
Intra-Industry Trade in Intermediate Products, Pollution and Internationally Increasing Returns

Benarroch, Michael and Weder, Rolf. (2006) Intra-Industry Trade in Intermediate Products, Pollution and Internationally Increasing Returns. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 52 (3). pp. 675-689.

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This paper examines the relationship between intra-industry trade in intermediate products, pollution and increasing returns. We develop a two-country model in which production occurs in two stages, final and intermediate good production. Intermediate goods are produced under monopolistic competition and final good production exhibits increasing returns with respect to the number of varieties of intermediates. Pollution occurs in the production of the final good when polluting intermediates are used. We analyze the effects of international trade in intermediate products on pollution, output and welfare under an endogenous tax scenario and with two types of pollution functions. The results show that, because of increasing returns, international trade either leads to lower total pollution in each country or lower pollution per unit of output in at least one country. In addition, intra-industry trade causes countries to import the environmental quality of their trading partners.
Faculties and Departments:06 Faculty of Business and Economics > Departement Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Professuren Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Aussenwirtschaft und Europ. Integration (Weder)
08 Cross-disciplinary Subjects > Europainstitut > Europainstitut > Europäische Wirtschaft (Weder)
UniBasel Contributors:Weder, Rolf
Item Type:Article, refereed
Article Subtype:Research Article
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Journal article
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Last Modified:16 Dec 2016 07:17
Deposited On:16 Dec 2016 07:17

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