Items where contributor is "Amrhein, Valentin"
Amrhein, Valentin and Korner-Nievergelt, Fränzi and Roth, Tobias. (2017) The earth is flat (p < 0.05): significance thresholds and the crisis of unreplicable research. PeerJ, 5. e3544. Emmenegger, Tamara and Hahn, Steffen and Arlettaz, Raphael and Amrhein, Valentin and Zehtindjiev, Pavel and Bauer, Silke. (2016) Shifts in vegetation phenology along flyways entail varying risks of mistiming in a migratory songbird. Ecosphere, 7 (6). e01385. Roth, Tobias and Buehler, Christoph and Amrhein, Valentin. (2016) Estimating Effects of Species Interactions on Populations of Endangered Species. The American Naturalist, 187 (4). pp. 457-467. Hahn, Steffen and Korner-Nievergelt, Fraenzi and Emmenegger, Tamara and Amrhein, Valentin and Csoergo, Tibor and Gursoy, Arzu and Ilieva, Mihaela and Kverek, Pavel and Perez-Tris, Javier and Pirrello, Simone and Zehtindjiev, Pavel and Salewski, Volker. (2016) Longer wings for faster springs - wing length relates to spring phenology in a long-distance migrant across its range. Ecology and Evolution , 6 (1). pp. 68-77. Roth, Tobias and Kohli, Lukas and Rihm, Beat and Amrhein, Valentin and Achermann, Beat. (2015) Nitrogen deposition and multi-dimensional plant diversity at the landscape scale. Royal Society open science, 2 (4). p. 150017. Roth, Tobias and Strebel, Nicolas and Amrhein, Valentin. (2014) Estimating unbiased phenological trends by adapting site-occupancy models. Ecology, 95 (8). pp. 2144-2154. Roth, Tobias and Plattner, Matthias and Amrhein, Valentin. (2014) Plants, birds and butterflies : short-term responses of species communities to climate warming vary by taxon and with altitude. PLoS one, Vol. 9, H. 1 , e82490. Amrhein, Valentin. (2014) Wild bird feeding (probably) affects avian urban ecology. In: Avian Urban Ecology. behavioural and physiogical adaptations. Oxford, pp. 29-37. Hahn, Steffen and Emmenegger, Tamara and Lisovski, Simeon and Amrhein, Valentin and Zehtindjiev, Pavel and Liechti, Felix. (2014) Variable detours in long-distance migration across ecological barriers and their relation to habitat availability at ground. Ecology and Evolution , 4 (21). pp. 4150-4160. Sprau, Philipp and Roth, Tobias and Amrhein, Valentin and Naguib, Marc. (2014) Effects of previous intrusion pressure on territorial responses in Nightingales. Journal of Ornithology, 155 (1). pp. 111-119. Hahn, S. and Amrhein, V. and Zehtindijev, P. and Liechti, F.. (2013) Strong migratory connectivity and seasonally shifting isotopic niches in geographically separated populations of a long-distance migrating songbird. Oecologia, Vol. 173, H. 4 , S. 1217–1225. Amrhein, V.. (2013) Entwicklungen in der ornithologischen Kommunikationsforschung. Der ornithologische Beobachter, Bd. 110, H. 3. pp. 295-306. Sprau, P. and Roth, T. and Amrhein, V. and Naguib, M.. (2013) The predictive value of trill performance in a large repertoire songbird, the nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos. Journal of avian biology, Vol. 44 , S. 567–574. Sprau, P. and Roth, T. and Naguib, M. and Amrhein, V.. (2012) Communication in the Third Dimension: Song Perch Height of Rivals Affects Singing Response in Nightingales. PLoS one, Vol. 7, H. 3 , e32194. Sprau, P. and Roth, T. and Amrhein, V. and Naguib, M.. (2012) Distance-dependent responses by eavesdroppers on neighbour-stranger interactions in nightingales. Animal behaviour, Vol. 83, H. 4. pp. 961-968. Roth, T. and Sprau, P. and Naguib, M. and Amrhein, V.. (2012) Sexually selected signaling in birds: a case for bayesian change-point analysis of behavioral routines. The auk, Vol. 129, H. 4. pp. 660-669. Amrhein, Valentin and Scaar, Bertrand and Baumann, Marc and Minery, Nicolas and Binnert, Jean-Paul and Korner-Nievergelt, Fraenzi. (2012) Estimating adult sex ratios from bird mist netting data. Methods in ecology and evolution, Vol. 3, H. 4. pp. 713-720. Naguib, Marc and Kunc, Hansjoerg P. and Sprau, Philipp and Roth, Tobias and Amrhein, Valentin. (2011) Communication networks and spatial ecology in nightingales. Advances in the study of behavior, Vol. 43. pp. 239-271. Neumann, Florian and Schai-Braun, Stephanie and Weber, Darius and Amrhein, Valentin. (2011) European hares select resting places for providing cover. Hystrix, N.S. Vol. 22. pp. 291-299. Saggese, Katja and Korner-Nievergelt, Fraenzi and Slagsvold, Tore and Amrhein, Valentin. (2011) Wild bird feeding delays start of dawn singing in the great tit. Animal behaviour, Vol. 81, H. 2. pp. 361-365. Roth, T. and Amrhein, V.. (2010) Estimating individual survival using territory occupancy data on unmarked animals. Journal of applied ecology, Vol. 47, no. 2, pp 386-392. Sprau, P. and Roth, T. and Schmidt, R. and Amrhein, V. and Naguib, M.. (2010) Communication across territory boundaries : distance-dependent responses in nightingales. Behavioral Ecology, Vol. 21, H. 5. pp. 1011-1017. Sprau, P. and Schmidt, R. and Roth, T. and Amrhein, V. and Naguib, M.. (2010) Effects of rapid broadband trills on responses to song overlapping in nightingales. Ethology, Vol. 116. pp. 300-308. Käser, J. and Amrhein, V. and Hänggi, A.. (2010) Spinnen (Arachnida, Araneae) im Winter : kleinräumige Unterschiede als Folge tageszeitlicher Temperaturschwankungen. Arachnologische Mitteilungen, H. 39. pp. 5-21. Amrhein, V. and Lerch, S.. (2010) Differential effects of moving versus stationary territorial intruders on territory defence in a songbird. The journal of animal ecology, Vol. 79, H. 1. pp. 82-87. Roth, T. and Sprau, P. and Schmidt, R. and Naguib, M. and Amrhein, V.. (2009) Sex-specific timing of mate searching and territory prospecting in the nightingale : nocturnal life of females. Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series B, Biological sciences, Vol. 276, H. 1664. pp. 2045-2050. Erne, N. and Amrhein, V.. (2008) Long-term influence of simulated territorial intrusions on dawn and dusk singing in the Winter Wren : spring versus autumn. Journal of ornithology, Vol. 149, H. 4. pp. 479-486. Amrhein, V. and Johannessen, L. E. and Kristiansen, L. and Slagsvold, T.. (2008) Reproductive strategy and singing activity : blue tit and great tit compared. Behavioral ecology and sociobiology, Vol. 62, H. 10. pp. 1633-1641. Schmidt, R. and Kunc, H. P. and Amrhein, V. and Naguib, M.. (2008) Aggressive responses to broadband trills are related to subsequent pairing success in nightingales. Behavioral Ecology, Vol. 19, H. 3. pp. 635-641. Naguib, M. and Schmidt, R. and Sprau, P. and Roth, T. and Florcke, C. and Amrhein, V.. (2008) The ecology of vocal signaling : male spacing and communication distance of different song traits in nightingales. Behavioral Ecology, Vol. 19, H. 5. pp. 1034-1040. Roth, T. and Amrhein, V. and Peter, B. and Weber, D.. (2008) A Swiss agri-environment scheme effectively enhances species richness for some taxa over time. Agriculture, ecosystems and environment, Vol. 125, H. 1-4. pp. 167-172. Schmidt, R. and Amrhein, V. and Kunc, H. P. and Naguib, M.. (2007) The day after : effects of vocal interactions on territory defence in nightingales. The journal of animal ecology, Vol. 76, H. 1. pp. 168-173. Kunc, H. P. and Amrhein, V. and Naguib, M.. (2007) Vocal interactions in common nightingales (Luscinia megarhynchos) : males take it easy after pairing. Behavioral ecology and sociobiology, Vol. 61, H. 4. pp. 557-563. Amrhein, V. and Kunc, H. P. and Schmidt, R. and Naguib, M.. (2007) Temporal patterns of territory settlement and detectability in mated and unmated Nightingales Luscinia megarhynchos. The Ibis, Vol. 149, H. 2. pp. 237-244. Amrhein, V. and Erne, N.. (2006) Dawn singing reflects past territorial challenges in the winter wren. Animal behaviour, Vol. 71, H. 5. pp. 1075-1080. Kunc, H. P. and Amrhein, V. and Naguib, M.. (2006) Vocal interactions in nightingales, Luscinia megarhynchos : more aggressive males have higher pairing success. Animal behaviour, Vol. 72, H.1. pp. 25-30. Schmidt, R. and Kunc, H. P. and Amrhein, V. and Naguib, M.. (2006) Responses to interactive playback predict future pairing success in nightingales. Animal behaviour, Vol. 72, H. 6. pp. 1355-1362. Durrer, H. and Eckl, S. and Amrhein, V.. (2006) Die Zwergmaus (Micromys minutus) in der Petite Camargue Alsacienne (Saint-Louis, Haut-Rhin, Frankreich) : Inventar und Raumverhalten - mit Kleinsäugeraufnahme. Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaften beider Basel, Vol. 9. pp. 123-131. Amrhein, V.. (2006) Radiotelemetrie. In: Methoden der Verhaltensbiologie. Berlin, pp. 193-197. Kunc, H. P. and Amrhein, V. and Naguib, M.. (2005) Seasonal variation in dawn song characteristics in the common nightingale. Animal behaviour, Vol. 70. pp. 1265-1271. Kunc, H. P. and Amrhein, V. and Naguib, M.. (2005) Acoustic features of song categories and their possible implications for communication in the common nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos). Behaviour, Vol. 142, No. 8. pp. 1077-1091. Amrhein, Valentin. Singing activity and spatial behaviour as sexually selected traits in the nightingale "Luscinia megarhynchos". 2004, Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science. Naguib, M. and Amrhein, V. and Kunc, H. P.. (2004) Effects of territorial intrusions on eavesdropping neighbors : communication networks in nightingales. Behavioral Ecology, Vol. 15, H. 6. pp. 1011-1015. Amrhein, V. and Kunc, H. P. and Naguib, M.. (2004) Non-territorial nightingales prospect territories during the dawn chorus. Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series B, Biological sciences, Vol. 271, Supp. 4. pp. 167-169. Amrhein, V. and Zwygart, D.. (2004) Bestand und Verpaarungsstatus von Nachtigallen 'Luscinia megarhynchos' im elsässischen Rheintal bei Basel. Der ornithologische Beobachter, Bd. 101. pp. 19-24. Amrhein, V. and Kunc, H. P. and Naguib, M.. (2004) Seasonal patterns of singing activity vary with time of day in the nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos). The auk, Vol. 121, H. 1. pp. 110-117. Amrhein, V. and Korner, P. and Naguib, M.. (2002) Nocturnal and diurnal singing activity in the nightingale : correlations with mating status and breeding cycle. Animal Behaviour, Vol. 64. pp. 939-944. Amrhein, V.. (1999) Sexuelle Selektion und die Evolution von Kopulationen außerhalb des Paarbundes = sexual selection and the evolution of extra-pair copulation : Spielregeln der Weibchen : rules of the game from the females' point of view. Journal of ornithology, Vol. 140, Nr. 4. pp. 431-441. |