conflicts in a changing world : Swisspeace Annual Conference 2007. Bern.

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With the current attention given to climate change and global warming, the issue of "environmentalsecurity" is back high on the agenda of the international community. Environmental degradation isincreasingly considered as a potential cause for the (re-)emergence of violent conflicts due to shrinking natural resources such as drinkable water and land. However, research on the issue hasshown that there is very little empirical evidence of a direct causal link between environmentaldegradation and violent conflict. In order to set effective priorities for environmental peacebuilding, it is important to understand - particularly in situations of environmental stress - how naturalresource conflicts are embedded in social and political dynamics, how they are managed by localinstitutions, and how these institutional arrangements can be supported through outsideintervention. Based on a research project conducted by swisspeace within the framework of theNCCR North-South, the swisspeace annual conference 2007 explored those complex linkages andformulated entry points for improving intervention strategies by external actors.
Faculties and Departments:04 Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences > Departement Gesellschaftswissenschaften > Fachbereich Politikwissenschaft > Politikwissenschaft (Goetschel)
UniBasel Contributors:Péclard, Didier
Item Type:Other
Corporate Creators:Swisspeace
Note:Variant title: Swisspeace Annual Conference 2007 -- Note: Wahrscheinlicher Konferenzort: Bern -- Series: Conference paper / Swisspeace ; 1/2009 -- Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Other publications
Last Modified:02 Feb 2018 07:50
Deposited On:08 Jun 2012 06:29

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