
Impact of species delimitation and sampling on niche models and phylogeographical inference: a case study of the East African reed frog Hyperolius substriatus, Ahl 1931

Bittencourt-Silva, Gabriela and Tolley, Krystal and Lawson, Lucinda and Portik, Daniel and Barratt, Christopher and Nagel, Peter and Loader, Simon. (2017) Impact of species delimitation and sampling on niche models and phylogeographical inference: a case study of the East African reed frog Hyperolius substriatus, Ahl 1931. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 114. pp. 261-270.

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Ecological niche models (ENMs) have been used in a wide range of ecological and evolutionary studies. In biogeographic studies these models have, among other things, helped in the discovery of new allopatric populations, and even new species. However, small sample sizes and questionable taxonomic delimitation can challenge models, often decreasing their accuracy. Herein we examine the sensitivity of ENMs to the addition of new, geographically isolated populations, and the impact of applying different taxonomic delimitations. The East African reed frog Hyperolius substriatus Ahl, 1931 was selected as a case study because it has been the subject of previous ENM predictions. Our results suggest that addition of new data and reanalysis of species lineages of H. substriatus improved our understanding of the evolutionary history of this group of frogs. ENMs provided robust predictions, even when some populations were deliberately excluded from the models. Splitting the lineages based on genetic relationships and analysing the ENMs separately provided insights about the biogeographical processes that led to the current distribution of H. substriatus.
Faculties and Departments:05 Faculty of Science > Departement Umweltwissenschaften > Ehemalige Einheiten Umweltwissenschaften > Biogeographie (Nagel)
UniBasel Contributors:Nagel, Peter and Bittencourt, Gabriela and Barratt, Christopher and Loader, Simon Paul
Item Type:Article, refereed
Article Subtype:Research Article
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Journal article
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Last Modified:25 Oct 2017 10:02
Deposited On:25 Oct 2017 10:02

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