
Kurzflügelkäfer (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) im Naturschutzgebiet Wildenstein (Bubendorf, Basel-Landschaft, NW-Schweiz)

Luka, Henryk and Straumann, T. and Nagel, P. and Luka, A. and Walter, T.. (2010) Kurzflügelkäfer (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) im Naturschutzgebiet Wildenstein (Bubendorf, Basel-Landschaft, NW-Schweiz). Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaften beider Basel, Vol. 12. pp. 85-104.

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The nature conservation area of Wildenstein (canton BL, Switzerland) includes a stock of up to more than 500 years old oak trees, which is unique for Switzerland. In the year 2000 old and dead-wood inhabiting beetles were captured by window traps (Wolf and Walter 2002, Hecker and Puschnig 2003). At that time, it was not possible to study all beetle-families. With the fi nancial support of the canton «Basel-Landschaft, department of nature and landscape» it was possible to identify and comment the Staphylinidae and to use the results within a pilot project to establish a Red List of the Staphylinidae for Switzerland (Luka et al. 2008). Beetles were collected continuously during 21 weeks between May 4th and September 28th. Out of a total of 1593 individuals, 108 species have been identifi ed. The species were grouped according to their habitat preferences, which are known from literature data as follows: woodland-species (31), grassland-species (9), wetland-species (5), arable land species (2) and eurytopic species (61). A second grouping refers to the microhabitat affi nities of the species: bird nests (2), mushrooms (15), dung (9), trees including decaying bark, tree fungus, rotten wood, sap-fl ow, tree hollows (25), ant nests (3) and others (54). To evaluate the importance of the old oaks, a group of 54 species with affinities to those trees was analyzed separately. This group is most important for nature conservation. 11 species are discussed due to their rareness or way of living. Similarities and differences of the species composition at the 12 trapping-sites were investigated by a hierarchical cluster analysis. The resulting clusters are described and discussed in relation to the age and condition of the oaks, the vicinity of hedges, shrubs and edges of forests and its forest pasture history.
Faculties and Departments:05 Faculty of Science > Departement Umweltwissenschaften > Ehemalige Einheiten Umweltwissenschaften > Biogeographie (Nagel)
UniBasel Contributors:Nagel, Peter and Luka, Henryk
Item Type:Article
Article Subtype:Research Article
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Journal article
Last Modified:14 Sep 2012 07:21
Deposited On:14 Sep 2012 07:11

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