Items where contributor is "Harbrecht, Helmut"
Harbrecht, Helmut and Utzinger, Manuela. (2018) On adaptive wavelet boundary element methods. Journal of Computational Mathematics, 36 (1). pp. 90-109. Dölz, Jürgen and Harbrecht, Helmut and Kurz, Stefan and Schöps, Sebastian and Wolf, Felix. (2018) A fast isogeometric BEM for the three dimensional Laplace- and Helmholtz problems. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 330. pp. 83-101. Harbrecht, Helmut and Peters, Michael D.. (2018) The second order perturbation approach for elliptic partial differential equations on random domains. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 125. pp. 159-171. Bürli, Christine and Harbrecht, Helmut and Odermatt, Peter and Sayasone, Somphou and Chitnis, Nakul. (2018) Mathematical analysis of the transmission dynamics of the liver fluke, Opisthorchis viverrini. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 439. pp. 181-194. Harbrecht, Helmut and Wendland, Wolfgang L. and Zorii, Natalia. (2018) Minimal energy problems for strongly singular Riesz kernels. Mathematical News / Mathematische Nachrichten, 291 (1). pp. 55-85. Dahlke, Stephan and Harbrecht, Helmut and Utzinger, Manuela and Weimar, Markus. (2018) Adaptive Wavelet BEM for boundary integral equations. Theory and numerical experiments. Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 39 (2). pp. 208-232. Harbrecht, Helmut and Peters, Michael and Siebenmorgen, Markus. (2017) On the quasi-Monte Carlo quadrature with Halton points for elliptic PDEs with log-normal diffusion. Mathematics of Computation, 86. pp. 771-797. Dambrine, Marc and Greff, Isabelle and Harbrecht, Helmut and Puig, Benedicte. (2017) Numerical solution of the homogeneous Neumann boundary value problem on domains with a thin layer of random thickness. Journal of Computational Physics, 330. pp. 943-959. Dölz, Jürgen and Harbrecht, Helmut and Schwab, Christoph. (2017) Covariance regularity and H-matrix approximation for rough random fields. Numerische Mathematik, 135 (4). pp. 1045-1071. Harbrecht, Helmut and Peters, Michael and Schmidlin, Marc. (2017) Uncertainty quantification for PDEs with anisotropic random diffusion. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 55 (2). pp. 1002-1023. Dölz, Jürgen and Harbrecht, Helmut and Peters, Michael. (2017) H-matrix based second moment analysis for rough random fields and finite element discretizations. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 39 (4). B618-B639. Harbrecht, Helmut and Peters, Michael. (2017) Solution of free boundary problems in the presence of geometric uncertainties. In: Topological Optimization and Optimal Transport In the Applied Sciences. Berlin-Bosten, pp. 20-39. Dambrine, Marc and Harbrecht, Helmut and Peters, Michael and Puig, Benedicte. (2017) On Bernoulli’s free boundary problem with a random boundary. International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification, 7 (4). pp. 335-353. Harbrecht, Helmut and Loos, Florian. (2016) Optimization of current carrying multicables. Computational optimization and applications, 63 (1). pp. 237-271. Harbrecht, Helmut and Peters, Michael. (2016) Combination technique based second moment analysis for elliptic PDEs on random domains. In: Sparse grids and applications - Stuttgart 2014. Switzerland, pp. 51-77. Dambrine, Marc and Greff, Isabelle and Harbrecht, Helmut and Puig, Benedicte. (2016) Numerical solution of the Poisson equation on domains with a thin layer of random thickness. SIAM journal on numerical analysis, 54 (2). pp. 921-941. Harbrecht, Helmut and Peters, Michael and Siebenmorgen, Markus. (2016) Multilevel accelerated quadrature for PDEs with log-normally distributed random coefficient. SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, 4 (1). pp. 520-551. Harbrecht, Helmut and Schneider, Reinhold. (2016) A Note on Multilevel Based Error Estimation. Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, 16 (3). pp. 447-458. Harbrecht, Helmut and Wendland, Wolfgang L. and Zorii, Natalia. (2016) Rapid Solution of Minimal Riesz Energy Problems. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 32 (6). pp. 1535-1552. Graff, Lavinia and Harbrecht, Helmut and Zimmermann, Markus. (2016) On the computation of solution spaces in high dimensions. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 54 (4). pp. 811-829. Harbrecht, Helmut and Peters, Michael and Siebenmorgen, Markus. (2016) Analysis of the domain mapping method for elliptic diffusion problems on random domains. Numerische Mathematik, 134 (4). pp. 823-856. Dölz, Jürgen and Harbrecht, Helmut and Peters, Michael. (2016) An interpolation-based fast multipole method for higher order boundary elements on parametric surfaces. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 108 (13). pp. 1705-1728. Harbrecht, Helmut. (2016) On fast boundary element methods for parametric surfaces. Oberwolfach Reports, 13 (1). pp. 355-356. Harbrecht, Helmut and Mitrou, Giannoula. (2015) Stabilization of the trial method for the Bernoulli problem in case of prescribed Dirichlet data. Mathematical methods in the applied sciences, Vol. 38, H. 13. pp. 2850-2863. Harbrecht, Helmut and Peters, Michael and Siebenmorgen, Markus. (2015) Efficient approximation of random fields for numerical applications. Numerical linear algebra with applications, Vol. 22, H. 4. pp. 596-617. Dambrine, Marc and Harbrecht, Helmut and Puig, Benedicte. (2015) Computing quantities of interest for random domains with second order shape sensitivity analysis. Mathematical modelling and numerical analysis, Vol. 49, H. 5. pp. 1285-1302. Dölz, Jürgen and Harbrecht, Helmut and Peters, Michael. (2015) H-matrix accelerated second moment analysis for potentials with rough correlation. Journal of scientific computing, Vol. 65, H. 1. pp. 387-410. Dambrine, Marc and Dapogny, Charles and Harbrecht, Helmut. (2015) Shape optimization for quadratic functionals and states with random right-hand sides. SIAM journal on control and optimization, Vol. 53, H. 5. pp. 3081-3103. Bugeanu, Monica and Harbrecht, Helmut. (2015) A second order convergent trial method for a free boundary problem in three dimensions. Interfaces and free boundaries, 17 (4). pp. 517-537. Bugeanu, Monica and Di Remigio, Roberto and Mozgawa, Krzysztof and Reine, Simen Sommerfelt and Harbrecht, Helmut and Frediani, Luca. (2015) Wavelet formulation of the polarizable continuum model. II. Use of piecewise bilinear boundary elements. Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics, 17 (47). pp. 31566-31581. Harbrecht, Helmut and Wendland, Wolfgang L. and Zorii, Natalia. (2014) Riesz minimal energy problems on Ck−1,1-manifolds. Mathematische Nachrichten, Vol. 287, H. 1. pp. 48-69. Griebel, Michael and Harbrecht, Helmut. (2014) Approximation of bi-variate functions : singular value decomposition versus sparse grids. Ima Journal of Numerical Analysis, Vol. 34, H. 1. pp. 8-54. Fender, Johannes and Graff, L. and Harbrecht, H. and Zimmermann, Markus. (2014) Identifying key parameters for design improvement in high-dimensional systems with uncertainty. Journal of mechanical design, Vol. 136, H. 4 , 041007. Alm, Daniel and Harbrecht, Helmut and Krämer, Ulf. (2014) The H2-wavelet method. Journal of computational and applied mathematics, Vol. 267. pp. 131-159. Harbrecht, Helmut. (2014) Second moment analysis for Robin boundary value problems on random domains. In: Singular Phenomena and Scaling in Mathematical Models. Cham, pp. 361-382. Griebel, Michael and Harbrecht, Helmut. (2014) On the convergence of the combination technique. In: Sparse Grids and Applications - Munich 2012. Berlin-Heidelberg, pp. 55-74. Harbrecht, Helmut and Mitrou, Giannoula. (2014) Improved trial methods for a class of generalized Bernoulli problems. Journal of mathematical analysis and applications, Vol. 420, H. 1. pp. 177-194. Leugering, G. and Benner, P. and Engell, S. and Griewank, A. and Harbrecht, H. and Hinze, M. and Rannacher, R. and Ulbrich, S., eds. (2014) Trends in PDE constrained optimization. International series of numerical mathematics, 165. Basel. Harbrecht, Helmut and Tausch, Johannes. (2014) On shape optimization with parabolic state equation. In: Trends in PDE constrained optimization. Basel, pp. 213-229. Harbrecht, Helmut and Tausch, Johannes. (2013) On the numerical solution of a shape optimization problem for the heat equation. SIAM journal on scientific computing, Vol. 35, H. 1 , A104-A121. Griebel, Michael and Harbrecht, Helmut. (2013) On the construction of sparse tensor product spaces. Mathematics of computation, Vol. 82, H. 282. pp. 975-994. Harbrecht, Helmut and Peters, Michael and Siebenmorgen, Markus. (2013) On multilevel quadrature for elliptic stochastic partial differential equations. In: Sparse grids and applications. Berlin-Heidelberg, pp. 161-179. Harbrecht, Helmut and Peters, Michael. (2013) Comparison of fast boundary element methods on parametric surfaces. Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering, Vol. 261-262. pp. 39-55. Buffa, Annalisa and Harbrecht, Helmut and Kunoth, Angela and Sangalli, Giancarlo. (2013) BPX-preconditioning for isogeometric analysis. Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering, Vol. 265 , S. 63–70. Harbrecht, Helmut and Peters, Michael and Siebenmorgen, Markus. (2013) Combination technique based k-th moment analysis of elliptic problems with random diffusion. Journal of computational physics, Vol. 252 , S. 128–141. Harbrecht, Helmut and Li, Jingzhi. (2013) First order second moment analysis for stochastic interface problems based on low-rank approximation. Mathematical modelling and numerical analysis, Vol. 47, H. 5. pp. 1533-1552. Griebel, Michael and Harbrecht, Helmut. (2013) A note on the construction of L-fold sparse tensor product spaces. Constructive approximation, Vol. 38, H. 2. pp. 235-251. Harbrecht, Helmut. (2013) Modelling and simulation of elliptic PDEs on random domains. Zürich. Harbrecht, Helmut and Peters, Michael and Schneider, Reinhold. (2012) On the low-rank approximation by the pivoted Cholesky decomposition. Applied numerical mathematics, Vol. 62, H. 4. pp. 428-440. Harbrecht, Helmut and Wendland, Wolfgang L. and Zorii, Natalia. (2012) On Riesz minimal energy problems. Journal of mathematical analysis and applications, Vol. 393, H. 2 , S. 397–412. Eppler, Karsten and Harbrecht, Helmut. (2012) Shape optimization for free boundary problems : analysis and numerics. In: Constrained Optimization and Optimal Control for Partial Differential Equations. Basel, pp. 277-288. Harbrecht, Helmut. (2012) Preconditioning of wavelet BEM by the incomplete Cholesky factorization. Computing and visualization in science, Vol. 15, H. 6 , S. 319-329. Eppler, Karsten and Harbrecht, Helmut. (2012) On a Kohn-Vogelius like formulation of free boundary problems. Computational Optimization and Applications, 52 (1). pp. 69-85. Harbrecht, Helmut. (2011) On analytical derivatives for geometry optimization in the polarizable continuum model. Journal of mathematical chemistry, Vol. 49, H. 9. pp. 1928-1936. Harbrecht, Helmut and Schwab, Christoph. (2011) Sparse tensor finite elements for elliptic multiple scale problems. Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering, Vol. 200, H. 45-46. pp. 3100-3110. Harbrecht, Helmut and Randrianarivony, Maharavo. (2011) Wavelet BEM on molecular surfaces: solvent excluded surfaces. Computing, Vol. 92, H. 4. pp. 335-364. Harbrecht, Helmut and Tausch, Johannes. (2011) An efficient numerical method for a shape-identification problem arising from the heat equation. Inverse problems, Vol. 27, H. 6 , 065013. Harbrecht, Helmut. (2011) Shape optimization for free boundary problems. |