
Nonprofit Comparative Research: Recent Agendas and Future Trends

von Schnurbein, Georg and Perez, Marybel and Gehringer, Theresa. (2017) Nonprofit Comparative Research: Recent Agendas and Future Trends. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations. pp. 1-27.

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Comparative research on nonprofit organizations (NPOs) has been a prominent approach for advancing our understanding of these organizations. This article identifies the primary drivers that shape the NPO comparative research agenda and explores new research trends. Based on a systematic literature review, nine definitional aspects and ten impulses are identified as drivers of NPO research. This article conducts a correspondence analysis to study the relationships between the definitional aspects and impulses that are discussed in 111 articles that were published in philanthropic and third-sector journals in the period January 2001–January 2015. Based on our results, we suggest three new clusters for future comparative research: investment and growth, participation and social impact, and social cohesion and civil society.
Faculties and Departments:08 Cross-disciplinary Subjects > Center for Philanthropy Studies (CEPS) > Stiftungsmanagement (von Schnurbein)
UniBasel Contributors:von Schnurbein, Georg and Perez, Marybel and Gehringer, Theresa
Item Type:Article, refereed
Article Subtype:Research Article
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Journal article
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edoc DOI:
Last Modified:04 Sep 2018 17:16
Deposited On:12 Dec 2017 10:53

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