
Breathing training for treating panic disorder : useful intervention or impediment?

Meuret, Alicia E. and Wilhelm, Frank H. and Ritz, Thomas and Roth, Walton T.. (2003) Breathing training for treating panic disorder : useful intervention or impediment? Behavior Modification, 27 (5). pp. 731-754.

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Breathing training (BT) is commonly used for treatment of panic disorder. We identified nine studies that reported the outcome of BT. Overall, the published studies of BT are not sufficiently compelling to allow an unequivocal judgment of whether such techniques are beneficial. This article discusses problems with the underlying rationale, study design, and techniques used in BT, and it identifies factors that may have determined therapy outcomes. The idea that hypocapnia and respiratory irregularities are underlying factors in the development of panic implies that these factors should be monitored physiologically throughout therapy. Techniques taught in BT must take account of respiration rate and tidal volume in the regulation of blood gases (pCO2). More studies are needed that are designed to measure the efficacy of BT using an adequate rationale and methodology. Claims that BT should be rejected in favor of cognitive or other forms of intervention are premature.
Faculties and Departments:07 Faculty of Psychology
07 Faculty of Psychology > Departement Psychologie > Ehemalige Einheiten Psychologie > Abteilung Klinische Psychologie und Psychiatrie
07 Faculty of Psychology > Departement Psychologie > Ehemalige Einheiten Psychologie > Psychophysiologie (Wilhelm)
UniBasel Contributors:Wilhelm, Frank H
Item Type:Article, refereed
Article Subtype:Research Article
Publisher:Sage Publ.
Note:Publication type according to Uni Basel Research Database: Journal article
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Last Modified:28 Sep 2017 15:37
Deposited On:22 Mar 2012 13:49

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