Items where contributor is "Kuhn, Nikolaus J."
NoFister, W. and Heckrath, G. and Greenwood, P. and Kuhn, N. J.. (2013) Erodibility of biochar from a sandy soil in Denmark. In: Extended abstracts : UNCCD 2nd Scientific Conference. UNCCD, pp. 249-253. Greenwood, P. and Fister, W. and Kinnell, P. I. A. and Rüegg, H. -R. and Kuhn, N. J.. (2013) Developing and testing a precision erosion measurement facility for elucidating mobilization mechanisms in shallow-flow conditions. In: Desertification and land degradation : processes and mitigation. [Ghent], pp. 105-111. Kuhn, Nikolaus J. and Fister, Wolfgang. (2010) Einbeziehung der Abfolge von Niederschlag und Austrocknung in die Bestimmung der Bodenerodibilität. Regio Basiliensis, 51 (2). pp. 113-119. Kuhn, Nikolaus J. and Beising, Edith. (2009) Umweltwandel und Naturgefahren - Landschaftssystemanalyse in Forschung und Anwendung. YesHunziker, Matthias and Caviezel, Chatrina and Kuhn, Nikolaus J.. (2017) Shrub encroachment by green alder on subalpine pastures: Changes in mineral soil organic carbon characteristics. CATENA, 157. pp. 35-46. Caviezel, Chatrina and Hunziker, Matthias and Kuhn, Nikolaus J.. (2017) Green alder encroachment in the European Alps: The need for analyzing the spread of a native-invasive species across spatial data. CATENA, 159. pp. 149-158. Ali, Seid and Kuhn, Nikolaus J.. (2016) The role of pastoralism in regulating ecosystem services. Scientific and Technical Review, 3 (2). pp. 435-444. Hu, Yaxian and Fister, Wolfgang and Kuhn, Nikolaus J.. (2016) Inherent interreplicate variability during small-scale rainfall simulations. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 16 (6). pp. 1809-1814. Hu, Yaxian and Kuhn, Nikolaus J.. (2016) Erosion-induced exposure of SOC to mineralization in aggregated sediment. CATENA. pp. 517-525. Wingate, V. and Phinn, S. R. and Kuhn, N. J. and Bloemertz, L. and Dhanjal-Adams, K. L.. (2016) Mapping Decadal Land Cover Changes in the Woodlands of North Eastern Namibia from 1975 to 2014 Using the Landsat Satellite Archived Data. Remote Sensing, 8 (8). p. 681. Kuhn, Nikolaus J. and Greenwood, Philip and Fister, Wolfgang. (2015) Use of Field Experiments in Soil Erosion Research. In: Geomorphological Fieldwork. Amsterdam, pp. 175-200. Xiao, Liangang and Hu, Yaxian and Greenwood, Philip and Kuhn, Nikolaus J.. (2015) The use of a raindrop aggregate destruction device to evaluate sediment and soil organic carbon transport. Geographica Helvetica, 70 (2). pp. 167-174. Hoffmann, Ulrike and Hoffmann, Thomas and Johnson, Ed and Kuhn, Nikolaus. (2014) Assessment of variability and uncertainty of soil organic carbon in a mountainous boreal forest (Canadian Rocky Mountains, Alberta). Catena, Vol. 113 , S. 107–121. Greenwood, P. and Kuhn, N. J.. (2014) Does the invasive plant, Impatiens glandulifera, promote soil erosion along the riparian zone? : An investigation on a small watercourse in northwest Switzerland. Journal of soils and sediments, Vol. 14, H. 3. pp. 637-650. Caviezel, Chatrina and Hunziker, Matthias and Schaffner, Martin and Kuhn, Nikolaus J.. (2014) Soil–vegetation interaction on slopes with bush encroachment in the central Alps – adapting slope stability measurements to shifting process domains. Earth surface processes and landforms, Vol. 39, H. 4 , S. 509–521. Hunziker, Matthias and Sigurdsson, Bjarni D. and Halldorsson, Gudmundur and Schwanghart, Wolfgang and Kuhn, Nikolaus. (2014) Biomass allometries and coarse root biomass distribution of mountain birch in southern Iceland. Icelandic agricultural sciences, Vol. 27. pp. 111-125. Hu, Yaxian and Kuhn, Nikolaus. (2014) Aggregates reduce transport distance of soil organic carbon: are our balances correct? Biogeosciences, Vol. 11. pp. 6209-6219. Greenwood, P. and Kuhn, Nikolaus. (2014) Earth Surface Exchanges (ESEX) Commentary on 'Plants as river system engineers'by A. Gurnell. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 39: 4-25, 2014. DOI 10,1002/esp.3397. Earth surface processes and landforms, Vol. 40. pp. 131-134. Kuhn, Nikolaus J. and Greenwood, Philip and Fister, Wolfgang. (2014) Use of Field Experiments in Soil Erosion Research. In: Geomorphological Fieldwork. Amsterdam, pp. 175-200. Iserloh., T. and Fister, W. and Marzen, M. and Seeger, M. and Kuhn, N. J. and Ries, J. B.. (2013) The role of wind-driven rain for soil erosion – an experimental approach. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie. Supplementbände. Neue Folge, 57 (1). pp. 193-201. Iserloh, T. and Ries, J. B. and Cerdá, A. and Echeverría, M. T. and Fister, W. and Geißler, C. and Kuhn, N. J. and León, F. J. and Peters, P. and Schindewolf, M. and Schmidt, J. and Scholten, T. and Seeger, M.. (2013) Comparative measurements with seven rainfall simulators on uniform bare fallow land. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie. Supplementbände. Neue Folge, 57 (1). pp. 11-26. Yair, Aaron and Bryan, Rorke B. and Lavee, Hanoch and Schwanghart, Wolfgang and Kuhn, Nikolaus J.. (2013) The resilience of a badland area to climate change in an arid environment. Catena, Vol. 106. pp. 12-21. Hikel, Harald and Yair, Aaron and Schwanghart, Wolfgang and Hoffmann, Ulrike and Straehl, Sarah and Kuhn, Nikolaus J.. (2013) Experimental investigation of soil ecohydrology on rocky desert slopes in the Negev Highlands, Israel. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie. Supplementbände. Neue Folge, Vol. 57, no. 1. pp. 39-58. Hu, Yaxian and Fister, Wolfgang and Kuhn, Nikolaus J.. (2013) Temporal variation of SOC enrichment from interrill erosion over prolonged rainfall simulations. Agriculture, Vol. 3, no. 4. pp. 726-740. Hu, Y. and Fister, W. and Rüegg, H. -P. and Kinnell, P. I. A. and Kuhn, N. J.. (2013) Section 1.1.1: The use of equivalent quarz size and settling tube apparatus to fractionate soil aggregates by settling velocity. In: Geomorphological Techniques, 1, section 1.1., 9 S.. London. Yao, Y. and Zhang, E. and Kuhn, N. J. and Jones, R. and Langdon, P. and Shen, J. and Greenwood, P.. (2013) Sediment provenence in the Shudu lake basin, northwest Yunnan province, China, as revealed by composite fingerprinting. Die Erde, Vol. 144, H. 1. pp. 17-29. Anderson, K. and Croft, H. and Milton, E. J. and Kuhn, N. J.. (2012) A simple spectro-goniometer for collection of multiple view angle reflectance factors. Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 3, H. 2. pp. 131-140. Kuhn, N. J. and Armstrong, E. K. and Ling, A. C. and Connolly, K. L. and Heckrath, G.. (2012) Interrill erosion of carbon and phosphorus from conventionally and organically farmed Devon silt soils. Catena, Vol. 91. pp. 94-104. Hoffmann, Ulrike and Yair, Aaron and Hikel, Harald and Kuhn, Nikolaus J.. (2012) Soil organic carbon in the rocky desert of northern Negev (Israel). Journal of soils and sediments, Vol. 12, H. 6. pp. 811-825. Caviezel, Chatrina and Kuhn, Nikolaus J.. (2012) Causes of Temporal Variations in Mass Wasting Occurrence in the Ursern Valley, Switzerland. Geoöko, Vol. 33, H. 1-2. pp. 89-109. Kuhn, Nikolaus J. and Armstrong, Elizabeth K.. (2012) Erosion of organic matter from sandy soils : solving the mass balance. Catena, Vol. 98. pp. 87-95. Kuhn, NJ. and Schütt, B. and Baumhauer, R.. (2011) Managing the impact of Climate Change on the Hydrology of the Gallocanta Basin, NE-Spain. Journal of environmental management, Vol. 92. pp. 275-283. Schwanghart, W. and Kuhn, N. J.. (2010) TopoToolbox : a set of Matlab functions for topographic analysis. Environmental modelling and software, Vol. 25. pp. 770-781. Kuhn, Nikolaus J.. (2010) Erosion and climate. Nature Geoscience, Vol. 3. p. 738. Caviezel, Chatrina and Kuhn, Nikolaus J. and Meusburger, Katrin. (2010) Applicability of Alp Inspection Reports for the Reconstruction of Land-Use and Mass Wasting History in the Ursern Valley, Switzerland. Die Erde, Vol. 141, H. 4. pp. 301-319. Kuhn, Nikolaus J.. (2010) Rainfall Simulation Experiments on Crusting and Interrill Sediment Organic Matter Content on a Silt Loam from Devon. Die Erde, Vol. 141, H. 4. pp. 283-300. Bai, YH. and He, J. and Li, HW. and Wang, Q. J. and Chen, H. and Kuhn, N. J. and Hikel, H. and Chen, F. and Gong, Y. S.. (2010) Soil structure and crop performance after 10 years of controlled traffic and traditional tillage cropping in the dryland Loess Plateau in China. Soil science, Vol. 174, H. 2. pp. 113-119. Kuhn, N. J. and Hoffmann, T. and Schwanghart, W. and Dotterweich, M.. (2009) Agricultural soil erosion and global carbon cycle : controversy over? Earth surface processes and landforms, Vol. 34. pp. 1033-1038. Schwanghart, W. and Frechen, M. and Kuhn, N. J. and Schütt, B.. (2009) Holocene environmental changes in the Ugii Nuur basin, Mongolia. Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology, Vol. 279, issues 3-4. pp. 160-171. Croft, H. and Anderson, K. and Kuhn, N. J.. (2009) Characterising soil surface roughness using a combined structural and spectral approach. European journal of soil science, Vol. 60, H. 3. pp. 431-442. Schwanghart, W. and Beck, J. and Kuhn, N. J.. (2008) Measuring population densities in a heterogeneous world. Global ecology and biogeography, Vol. 17. pp. 566-568. Pilditch, C. A. and Widdows, J. and Kuhn, N. J. and Pope, N. D. and Brinsley, M. D.. (2008) Effects of low tide rainfall on the erodibility of intertidal cohesive sediments. Continental shelf research, Vol. 28, H. 14. pp. 1854-1865. Wang, Xiaoyan and Gao, Huanwen and Tullberg, J. N. and Li, Hongwen and Kuhn, Nikolaus and Mchugh, A. D. and Li, Yuxia. (2008) Traffic and tillage effects on runoff and soil loss on the Loess Plateau of northern China. Australian journal of soil research, Vol. 46, H. 8. pp. 667-675. Qingjie Wang, Yuhua Bai and Huanwen Gao, Jin He and Hao Chen, Chesney and R. C., Kuhn and N. J., Hongwen Li. (2008) Soil chemical properties and microbial biomass after 16 years of no-tillage farming on the Loess Plateau, China. Geoderma, Vol. 144, H. 3-4. pp. 502-508. Anderson, K. and Kuhn, Nikolaus J.. (2008) Variations in soil structure and reflectance during a controlled crusting experiment. International journal of remote sensing, Vol. 29, H. 12. pp. 3457-3475. He, J. and Li, H. and Wang, X. and McHugh, A. D. and Li, W. and Gao, H. and Kuhn, N. J.. (2007) The adoption of annual subsoiling as conservation tillage in dryland maize and wheat cultivation in northern China. Soil and tillage research, Vol. 94, H. 2. pp. 493-502. He, J. and Kuhn, N. J. and Li, H. and Zhang, X. and Li, W.. (2007) Soil loosening on permanent raised-beds in arid northwest China. Soil and tillage research, Vol. 97, H. 2. pp. 172-183. |