Items where contributor is "Mohler, Lukas"
ArticleLewrick, Ulf and Mohler, Lukas and Weder, Rolf. (2016) Trade in Variety and Domestic Production: Evidence from US Manufacturing. Canadian Journal of Economics, 49 (4). pp. 1631-1657. Mohler, Lukas. (2014) Variety Gains and the Extensive Margin of Trade. International economic journal, 28 (4). pp. 543-558. Mohler, Lukas and Seitz, Michael. (2012) The gains from variety in the European Union. Review of world economics, 148 , H. 3. pp. 475-500. Mohler, Lukas. (2011) Variety gains from trade in Switzerland. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik, Vol. 147. pp. 45-70. Working PaperLewrick, Ulf and Mohler, Lukas and Weder, Rolf. (2012) Do firms or industries matter for productivity growth? : An Analysis of swiss manufacturing. Leuwen. Mohler, Lukas. (2009) Globalization and the Gains from Variety : the Case of a Small Open Economy. [Österreich]. OtherMohler, Lukas and Deininger, Sebastian and Müller, Daniel. (2016) Energy Elasticities and the Rebound Effect: A Comprehensive Empirical Analysis. Bern. |