Items where contributor is "Kee, Christopher"
Schwenzer, Ingeborg and Hachem, Pascal and Kee, Christopher. (2012) Global sales and contract law. Oxford. Schwenzer, Ingeborg and Christopher, Kee. (2011) Global sales law - Theory and practice. In: Towards uniformity : the 2nd Annual MAA Schlechtriem CISG Conference, 13 March 2010, Hong Kong : conference in honour of Peter Schlechtriem 1933-2007. The Hague, 155 - 163. Kee, Christopher. (2011) The evolving role of appointing authorities. In: International arbitration and international commercial law : synergy, convergence, and evolution. Alphen aan den Rijn, pp. 301-316. Greenberg, Simon and Kee, Christopher and Weeramantry, J. Romesh. (2011) International commercial arbitration : an Asia-Pacific perspective. Cambridge. Schwenzer, Ingeborg and Kee, Christopher. (2011) International Sales Law - The Actual Practice. Penn State international law review, 29 (3). pp. 425-447. Schwenzer, Ingeborg and Kee, Christopher. (2009) Countertrade and the CISG. Internationales Handelsrecht, 9 (6). pp. 229-236. Croft, Clyde and Kee, Christopher. (2009) Update on the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules Revision. European Journal of Law Reform, 11 (3). pp. 445-454. Kee, Christopher and Munoz Lopez, Jose Edgardo. (2009) In Defence of the CISG. Deakin Law Review, Vol. 14, H. 1. pp. 99-123. Kee, Christopher. (2009) Judicial Approaches to Arbitrator Independence and Impartiality in International Commercial Arbitration. In: Investment and commercial arbitration. Utrecht, pp. 181-197. Kee, Christopher. (2008) [Rezension von] The Principles and Practice of International Commercial Arbitration. Asia Pacific Law Review, Vol. 16, H. 2. pp. 241-242. Kee, Christopher. (2008) International Arbitration and Security for Costs : a Brief Report on Two Developments. American Review of International Arbitration, Vol. 17, iss. 2. pp. 273-280. Kee, Christopher and Opie, Elisabeth. (2008) The principle of remediation. In: Sharing international commercial law across national boundaries : Festschrift for Albert H. Kritzer on the occasion of his eightieth birthday. London, pp. 232-246. Kee, Christopher and Da Gama, Mustaqueem. (2008) The View from the Dachgeschoss. In: The Vis Book : a Participant's Guide to the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot. Huntington, NY, pp. 57-71. Barrett-White, Stephen and Kee, Christopher. (2007) Enforcement of Arbitral Awards where the Seat of Arbitration is Australia : how the Eisenwerk Decision Might Still be a Sleeping Assassin. Journal of International Arbitration, 24 (5). pp. 515-528. Kee, Christopher. (2007) Cure after date for delivery : remarks on the manner in which the UNIDROIT Principles may be used to interpret or supplement Article 48 of the CISG. In: An international approach to the interpretation of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (1980) as uniform sales law. New York, pp. 189-192. Kee, Christopher. (2007) Remedies for breach of contract where only part of the contract has been performed : comparison between provisions of the CISG )Articles 51 and 73) and counterpart provisions of the Principles of European Contract Law. In: An international approach to the interpretation of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (1980) as uniform sales law. New York, pp. 415-419. Kee, Christopher. (2007) [Rezension von] Anthony Connerty, Manual of International Dispute Resolution : Pall Mall, London, UK, Commonwealth Secretariat, 2006, 367 pp. Journal of international trade & economic development, Vol. 16, iss. 2. pp. 293-295. Kee, Christopher. (2007) The Art of Argument : a Guide to Mooting. Melbourne. Kee, Christopher and Cocks, Russell. (2006) Costs orders against solicitors. Law Institute Journal, Vol. 80, H. 8. pp. 40-43. Kee, Christopher and Feiglin, Jeremy. (2006) Legal Professional Privilege and the Foreign Lawyer in Australia. Australian Law Journal, Vol. 80, H. 2. p. 131. Kee, Christopher. (2006) Australian conditions imposed in stay of foerign arbitration matter. Law Society journal, Vol. 44, Nr. 7. pp. 68-69. Kee, Christopher. (2005) Set-off in International Arbtiration : what can the Asian region learn? Asian International Arbitration Journal, 1 (2). pp. 141-160. Greenberg, Simon and Kee, Christopher. (2005) Can you seek security for costs in international arbitration in Australia? Australian Bar Review, Vol. 26. pp. 89-101. Kee, Christopher. (2001) A Practical Guide to International Commercial Arbitration (Book Review). The Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration, 5. Kee, Christopher and Schulte, Philip. (2001) The Challenging World of Arbitration (Conference Review). The Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration, 5. |