
Swiss Influence in Bargaining Coalitions like the EU or G10 in the WTO

Spirig, Beat. (2009) Swiss Influence in Bargaining Coalitions like the EU or G10 in the WTO. Basel.

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Small countries in the World Trade Organization (WTO) try to influence thedecision process through bargaining coalitions. One natural bargaining coalition forSwitzerland would be the European Union (EU), despite the fact that Switzerland is not amember of the EU. Today Switzerland is a member and coordinator of the G10 group withinthe WTO. How big could Switzerland’s influence be on the common position of the EUconcerning trade policy relevant aspects? And how does this compare to the status quo?This paper performs an a priori power analysis of Switzerland as a potential member of theEU in trade related policy aspects relevant in the WTO context and tries to compare thevoting power with a similar analysis of the status quo.
Faculties and Departments:06 Faculty of Business and Economics > Departement Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Professuren Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Aussenwirtschaft und Europ. Integration (Weder)
UniBasel Contributors:Spirig, Beat
Item Type:Working Paper
Note:Note: Discussion Paper -- Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Discussion paper / Internet publication
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Last Modified:08 Jun 2012 06:55
Deposited On:08 Jun 2012 06:46

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