Items where contributor is "Lanz, David"
Lanz, David. (2015) African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID). In: Oxford Handbook of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations. Oxford, pp. 779-790. Lanz, David. (2014) The perils of peacekeeping as a tool of RtoP : the case of Darfur. In: Peacekeeping in Africa. The evolving security architecture. London, pp. 208-225. Gabrielsen Jumbert, Maria and Lanz, David. (2013) Globalised Rebellion: The Darfur insurgents and the world. The Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 51, H. 2. pp. 193-217. Lanz, David and Mason, Simon. (2012) Switzerland’s Experiences in Peace Mediation. In: Global Networks of Mediation: Prospects and Avenues for Finland as a Peacemaker. Helsinki, pp. 73-78. Lanz, David. (2011) Who Gets a Seat at the Table? A Framework for Understanding the Dynamics of Inclusion and Exclusion in Peace Negotiations. International Negotiation, 16 (2). pp. 275-295. Lanz, David. (2011) Why Darfur? The Responsibility to Protect as a Rallying Cry for Transnational Advocacy Groups. Global Responsibility to Protect , 3 (2). pp. 223-247. Lanz, David. (2010) Electing the Future of Sudan. Lanz, David. (2010) Warum macht die Schweiz Frieden in der Welt? Lanz, David. (2009) Save Darfur : a movement and its discontents. African Affairs, Vol. 108, H. 433. pp. 669-677. Mason, Simon and Lanz, David. (2009) Mehrwert oder Leerlauf? : der "Whole of Government"-Ansatz der Schweiz in Sudan. In: Bulletin 2009 zur schweizerischen Sicherheitspolitik, 2009. Zürich, pp. 57-82. Lanz, David. (2009) Vom linken Projekt zur gängigen Praxis : viele Methoden der zivilen Friedensförderung sind heute weithin akzeptiert. Lanz, David. (2009) Gerechtigkeit oder Frieden. Giroux, Jennifer and Lanz, David and Sguaitamatti, Damiano. (2009) The Tormented triangle: The regionalisation of conflict in Sudan, Chad and the Central African Republic. [S.l.]. Lanz, David. (2009) Of lions and mice in Darfur : [Rezension von] The scramble for Africa: Darfur-intervention and the USA, von Steven Fake and Kevin Funk : 2009. Lanz, David. (2008) Subversion or reinvention? : dilemmas and debates in the context of UNHCR's increasing involvement with IDPs. Journal of refugee studies, Vol. 21, H. 2. pp. 192-209. Lanz, David. (2008) Involving IDPs in the Darfur peace process. Forced Migration Review, 30. pp. 71-72. Lanz, David. (2008) Complicating Darfur : review of de Waal, Alex (ed.) 2007: War in Darfur and the Search for Peace. The Fletcher forum of world affairs, 32 (1). pp. 213-219. Lanz, David. (2008) Northern Uganda, Juba Talks. In: Unpacking the Mystery of Mediation in African Peace Processes. Zürich, pp. 60-65. Lanz, David. (2008) Sudan/Darfur, Abuja Negotiations and the DPA. In: Unpacking the Mystery of Mediation in African Peace Processes. Zürich, pp. 78-84. Lanz, David. (2008) Conflict management and opportunity cost: the international response to the Darfur crisis. |