
Items where contributor is "Akeret, Ernst Örni"

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Steiner, Bigna L. and Akeret, Örni and Antolín, Ferran and Brombacher, Christoph and Vandorpe, Patricia and Jacomet, Stefanie. (2017) Layers rich in aquatic and wetland plants within complex anthropogenic stratigraphies and their contribution to disentangling taphonomic processes. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany. pp. 1-20.

Antolín, F. and Steiner, B. and Akeret, Ö. and Brombacher, Ch. and Kühn, M. and Vandorpe, P. and Bleicher, N. and Gross, E. and Schaeren, G. and Jacomet, S.. (2017) Studying the preservation of plant macroremains from waterlogged archaeological deposits for an assessment of layer taphonomy. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 246. pp. 120-145.

Akeret, Örni and Deschler-Erb, S. and Kühn, Marlu. (2017) The transition from Antiquity to the Middle Ages in present-day Switzerland: the archaeobiological point of view. Quaternary International.

Deschler-Erb, Sabine and Akeret, Örni and Häberle, Simone. (2017) Gemeinsam stark - Der archäobiologische Feldkurs in Xanten 2016. Kölner und Bonner Archaeologica. pp. 139-141.

Vandorpe, Patricia and Akeret, Örni and Deschler-Erb, Sabine. (2017) Crop production and livestock breeding from the Late Iron Age to the Late Roman period in north western Switzerland. In: Productions agro-pastorales, pratiques culturales et élevage dans le nord de la Gaule du deuxième siècle avant J.-C. à la fin de la période romaine. Quint-Fonsegrives, pp. 135-152.

Jacomet, Stefanie and Ebersbach, Renate and Akeret, Örni and Antolin, Ferran and Baum, Tilman and Bogaard, Amy and Brombacher, Christoph and Bleicher, Niels K. and Heitz-Weniger, Annekäthi and Hüster-Plogmann, Heide and Gross, Eda and Kühn, Marlu and Rentzel, Philippe and Steiner, Bigna L. and Wick, Lucia and Schibler, Jörg M.. (2016) On-site data cast doubts on the hypothesis of shifting cultivation in the Late Neolithic (c. 4300-2400 cal. BC): Landscape management as an alternative paradigm. Holocene, 26 (11). pp. 1858-1874.

Akeret, Örni and Geith-Chauvière, Ingela. (2016) Macrorestes végétaux des fouilles de Boudry/Chézard-Littorail, Boudry/Chézard-CADBAR et Boudry/Grandchamps-CADBAR. In: Delta de l’Areuse: Les méandres du delta de l’Areuse au cours de l’Holocène: une histoire humaine et environnementale, 8. Neuchâtel, A2-7.

Kiefer, Simone and Akeret, Örni and Kühn, Marlu and Rentzel, Philippe and Wick, Lucia. (2015) Niederdorf, Dorfgasse: eine Viehweide aus dem Jahre 1295. Jahresbericht / Archäologie Baselland, 2014. pp. 56-59.

Akeret, Örni and Kühn, Marlu and Brombacher, Christoph and Martinoli, Danièle. (2014) La végétation sur et autour du Mormont. Archéothéma. Hors-Serie, 7 (avril 2014). p. 77.

Akeret, Örni. (2013) Carpologie. In: L'habitat Xiongnu de Boroo Gol : Recherches archéologiques en Mongolie (2003-2008). Gollion, pp. 208-209.

Baerlocher, Jakob and Akeret, Örni and Cueni, Andreas and Deschler-Erb, Sabine and Schwarz, Peter-Andrew. (2013) Prächtige Bestattung fern der Heimat - Interdisziplinäre Auswertung der frührömischen Gräber der Grabung Windisch-"Vision Mitte" 2006-2009. Jahresbericht der Gesellschaft Pro Vindonossa, 2012. pp. 29-55.

Mayer, Simone and Akeret, Örni and Alder, Cornelia and Deschler-Erb, Sabine and Schlumbaum, Angela. (2013) Ein Brandgräberfeld der mittleren Kaiserzeit in Augusta Raurica : die Nekropole Kaiseraugst-Widhag. Jahresberichte aus Augst und Kaiseraugst, 34. pp. 147-244.

Akeret, Örni. (2013) Archäobotanik. In: Am Südtor von Vindonissa. Die Steinbauten der Grabung Windisch-Spillmannwiese 2003-2006 (V.003.1) im Süden des Legionslagers. Brugg, pp. 486-493.

Akeret, Örni and Kühn, Marlu. (2012) Trocken erhaltene Pflanzenreste. In: Die Burg Marmels. Basel, pp. 167-178.

Akeret, Örni. (2011) Archäobotanische Untersuchung. In: Stans NW vor dem grossen Dorfbrand von 1713. Basel, pp. 143-145.

Akeret, Örni and Geith-Chauvière, Ingela. (2011) Les macrorestes végétaux. In: Bevaix/Treytel-À Sugiez. Neuchâtel, pp. 311-321.

Deschler-Erb, Sabine and Akeret, Örni. (2011) Archäobiologische Forschungen zum römischen Legionslager von Vindonissa und seinem Umland: Status quo und Potenzial. Jahresbericht / Gesellschaft Pro Vindonissa, 2010. pp. 13-36.

Akeret, Örni and Geith-Chauvière, Ingela. (2011) L' histoire de la relation entre hommes et plantes utiles. synthèse des données carpologiques. Archéologie neuchâteloise numérique / Plateau de Bevaix, 7. Hauterive.

Häberle, Simone and Matt, Christoph Ph. and Vandorpe, Patricia and Akeret, Örni. (2010) Esskultur im Hinterhof : interdisziplinäre Auswertung einer mittelalterlichen Latrine, Grabung 2002/15, Schnabelgasse 6, Basel. In: Jahresbericht der Archäologischen Bodenforschung des Kantons Basel-Stadt, 2008. Basel, pp. 79-145.

Akeret, Örni and Geith-Chauvière, Ingela. (2010) Analyses carpologiques des structures archéologiques. In: Cortaillod/Petit Ruz: impacts humains et évolution d'un terroir, du Néolithique à l'époque gallo-romaine, sur un kilomètre d'autoroute, Vol. 2, CD ROM 3.2. Hauterive.

Geith-Chauvière, Ingela and Tegel, Wilhelm and Akeret, Örni. (2010) Analyses archéobotaniques des tombes à incinérations du site de Cortaillod/Petit Ruz. In: Cortaillod/Petit Ruz: impacts humains et évolution d'un terroir, du Néolithique à l'époque gallo-romaine, sur un kilomètre d'autoroute, Vol. 2, CD ROM 3.11. Hauterive.

Schoellammer, Patrick and Geith-Chauvière, Ingela and Akeret, Örni and Coope, G. Russell and Liniger, Cléa and Straub, François and Thew, Nigel. (2010) Le puits laténien St-130. In: Cortaillod/Petit Ruz: impacts humains et évolution d'un terroir, du Néolithique à l'époque gallo-romaine, sur un kilomètre d'autoroute, Vol. 2, CD ROM 3.7. Hauterive.

Akeret, Örni. (2010) Das Herbar im Museum.BL : wechselvolle Geschichte einer regional bedeutenden Sammlung. Bauhinia, Bd. 22. pp. 83-92.

Akeret, Ernst Örni and Carrott, John and Jaques, Deborah and Gardner, Stewart. (2009) Biological remains. In: On the boundaries of occupation. Excavations at Burringham Road, Scunthorpe and Baldwin Avenue, Bottesford, North Lincolnshire, 9. London, pp. 91-92.

Carrott, John and Akeret, Ernst Örni and Jaques, Deborah. (2009) Biological remains. In: On the boundaries of occupation. Excavations at Burringham Road, Scunthorpe and Baldwin Avenue, Bottesford, North Lincolnshire. London, pp. 64-66.

Akeret, Oerni and Kuehn, Marlu. (2008) Desiccated plant macrofossils from the medieval castle of Marmorera, Switzerland, with a note on the identification of leaves of Cyperaceae. Environmental archaeology, Vol. 13, H. 1. pp. 37-50.

Berks, Tanya and Davidson, Andrew and Kenney, Jane and Roberts, John A. and Smith, George and Lynch, Frances and Powell, Adrienne and Akeret, Örni and Denne, Pat and Jenkins, David and Williams, John Ll. W.. (2007) A497 Improvement: Prehistoric sites in the vicinity of Aberech and Chwilog. Archaeology in Wales, 47. pp. 3-17.

Akeret, Örni. (2005) Getreide. In: Burgen in Appenzell : ein historischer Überblick und Berichte zu den archäologischen Ausgrabungen auf Schönenbüel und Clanx. Basel, pp. 181-183.

Akeret, Örni. (2005) Plant remains from a Bell Beaker site in Switzerland, and the beginnings of Triticum spelta (spelt) cultivation in Europe. Vegetation history and archaeobotany, Vol. 14, no. 4. pp. 279-286.

Pfäffli, Barbara and Sütterlin, Hans and Akeret, Örni and Deschler-Erb, Sabine and Langenegger, Elisabeth and Schlumbaum, Angela. (2004) Die Gräber aus dem Areal der Sägerei Ruder - ein Ausschnitt aus dem Nordwestgräberfeld von Augusta Raurica. In: Jahresberichte aus Augst und Kaiseraugst, 25. Augst, pp. 111-178.

Akeret, Örni and Geith-Chauvière, Ingela. (2003) Les macrorestes végétaux. In: Saint-Aubin/Derrière la Croix. Hauterive, 281 - 293.

Akeret, Örni and Rentzel, Philippe. (2001) Micromorphology and plant macrofossil analysis of cattle dung from the neolithic lake shore settlement of Arbon-Bleiche 3. Geoarchaeology, Vol. 16, no. 6. pp. 687-700.

Akeret, Örni and Haas, Jean Nicolas and Leuzinger, Urs and Jacomet, Stefanie. (1999) Plant macrofossils and pollen in goat/sheep faeces from the Neolithic lake-shore settlement Arbon Bleiche 3, Switzerland. Holocene, 9 (2). pp. 175-182.

Akeret, Örni and Jacomet, Stefanie. (1997) Analysis of plant macrofossils in goat/sheep faeces from the Neolithic lake shore settlement of Horgen Scheller - an indication of prehistoric transhumance? Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 6 (4). pp. 235-239.