
Oxygen isotope fractionations across individual leaf carbohydrates in grass and tree species

Lehmann, Marco M. and Gamarra, Bruno and Kahmen, Ansgar and Siegwolf, Rolf T. W. and Saurer, Matthias. (2017) Oxygen isotope fractionations across individual leaf carbohydrates in grass and tree species. Plant, Cell and Environment, 40 (8). pp. 1658-1670.

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Almost no δ(18) O data are available for leaf carbohydrates, leaving a gap in the understanding of the δ(18) O relationship between leaf water and cellulose. We measured δ(18) O values of bulk leaf water (δ(18) OLW ) and individual leaf carbohydrates (e.g. fructose, glucose and sucrose) in grass and tree species and δ(18) O of leaf cellulose in grasses. The grasses were grown under two relative humidity (rH) conditions. Sucrose was generally (18) O-enriched compared with hexoses across all species with an apparent biosynthetic fractionation factor (εbio ) of more than 27‰ relative to δ(18) OLW , which might be explained by isotopic leaf water and sucrose synthesis gradients. δ(18) OLW and δ(18) O values of carbohydrates and cellulose in grasses were strongly related, indicating that the leaf water signal in carbohydrates was transferred to cellulose (εbio = 25.1‰). Interestingly, damping factor pex px , which reflects oxygen isotope exchange with less enriched water during cellulose synthesis, responded to rH conditions if modelled from δ(18) OLW but not if modelled directly from δ(18) O of individual carbohydrates. We conclude that δ(18) OLW is not always a good substitute for δ(18) O of synthesis water due to isotopic leaf water gradients. Thus, compound-specific δ(18) O analyses of individual carbohydrates are helpful to better constrain (post-)photosynthetic isotope fractionation processes in plants.
Faculties and Departments:05 Faculty of Science > Departement Umweltwissenschaften > Integrative Biologie > Physiological Plant Ecology (Kahmen)
UniBasel Contributors:Kahmen, Ansgar
Item Type:Article, refereed
Article Subtype:Research Article
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Journal article
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Last Modified:16 Oct 2017 10:16
Deposited On:16 Oct 2017 10:16

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