Items where contributor is "Marinello, Carlo P."
Jump to: Article ArticleBühler, Nico M. and Teubner, Eckart and Marinello, Carlo P.. (2011) [Zirconia in removable prosthodontics. A case report]. Schweizer Monatsschrift für Zahnmedizin, Vol. 121, H. 7-8. pp. 659-678. Bühler-Frey, Christian and Marinello, Carlo P.. (2011) [How up-to-date are metal-based resin-bonded fixed partial dentures in the era of full-ceramics and dental implants? A case report]. Schweizer Monatsschrift für Zahnmedizin, Vol. 121, H. 7-8. pp. 681-704. Galindo, Martha L. and Sendi, Pedram and Marinello, Carlo P.. (2011) Estimating long-term survival of densely sintered alumina crowns : a cohort study over 10 years. Journal of prosthetic dentistry, Vol. 106, H. 1. pp. 23-28. Teubner, Eckart and Galindo, Martha L. and Arnold, Dario and Marinello, Carlo P.. (2009) [Low-cost simple anchorage systems in the removable hybrid prosthesis. Locator Root Attachment and Würzburg post]. Schweizerische Monatsschrift für Zahnmedizin = Revue mensuelle suisse d'odonto-stomatologie = Rivista mensile svizzera di odontologia e stomatologia, Vol. 119. pp. 593-610. Teubner, Eckart and Rohner, Dennis and Deak, Alexander and Lorenzon, Andreas and Marinello, Carlo P.. (2009) [Navigated implant placement using a bone supported CT-guided surgical template. Case report]. Schweizerische Monatsschrift für Zahnmedizin = Revue mensuelle suisse d'odonto-stomatologie = Rivista mensile svizzera di odontologia e stomatologia, Vol. 119. pp. 1211-1234. Teubner, Eckart and Rohner, Dennis and Hammer, Beat and Pietrobon, Nic and Lorenzon, Andreas and Marinello, Carlo P.. (2009) [The interdisciplinary fixed restoration of an edentulous maxilla with a pronounced resorption of the alveolar crest. A case report. Part I: The immediate reconstruction]. Schweizerische Monatsschrift für Zahnmedizin = Revue mensuelle suisse d'odonto-stomatologie = Rivista mensile svizzera di odontologia e stomatologia, Vol. 119. pp. 351-374. Büttel, Adrian E. and Bühler, Nico M. and Marinello, Carlo P.. (2009) [Locator or ball attachment : a guide for clinical decision making]. Schweizerische Monatsschrift für Zahnmedizin = Revue mensuelle suisse d'odonto-stomatologie = Rivista mensile svizzera di odontologia e stomatologia, Vol. 119. pp. 901-918. Teubner, Eckart and Pietrobon, Nic and Lorenzon, Andreas and Marinello, Carlo P.. (2009) [The interdisciplinary fixed restoration of an edentulous maxilla with a marked resorption of the alveolar crest. A case report. Part II: the definitive restoration]. Schweizerische Monatsschrift für Zahnmedizin = Revue mensuelle suisse d'odonto-stomatologie = Rivista mensile svizzera di odontologia e stomatologia, Vol. 119. pp. 467-482. Büttel, A. E. and Schmidli, F. and Marinello, C. P. and Lüthy, H.. (2008) [First clinical experiences with ceramic ball attachments for overdentures]. Schweizer Monatsschrift für Zahnmedizin, Vol. 118, H. 1. pp. 27-35. |