Truffer, Johannes. "Der neue Geist des Kapitalismus" revisited – ein Mixed-Methods-Approach zu einem jungen Klassiker der Soziologie. 2021, Master Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
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Die Masterarbeit repliziert die Studie zum Buch “Der neue Geist des Kapitalismus” von Luc Boltanski und Ève Chiapello (B/C) auf einer verbesserten Datengrundlage und einem state-of-the-art Mixed-Methods-Verfahren und begegnet zugleich den theoretischen Schwächen der Theorie. Durch eine kritische Rekonstruktion der konzeptuellen Grundlagen und der neueren Forschung wird der Ansatz in Richtung einer Modernisierungstheorie weiterentwickelt. Das resultierende theoretische Modell ermöglicht es, den Geist hinsichtlich der in ihm sichtbaren Modernisierungsrisiken zu lesen, das heisst Systemkrisen und Sozialpathologien. Damit treten auch die von B/C vernachlässigten Konstanten der kapitalistischen Legitimation klarer in den Blick. Für die Überprüfung der empirischen Befunde des Buches kam ein systematisch gesampelter Korpus von McKinsey-Award prämierten Harvard Business Review-Artikeln zum Zug, die jedes Jahr zwischen 1959 und 2018 kontinuierlich abdecken. Das Material wurde mit einem Mixed-Methods-Ansatz analysiert, der quantitative Verfahren automatisierter Analyse (Klassifikationsalgorithmus Readme2) und Textmining-Methoden (Topic Models) mit einem qualitativen Verfahren nach Mayring (typisierende Strukturierung) verbindet. Grundsätzlich scheinen die von B/C durch defizitäre Methoden an undurchsichtig gesampeltem Material gewonnenen Erkenntnisse empirisch erstaunlich belastbar zu sein. Ihre Hauptbefunde konnten auf breiter Basis bestätigt werden, wenngleich der Bias ihres Materials, in dem die Netzwerkmetapher viel präsenter ist, klar zum Vorschein kommt. Marktrhetoriken sind im Korpus stärker ausgeprägt als bei B/C und bezeugen den analytischen Benefit der Rekonzeptualisierung, die dem Geist ein dynamisches Gleichgewicht von allgemeinwohl- und profitorientierten Rhetoriken attestiert. Damit erscheint die ideologische Konstellation der 90er Jahre weniger als konnexionistischer, denn als neoliberaler Netzwerkkapitalismus.
The master's thesis replicates the empirical claims of the book "The New Spirit of Capitalism" by Luc Boltanski and Ève Chiapello (B/C) on an improved data basis and the help of a state-of-the-art mixed-methods approach, while at the same time confronting the theoretical weaknesses of the theory. Through a critical reconstruction of the conceptual foundations and recent research, the approach is further developed towards a theory of modernisation. The resulting theoretical model makes it possible to read the spirit of capitalism in terms of the accompanying modernisation risks visible in it, i.e. systemic crises and social pathologies. In this way, the constants of capitalist legitimisation, neglected by B/C, also come more clearly into view. A systematically sampled corpus of McKinsey Award-winning Harvard Business Review articles covering each year continuously between 1959 and 2018 was used to test the empirical findings of the book. The material was analysed using a mixed-methods approach that combines quantitative procedures of automated analysis (classification algorithm Readme2) and text mining methods (topic models) with a qualitative procedure after Mayring (typifying structuration). In principle, the findings obtained by B/C through deficient methods on opaquely sampled material seem to be empirically surprisingly robust. Their main findings could be confirmed on a broad basis, although the “French” bias of their material, in which the network metaphor is much more present, clearly emerges. Market rhetorics are more pronounced in the corpus than in B/C, attesting to the analytical benefit of the reconceptualisation, which attests to the spirit's dynamic balance of greater good and profit-oriented rhetorics. Thus, the ideological constellation of the 1990s appears less as connectionist than as neoliberal network capitalism.
The master's thesis replicates the empirical claims of the book "The New Spirit of Capitalism" by Luc Boltanski and Ève Chiapello (B/C) on an improved data basis and the help of a state-of-the-art mixed-methods approach, while at the same time confronting the theoretical weaknesses of the theory. Through a critical reconstruction of the conceptual foundations and recent research, the approach is further developed towards a theory of modernisation. The resulting theoretical model makes it possible to read the spirit of capitalism in terms of the accompanying modernisation risks visible in it, i.e. systemic crises and social pathologies. In this way, the constants of capitalist legitimisation, neglected by B/C, also come more clearly into view. A systematically sampled corpus of McKinsey Award-winning Harvard Business Review articles covering each year continuously between 1959 and 2018 was used to test the empirical findings of the book. The material was analysed using a mixed-methods approach that combines quantitative procedures of automated analysis (classification algorithm Readme2) and text mining methods (topic models) with a qualitative procedure after Mayring (typifying structuration). In principle, the findings obtained by B/C through deficient methods on opaquely sampled material seem to be empirically surprisingly robust. Their main findings could be confirmed on a broad basis, although the “French” bias of their material, in which the network metaphor is much more present, clearly emerges. Market rhetorics are more pronounced in the corpus than in B/C, attesting to the analytical benefit of the reconceptualisation, which attests to the spirit's dynamic balance of greater good and profit-oriented rhetorics. Thus, the ideological constellation of the 1990s appears less as connectionist than as neoliberal network capitalism.
Advisors: | Nachtwey, Oliver |
Committee Members: | Traber, Denise |
Faculties and Departments: | 04 Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences > Departement Gesellschaftswissenschaften > Fachbereich Soziologie > Sozialstrukturanalyse (Nachtwey) 04 Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences > Departement Gesellschaftswissenschaften > Fachbereich Politikwissenschaft > Politikwissenschaft (Traber) |
Item Type: | Thesis |
Thesis Subtype: | Master Thesis |
Thesis no: | UNSPECIFIED |
Thesis status: | Complete |
Last Modified: | 12 Nov 2021 15:58 |
Deposited On: | 12 Nov 2021 15:58 |
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