
Spatial (Tbata) expression in mature medullary thymic epithelial cells

Saade, Murielle and Irla, Magali and Yammine, Miriam and Boulanger, Nicolas and Victorero, Geneviève and Vincentelli, Renaud and Penninger, Josef M. and Holländer, Georg A. and Chauvet, Sophie and Nguyen, Catherine. (2010) Spatial (Tbata) expression in mature medullary thymic epithelial cells. European Journal of Immunology, Vol. 40, H. 2. pp. 530-538.

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The Spatial gene is expressed in highly polarized cell types such as testis germ cells, brain neurons and thymic epithelial cells (TEC). Its expression was documented in testis and brain but poorly characterized in thymus. Here, we characterize for the first time Spatial-expressing TEC throughout ontogeny and adult mouse thymus. Spatial is expressed in thymic-fated domain by embryonic day E10.5 and persists in subcapsular, cortical, medullary epithelial cells and in MTS24(+) progenitor TEC. Using mouse strains in which thymocyte development is blocked at various stages, we show that Spatial expression is independent of thymocyte-derived signals during thymus organogenesis. Analyses on purified thymic cell subsets show that Spatial short isoforms are expressed in cortical TEC (cTEC) and mature medullary TEC (mTEC). Spatial long isoforms were detected in the same TEC population. Spatial presents a nuclear distribution specific to mature mTEC expressing UEA1 and Aire. Aire- and RANKL-deficient mice revealed that Spatial expression is drastically reduced in the thymus of these mutants. These findings reveal a critical function of Aire in regulating Spatial expression, which is compatible with promiscuous Spatial gene expression.
Faculties and Departments:03 Faculty of Medicine > Departement Biomedizin > Department of Biomedicine, University Children's Hospital > Pediatric Immunology (Holländer)
UniBasel Contributors:Holländer, Georg
Item Type:Article, refereed
Article Subtype:Research Article
Publisher:Verl. Chemie
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Journal article
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Last Modified:24 May 2013 09:22
Deposited On:24 May 2013 09:06

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