
“Real Men Wear Pink”? A Gender History of Color

Grisard, Dominique M.. (2017) “Real Men Wear Pink”? A Gender History of Color. In: Bright Modernity. Color, Commerce, and Consumer Culture. Cham, pp. 77-96.

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The first thing that happens to a newborn baby is that it is color-coded—pink if a girl, blue if a boy. For girls, in particular, this is just the beginning of an extensive color-coded gendering process. Since the early 2000s, girl advocates have openly criticized pink’s seductive pull on little girls. More recently, boys who wear pink have become subject to discussion. Tracing the metonymic relationship between color and femininity in the Western history of art, fashion, and marketing helps contextualize current anxieties about pink’s alleged power to feminize boys. It shows that the global circulation of color theories and actual paints and dyes since the sixteenth century, on one hand, and the “color revolution” in marketing and fashion of the early-to-mid twentieth century, on the other hand, paved the way for today’s gendered “affective economy” of pink.
Faculties and Departments:04 Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences > Departement Gesellschaftswissenschaften > Ehemalige Einheiten Gesellschaftswissenschaften > Geschlechterforschung (Maihofer)
UniBasel Contributors:Grisard, Dominique M
Item Type:Book Section, refereed
Book Section Subtype:Further Contribution in a Book
Publisher:Palgrave Macmillan
Series Name:Worlds of consumption
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Book item -- Edition: Worlds of Consumption
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Last Modified:22 Nov 2017 17:09
Deposited On:22 Nov 2017 17:09

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