
Konstruktion und Praxis einer Sakrallandschaft: das Beispiel Tal der Könige

Bickel, Susanne. (2016) Konstruktion und Praxis einer Sakrallandschaft: das Beispiel Tal der Könige. In: Gebauter Raum: Architektur – Landschaft – Mensch. Wiesbaden, pp. 11-26.

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This article describes the ever-changing use of the Valley of the Kings and the cultural connotations associated with the landscape. Whilst cosmological associations shaped the early use of this area, factors such as territoriality and hegemonial traditions gradually took precedence. The economic use characteristic of the 21st Dynasty remained a privilege of the ruling class; memory of the sacrality of the site presumably motivated the burials of the 22nd Dynasty.
Faculties and Departments:04 Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences > Departement Altertumswissenschaften > Fachbereich Ägyptologie > Ägyptologie (Bickel)
UniBasel Contributors:Bickel, Susanne
Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item, refereed
Conference or workshop item Subtype:Conference Paper
Publisher:Harrassowitz Verlag
Series Name:Göttinger Orientforschungen. Reihe 4
Issue Number:62
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Conference paper
edoc DOI:
Last Modified:01 Jan 2018 04:14
Deposited On:29 Nov 2017 08:53

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