
Polymorphic mutations associated with the emergence of the multinucleoside/tide resistance mutations 69 insertion and Q151M

Scherrer, A. U. and von Wyl, V. and Gotte, M. and Klimkait, T. and Cellerai, C. and Yerly, S. and Boni, J. and Held, L. and Ledergerber, B. and Gunthard, H. F. and Swiss HIV Cohort Study, . (2012) Polymorphic mutations associated with the emergence of the multinucleoside/tide resistance mutations 69 insertion and Q151M. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes and human retrovirology, Vol. 59, H. 2. pp. 105-112.

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Background: We hypothesized that polymorphic mutations exist that are associated with the emergence of the multinucleoside resistance mutations (MNR), 69 insertion and Q151M. Methods: The Swiss HIV Cohort Study was screened, and the frequencies of polymorphic mutations in HIV-1 (subtype B) were compared between patients detected with the 69 insertion (n = 17), Q151M (n = 29), <= 2 thymidine analogue mutations (TAM) 1 (n = 400) or <= 2 TAM 2 (n = 249). Logistic regressions adjusted for the antiretroviral treatment history were performed to analyze the association of the polymorphic mutations with MNR. Results: The 69 insertion and TAM 1 were strongly associated and occurred in 94.1% (16 of 17) together. The 69 insertion seemed to emerge as a consequence of the TAM 1 pathway (median years until detection: 6.8 compared with 4.4 for <= 2 TAM 1, P Wilcoxon = 0.009). Frequencies of 8 polymorphic mutations (K43E, V60I, S68G, S162C, T165I, I202V, R211K, F214L) were significantly different between groups. Logistic regression showed that F214L and V60I were associated with the emergence of Q151M/TAM 2 opposed to 69 insertion/TAM 1. S68G, T165I, and I202V were associated with Q151M instead of TAM 2. Conclusions: Besides antiretroviral therapy, polymorphic mutations may contribute to the emergence of specific MNR mutations.
Faculties and Departments:03 Faculty of Medicine > Departement Biomedizin > Division of Medical Microbiology > Molecular Virology (Klimkait)
UniBasel Contributors:Klimkait, Thomas
Item Type:Article, refereed
Article Subtype:Research Article
Publisher:Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Journal article
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Last Modified:08 May 2015 08:45
Deposited On:08 May 2015 08:45

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