
Homocystein - ein unabhängiger Risikofaktor für kardiovaskuläre und thrombotische Erkrankungen

Fowler, B.. (2005) Homocystein - ein unabhängiger Risikofaktor für kardiovaskuläre und thrombotische Erkrankungen. Therapeutische Umschau, Bd. 62, H. 9. pp. 641-646.

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Over the last 20 years homocysteine has taken on increasing importance as an independent, potentially modifiable risk factor for various forms of vascular disease including peripheral and cerebral vascular disease, coronary heart disease and thrombosis. This association has been ascertained in many retrospective and prospective studies but the strength of risk is not yet firmly established although it is clearly dependent on several modifying factors such as other risk factors, nutrition and genetic polymorphisms. Generally it is estimated that hyperhomocysteinaemia is responsible for about 10% of all risks. Homocysteine is formed from the dietary amino acid methionine and plays a pivotal role in folate metabolism and methyl group transfer. Its concentrations in tissues and plasma are influenced by many genetic and environmental factors, especially vitamins such as folate, B12 and B6 as well as certain medications and even life style factors. Nowadays the measurement of plasma homocysteine is freely available although care has to be taken in sample handling and interpretation of results. Final proof that homocysteine is a causal agent and not just a marker for cardiovascular disease and that reduction of plasma homocysteine by vitamin treatment reduces risk of cardiovascular disease is still awaited. Therefore at the present time neither wide-scale screening for homocysteine levels nor general prophylaxis with high dose vitamins is justified. However most experts recommend homocysteine determination in individuals with existing or high risk for arterial or venous blood vessel disease and their relatives. Elevated homocysteine can be lowered in such cases with a combination of folic acid, vitamin B12 vitamin B6. The results of ongoing trials on the impact of such treatment on risk of vascular disease are awaited with great interest.
Faculties and Departments:03 Faculty of Medicine > Bereich Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde (Klinik) > Ehemalige Einheiten Pädiatrie (UKBB) > Labor (Fowler)
03 Faculty of Medicine > Departement Klinische Forschung > Bereich Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde (Klinik) > Ehemalige Einheiten Pädiatrie (UKBB) > Labor (Fowler)
UniBasel Contributors:Fowler, Brian
Item Type:Article
Article Subtype:Book Review
Publisher:Hans Huber
Note:Variant title: Homocystein - an independent risk factor for cardiovascular and thrombotic diseases -- Also published in: Lifestyle als kardiovaskulärer Risikofaktor. - Bern : Hans Huber, 2005. - S. 641-646 -- Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Journal item
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Last Modified:22 Mar 2012 14:23
Deposited On:22 Mar 2012 13:36

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