
Well-Established Nucleon Resonances Revisited by Double-Polarization Measurements

Thiel, A. and Anisovich, A. V. and Bayadilov, D. and Bantes, B. and Beck, R. and Beloglazov, Yu. and Bichow, M. and Boese, S. and Brinkmann, K. -Th. and Challand, Th. and Crede, V. and Dietz, F. and Drexler, P. and Dutz, H. and Eberhardt, H. and Elsner, D. and Ewald, R. and Fornet-Ponse, K. and Friedrich, St. and Frommberger, F. and Funke, Ch. and Gottschall, M. and Gruener, M. and Gutz, E. and Hammann, Ch. and Hannappel, J. and Hartmann, J. and Hillert, W. and Hoffmeister, Ph. and Honisch, Ch. and Jaegle, I. and Juergensen, I. and Kaiser, D. and Kalinowsky, H. and Kalischewski, F. and Kammer, S. and Keshelashvili, I. and Kleber, V. and Klein, F. and Klempt, E. and Krusche, B. and Lang, M. and Lopatin, I. and Maghrbi, Y. and Makonyi, K. and Metag, V. and Meyer, W. and Mueller, J. and Nanova, M. and Nikonov, V. and Novotny, R. and Piontek, D. and Reicherz, G. and Sarantsev, A. and Schmidt, Ch. and Schmieden, H. and Seifen, T. and Sokhoyan, V. and Sumachev, V. and Thoma, U. and vanPee, H. and Walther, D. and Wendel, Ch. and Wiedner, U. and Wilson, A. and Winnebeck, A. and Wunderlich, Y.. (2012) Well-Established Nucleon Resonances Revisited by Double-Polarization Measurements. Physical review letters, Vol. 109, H. 10 , 102001.

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The first measurement is reported of the double-polarization observable G in the photoproduction of neutral pions off protons, covering the photon energy range from 620 to 1120 Me V and the full solid angle. G describes the correlation between the photon polarization plane and the scattering plane for protons polarized along the direction of the incoming photon. The observable is highly sensitive to contributions from baryon resonances. The new results are compared to the predictions from SAID, MAID, and BnGa partial wave analyses. In spite of the long-lasting efforts to understand gamma p -< p pi(0) as the simplest photoproduction reaction, surprisingly large differences between the new data and the latest predictions are observed which are traced to different contributions of the N(1535) resonance with spin parity J(P) = 1/2(-) and N(1520) with J(P) = 3/2(-). In the third resonance region, where N(1680) with J(P) = 5/2(+) production dominates, the new data are reasonably close to the predictions.
Faculties and Departments:05 Faculty of Science > Departement Physik > Former Organization Units Physics > Hadronenphysik (Krusche)
UniBasel Contributors:Krusche, Bernd
Item Type:Article, refereed
Article Subtype:Research Article
Publisher:American Physical Society
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Journal article
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Last Modified:01 Mar 2013 11:13
Deposited On:01 Mar 2013 11:09

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