
[Sleep disorders in schizophrenia]

Staedt, J. and Hauser, M. and Gudlowski, Y. and Stoppe, G.. (2010) [Sleep disorders in schizophrenia]. Fortschritte der Neurologie, Psychiatrie, Vol. 78. pp. 70-80.

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Difficulties initiating and maintaining sleep as well as circadian rhythm disorders are very common in schizophrenia. Sleeping disorders occur as early signs of the first manifestation of illness as well as early signs of relapse. They bear a relation to positive symptoms and disorganisation of thought. Polysomnographic investigations with schizophrenic patients typically demonstrate a prolonged sleep-onset latency and a decrease in sleep efficiency and slow wave sleep. In particular, distortions of deep sleep can affect neocortical plasticity and cognition negatively. The considerable sleeping disorders are often not sufficiently taken into account in clinical routine. Particularly older antipsychotic medication like Haloperidol can affect the circadian and sleep-wake rhythms negatively. Therefore, pathophysiological changes of sleep within the scope of schizophrenic disorders and their potential implications are discussed in this outline. Regarding therapy, psychoeducative approaches are discussed as well as the administration of antipsychotic medication in accordance with the recommendations of sleep medicine professionals.
Faculties and Departments:03 Faculty of Medicine > Bereich Psychiatrie (Klinik) > Erwachsenenpsychiatrie UPK > Erwachsenenpsychiatrie (Lang)
03 Faculty of Medicine > Departement Klinische Forschung > Bereich Psychiatrie (Klinik) > Erwachsenenpsychiatrie UPK > Erwachsenenpsychiatrie (Lang)
UniBasel Contributors:Stoppe, Gabriela
Item Type:Article, refereed
Article Subtype:Research Article
Publisher:Georg Thieme
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Journal article
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Last Modified:21 Jun 2013 12:29
Deposited On:21 Jun 2013 12:22

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