Items where contributor is "Andorno, Roberto"
NoAndorno, Roberto. (2012) Bioética y dignidad de la persona : versión española ampliada y actualizada del texto original en francés. Madrid. Andorno, Roberto and Düwell, Marcus. (2012) Der Menschenwürdebegriff in der Bioethik. In: Menschenwürde und Medizin : ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch. Berlin, pp. 465-482. YesAndorno, Roberto and Gennet, Eloïse and Jongsma, Karin and Elger, Bernice. (2016) Integrating Advance Research Directives into the European Legal Framework. European Journal of Health Law, 23 (2). pp. 158-173. Andorno, Roberto. (2016) The right not to know does not apply to HIV testing. Journal of Medical Ethics, 42 (2). pp. 104-105. Andorno, Roberto. (2016) Droits de l’homme et bioéthique: une alliance naturelle. In: Annuaire international des droits de l’homme, 8. Athen, pp. 53-66. Andorno, Roberto. (2016) Tests génétiques sur des mineurs. In: Manuel francophone d’études de cas cliniques en bioéthique. Paris, pp. 130-136. Andorno, Roberto. (2016) A human rights approach to bioethics. In: Bioethical Decision Making and Argumentation. Cham, pp. 31-41. Andorno, Roberto. (2016) Is Vulnerability the Foundation of Human Rights? In: Human Dignity of the Vulnerable in the Age of Rights. Cham, pp. 257-272. Andorno, Roberto and Shaw, David and Elger, Bernice Simone. (2014) Protecting prisoners’ autonomy with advance directives : ethical dilemmas and policy issues. Medicine, health care and philosophy, Vol. 18, H. 1. pp. 33-39. Andorno, Roberto. (2013) The dual role of human dignity in bioethics. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 16 (4). pp. 967-973. Andorno, Roberto. (2012) International policy and a universal conception of human dignity. In: Human dignity in bioethics : from worldviews to the public square. New York, pp. 127-142. Gkotsi, Georgia-Martha and Cabrera, Laura and Andorno, Roberto. (2012) Assessing the impact of the neuroscientific revolution on ethics and law. Bioethica-Forum, Vol. 6, H. 1. pp. 34-35. |