
Items where contributor is "Gockel, Matthias"

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Gockel, Matthias and Holloway, John D.. (2017) God’s essential will to love: a response to Thomas Jay Oord’s Criticism of Karl Barth’s concept of divine freedom. Wesleyan Theological Journal, 52 (1). pp. 184-199.

Gockel, Matthias. (2017) [Rezension von] Helmer, Christine: Theology and the End of Doctrine. Modern Theology, 33 (3). pp. 479-482.

Gockel, Matthias. (2017) Constructive Theology, the Cross of Christ, and the Praxis of Liberation. Dialog, 56 (3). pp. 228-232.

Gockel, Matthias. (2016) How to Read Karl Barth with Charity: A Critical Reply to George Hunsinger. Modern Theology, 32 (2). pp. 259-267.

Gockel, Matthias. (2016) [Rezension von] Norwood, Donald W.: Reforming Rome. Karl Barth and Vatican II. The catholic historical review , 102 (2). pp. 422-423.

Gockel, Matthias. (2016) Redemption and Transformation: Making Sense of Richard Wagner's "Parsifal". Religion and the Arts, 20 (4). pp. 419-441.

Gockel, Matthias. (2012) Friedrich Schleiermachers Erwählungslehre und ihre Fortschreibung in der Theologie Karl Barths. Zeitschrift für neuere Theologiegeschichte, 19 (2). pp. 217-246.

Gockel, Matthias. (2009) "Be not overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good" - An Orientational Approach to Suffering and Evil. Modern Theology, 25 (1). pp. 97-105.

Gockel, Matthias. (2004) New Perspectives on an Old Debate: Friedrich Schleiermacher's Essay on Election. International Journal of Systematic Theology, 6 (3). pp. 301-318.

Gockel, Matthias. (2000) A Reformer's Dissent from Lutheranism: Reconsidering the Theology of Hans Denck. Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte, 91. pp. 127-148.

Gockel, Matthias. (2000) On the Way from Schleiermacher to Barth: A Critical Reappraisal of Isaak August Dorner's Essay on Divine Immutability. Scottish Journal of Theology, 53 (4). pp. 490-510.

Gockel, Matthias. (2000) A dubious christological formula? Leontius of Byzantium and the anhypostasis-enhypostasis theory. Journal of Theological Studies, 51 (2). pp. 515-532.


Gockel , Mathias. (2015) Barth und Schleiermacher. Zur Neubestimmung ihres Verhältnisses. Göttingen.

Gockel, Matthias. (2007) Barth and Schleiermacher on the doctrine of election : a systematic-theological comparison. Oxford.

Book Section

Gockel, Matthias. (2016) Eine "große Verwechslung"? Anfragen zu Barths Kritik an Schleiermacher. In: Karl Barth als Lehrer der Versöhnung (1950-1968) : Vertiefung - Öffnung - Hoffnung : Beiträge zum Internationalen Symposion vom 1. bis 4. Mai 2014 in der Johannes a Lasco Bibliothek Emden . Zürich, pp. 239-262.

Gockel, Matthias. (2016) [Jealousy of God:] III. Christianity. In: Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception, 13. Berlin, Boston, pp. 812-814.

Gockel, Matthias. (2016) Harmony without Identity: A Comparison of the Theology of Election in Pierre Maury and Karl Barth. In: Election, Barth, and the French Connection : How Pierre Maury Gave a “Decisive Impetus” to Karl Barth’s Doctrine of Election. Eugene, pp. 129-141.

Gockel, Matthias. (2015) Evangelisch-kritische Theologie und religionsloser Christusglaube: Hanfried Müllers Rezeption der Theologie Karl Barths. In: Abwehr – Aneignung – Instrumentalisierung : Zur Rezeption Karl Barths in der DDR. Leipzig, pp. 99-127.

Gockel, Matthias. (2015) Einführung und Überblick. In: Karl Barth und Friedrich Schleiermacher : Zur Neubestimmung ihres Verhältnisses. Göttingen, pp. 17-30.

Gockel, Matthias. (2014) On the Critical Science of Theology. In: Karl Barth in Conversation. Eugene, pp. 38-45.

Gockel, Matthias. (2013) Schleiermacher. In: The Westminster Handbook to Karl Barth. Louisville, pp. 198-200.

Gockel, Matthias. (2012) Theology after Barth: The Dogmatic Challenge. In: Dogmatics after Barth: Facing Challenges in Church, Society and the Academy. Leipzig, pp. 109-122.

Gockel, Matthias. (2010) Mediating Theology in Germany. In: Blackwell Companion to 19th Century Theology. Malden, pp. 301-318.

Gockel, Matthias and Leiner, Martin. (2008) Kritik und Versöhnung - Karl Barth und die DDR. In: Karl Barths Theologie als europäisches Ereignis. Göttingen, pp. 79-119.

Newspaper or Magazine Article

Gockel, Matthias. (12 June 2013) Linksradikaler Theologe. Karl Barth stand nicht im Dienst der DDR. Ihm ging der Sozialismus nicht weit genug. junge Welt. Beilage "Literatur", 134 . p. 6. Berlin.