
Boron depletion in 9 to 15 M_sol stars with rotation

Frischknecht, U. and Hirschi, R. and Meynet, G. and Ekström, S. and Georgy, C. and Rauscher, T. and Winteler, C. and Thielemann, F.-K.. (2010) Boron depletion in 9 to 15 M_sol stars with rotation. In: Light Elements in the Universe. Cambridge University Press, pp. 421-422.

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The treatment of mixing is still one of the major uncertainties in stellar evolution models. One open question is how well the prescriptions for rotational mixing describe the real effects. We tested the mixing prescriptions included in the Geneva stellar evolution code (GENEC) by following the evolution of surface abundances of light isotopes in massive stars, such as boron and nitrogen. We followed 9, 12 and 15 M-O models with rotation from the zero age main sequence up to the end of He burning. The calculations show the expected behaviour with faster depletion of boton for faster rotating stars and more massive stars. The mixing at the surface is more efficient, than predicted by prescriptions used in other codes and reproduces the majority of observations very well. However, two observed stars with strong boron depletion but no nitrogen enhancement still can not be explained and let the question open whether additional mixing processes are acting in these massive stars.
Faculties and Departments:05 Faculty of Science > Departement Physik > Former Organization Units Physics > Theoretische Physik Astrophysik (Thielemann)
UniBasel Contributors:Rauscher, Thomas and Frischknecht, Urs and Winteler, Christian and Thielemann, Friedrich-Karl
Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item, refereed
Conference or workshop item Subtype:Conference Paper
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Conference paper
Last Modified:11 Oct 2012 15:29
Deposited On:08 Jun 2012 06:45

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