
The functional cycle and regulation of the Thermus thermophilus DnaK chaperone system

Klostermeier, D. and Seidel, R. and Reinstein, J.. (1999) The functional cycle and regulation of the Thermus thermophilus DnaK chaperone system. Journal of molecular biology, Vol. 287, H. 3. pp. 511-525.

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The Escherichia coli DnaK (DnaKEco) chaperone cycle is tightly regulated by the cochaperones DnaJ, which stimulates ATP hydrolysis, and GrpE, which acts as a nucleotide exchange factor. The Thermus thermophilus DnaK (DnaKTth) system additionally comprises the DnaK-DnaJ assembly factor (DafATth) that is mediating formation of a 300 kDa DnaKTth. DnaJTth.DafATth complex.A model peptide derived from the tumor suppressor protein p53 was used to dissect the regulation of the individual kinetic key steps of the DnaKTth nucleotide/chaperone cycle. As with DnaKEco the DnaKTth.ATP complex binds substrates with reduced affinity and large exchange rates compared to the DnaKTth.ADP.Pi state. In contrast to DnaKEco, ADP-Pi release is slow compared to the rate of hydrolysis, reversing the balance of the two functional nucleotide states. Whereas GrpETth stimulates nucleotide release from DnaKTth, DnaJTth does not accelerate ATP hydrolysis under various experimental conditions. However, it exerts influence on the interaction of DnaKTth with substrates: in the presence of DafATth, DnaJTth inhibits substrate binding, and substrate already bound to DnaKTth is displaced by DnaJTth and DafATth, indicating competitive binding of DnaJTth/DafATth and substrate. It thus appears that the DnaKTth. DnaJTth.DafATth complex as isolated from T. thermophilus does not represent the active species in the DnaKTth chaperone cycle. Isothermal titration calorimetry showed that the ternary complex of DnaKTth, DnaJTth and DafATth is assembling with high affinity, whereas binary complexes of DnaKTth and DnaJTth or DafATth were not detectable, indicating highly synergistic formation of the 300 kDa DnaKTth. DnaJTth.DafATth complex.Based on these results, a model describing the DnaKTth chaperone cycle and its regulation by cochaperones is proposed where DnaKTth. DnaJTth.DafATth constitutes the resting state, and a DnaKTth. substrate.DnaJTth complex is the active chaperone species. The novel factor DafATth that mediates interaction of DnaKTth with DnaJTth would thus serve as a "template" to stabilise the ternary DnaKTth.DafATth.DnaJTth complex until it is replaced by substrate proteins under heat shock conditions.
Faculties and Departments:05 Faculty of Science > Departement Biozentrum > Former Organization Units Biozentrum > Biophysical Chemistry (Klostermeier)
UniBasel Contributors:Klostermeier, Dagmar
Item Type:Article, refereed
Article Subtype:Research Article
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Journal article
Last Modified:22 Mar 2012 14:22
Deposited On:22 Mar 2012 13:30

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