Items where contributor is "Pignatari, Marco"
Mishenina, T. and Gorbaneva, T. and Pignatari, M. and Thielemann, F.-K. and Korotin, S. A.. (2015) Mn abundances in the stars of the Galactic disc with metallicities −1.0 < [Fe/H] < 0.3. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 454 (2). pp. 1585-1594. Wehmeyer, B. and Pignatari, M. and Thielemann, F. -K.. (2015) Galactic evolution of rapid neutron capture process abundances: the inhomogeneous approach. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 452 (2). pp. 1970-1981. Lederer, C. and Massimi, C. and Berthoumieux, E. and Colonna, N. and Dressler, R. and Guerrero, C. and Gunsing, F. and Käppeler, F. and Kivel, N. and Pignatari, M. and Reifarth, R. and Schumann, D. and Wallner, A. and Altstadt, S. and Andriamonje, S. and Andrzejewski, J. and Audouin, L. and Barbagallo, M. and Bécares, V. and Bev cváv r, F. and Belloni, F. and Berthier, B. and Billowes, J. and Boccone, V. and Bosnar, D. and Brugger, M. and Calviani, M. and Calviño, F. and Cano-Ott, D. and Carrapic co, C. and Cerutti, F. and Chiaveri, E. and Chin, M. and Cortés, G. and Cortés-Giraldo, M. A. and Dillmann, I. and Domingo-Pardo, C. and Duran, I. and Dzysiuk, N. and Eleftheriadis, C. and Fernández-Ordóñez, M. and Ferrari, A. and Fraval, K. and Ganesan, S. and Garc`ia, A. R. and Giubrone, G. and Gómez-Hornillos, M. B. and Gonc calves, I. F. and González-Romero, E. and Gramegna, F. and Griesmayer, E. and Gurusamy, P. and Harrisopulos, S. and Heil, M. and Ioannides, K. and Jenkins, D. G. and Jericha, E. and Kadi, Y. and Karadimos, D. and Korschinek, G. and Krtiv cka, M. and Kroll, J. and Langer, C. and Lebbos, E. and Leeb, H. and Leong, L. S. and Losito, R. and Lozano, M. and Manousos, A. and Marganiec, J. and Marrone, S. and Martinez, T. and Mastinu, P. F. and Mastromarco, M. and Meaze, M. and Mendoza, E. and Mengoni, A. and Milazzo, P. M. and Mingrone, F. and Mirea, M. and Mondalaers, W. and Paradela, C. and Pavlik, A. and Perkowski, J. and Plag, R. and Plompen, A. and Praena, J. and Quesada, J. M. and Rauscher, T. and Riego, A. and Roman, F. and Rubbia, C. and Sarmento, R. and Schillebeeckx, P. and Schmidt, S. and Tagliente, G. and Tain, J. L. and Tarr`io, D. and Tassan-Got, L. and Tsinganis, A. and Tlustos, L. and Valenta, S. and Vannini, G. and Variale, V. and Vaz, P. and Ventura, A. and Vermeulen, M. J. and Versaci, R. and Vlachoudis, V. and Vlastou, R. and Ware, T. and Weigand, M. and Weiß, C. and Wright, T. J. and v Zugec, P.. (2015) Erratum: Ni 62 ( n , γ ) and Ni 63 ( n , γ ) cross sections measured at the n_TOF facility at CERN [Phys. Rev. C 89 , 025810 (2014)]. Physical Review C (PRC), 92 (1). 019903. Pignatari, M. and Zinner, E. and Hoppe, P. and Jordan, C. J. and Gibson, B. K. and Trappitsch, R. and Herwig, F. and Fryer, C. and Hirschi, R. and Timmes, F. X.. (2015) Carbon-rich presolar grains from massive stars. Subsolar 12C/13C and 14N/15N ratios and the mystery of 15N. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 808 (2). L43. Bucher, B. and Tang, X. D. and Fang, X. and Heger, A. and Almaraz-Calderon, S. and Alongi, A. and Ayangeakaa, A. D. and Beard, M. and Best, A. and Browne, J. and Cahillane, C. and Couder, M. and deBoer, R. J. and Kontos, A. and Lamm, L. and Li, Y. J. and Long, A. and Lu, W. and Lyons, S. and Notani, M. and Patel, D. and Paul, N. and Pignatari, M. and Roberts, A. and Robertson, D. and Smith, K. and Stech, E. and Talwar, R. and Tan, W. P. and Wiescher, M. and Woosley, S. E.. (2015) First Direct Measurement of (12)C((12)C,n)(23)Mg at Stellar Energies. Physical review letters, 114 (25). p. 251102. Jones, S. and Hirschi, R. and Pignatari, M. and Heger, A. and Georgy, C. and Nishimura, N. and Fryer, C. and Herwig, F.. (2015) Code dependencies of pre-supernova evolution and nucleosynthesis in massive stars: Evolution to the end of core helium burning. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 447 (4). pp. 3115-3129. Mishenina, T. and Pignatari, M. and Carraro, G. and Kovtyukh, V. and Monaco, L. and Korotin, S. and Shereta, E. and Yegorova, I. and Herwig, F.. (2015) New insights on Ba overabundance in open clusters. Evidence for the intermediate neutron-capture process at play? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS), 446 (4). pp. 3651-3668. Heil, M. and Plag, R. and Uberseder, E. and Gallino, R. and Bisterzo, S. and Juseviciute, A. and Kaeppeler, F. and Lederer, C. and Mengoni, A. and Pignatari, M.. (2014) Stellar neutron capture cross sections of Ne-20,Ne-21,Ne-22. Physical review. C, Nuclear physics, Vol. 90, H. 4 , 045804. Barbuy, B. and Chiappini, C. and Cantelli, E. and Depagne, E. and Pignatari, M. and Hirschi, R. and Cescutti, G. and Ortolani, S. and Hill, V. and Zoccali, M. and Minniti, D. and Trevisan, M. and Bica, E. and Gomez, A.. (2014) High-resolution abundance analysis of red giants in the globular cluster NGC 6522. Astronomy & astrophysics, Vol. 570 , A76. Hoppe, P. and Pignatari, M. and Fujiya, W. and Zinner, E.. (2014) PRESOLAR SIC TYPE C GRAIN M7-D: ISOTOPIC FINGERPRINTS FROM EXPLOSIVE HE-BURNING. Meteoritics & planetary science, Vol. 49. p. 172. Denissenkov, P. A. and Truran, J. W. and Pignatari, M. and Trappitsch, R. and Ritter, C. and Herwig, F. and Battino, U. and Setoodehnia, K. and Paxton, B.. (2014) MESA and NuGrid simulations of classical novae : CO and ONe nova. Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 442, H. 3. pp. 2058-2074. Praena, J. and Mastinu, P. F. and Pignatari, M. and Quesada, J. M. and Capote, R. and Morilla, Y.. (2014) Measurement of the MACS of Tb-159(n,gamma) at kT=30 keV by Activation. Nuclear data sheets, Vol. 120, special issue. pp. 205-207. Liu, Nan and Savina, Michael R. and Davis, Andrew M. and Gallino, Roberto and Straniero, Oscar and Gyngard, Frank and Pellin, Michael J. and Willingham, David G. and Dauphas, Nicolas and Pignatari, Marco and Bisterzo, Sara and Cristallo, Sergio and Herwig, Falk. (2014) BARIUM ISOTOPIC COMPOSITION OF MAINSTREAM SILICON CARBIDES FROM MURCHISON: CONSTRAINTS FOR s-PROCESS NUCLEOSYNTHESIS IN ASYMPTOTIC GIANT BRANCH STARS. The astrophysical journal. Part 1, Vol. 786, H. 1 , 66. Yong, David and Brito, Alan Alves and Da Costa, Gary S. and Alonso-Garcia, Javier and Karakas, Amanda I. and Pignatari, Marco and Roederer, Ian U. and Aoki, Wako and Fishlock, Cherie K. and Grundahl, Frank and Norris, John E.. (2014) Chemical abundances in bright giants of the globular cluster M62 (NGC 6266)(star). Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 439, H. 3. pp. 2638-2650. Lederer, C. and Massimi, C. and Berthoumieux, E. and Colonna, N. and Dressler, R. and Guerrero, C. and Gunsing, F. and Kaeppeler, F. and Kivel, N. and Pignatari, M. and Reifarth, R. and Schumann, D. and Wallner, A. and [et al.], . (2014) Ni-62(n,γ) and Ni-63(n,γ) cross sections measured at the n_TOF facility at CERN. Physical review. C, Nuclear physics, Vol. 89, H. 2 , 025810. Zugec, P. and Pignatari, and M. . ., Rauscher and [et al.], . (2014) Experimental neutron capture data of Ni-58 from the CERN n_TOF facility. Physical review. C, Nuclear physics, Vol. 89, H. 1 , 014605. Nishimura, N. and Hirschi, R. and Pignatari, M. and Herwig, F. and Beard, M. and Imbriani, G. and Goerres, J. and deBoer, R. J. and Wiescher, M.. (2014) Impact of the uncertainty in alpha-captures on Ne-22 on the weak s-process in massive stars. The 12th International Symposium on Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies (OMEG), Vol. 1594. pp. 146-151. Lederer, C. and Pignatari, M. and Rauscher, T. and [et al.], . (2014) Neutron Capture Reactions on Fe and Ni Isotopes for the Astrophysical s-process. Nuclear data sheets, Vol. 120, special issue. pp. 201-204. Pignatari, M. and Hirschi, R. and Wiescher, M. and Gallino, R. and Bennett, M. and Beard, M. and Fryer, C. and Herwig, F. and Rockefeller, G. and Timmes, F. X.. (2013) The 12C + 12C Reaction and the Impact on Nucleosynthesis in Massive Stars. The astrophysical journal. Part 1, Vol. 762. p. 31. D'Orazi, V. and Campbell, S. W. and Lugaro, M. and Lattanzio, J. C. and Pignatari, M. and Carretta, E.. (2013) On the internal pollution mechanisms in the globular cluster NGC 6121 (M4) : heavy-element abundances and AGB models. Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 433. p. 366. Best, A. and [et al.], . (2013) Measurement of the reaction 17O(,n)20Ne and its impact on the s process in massive stars. Physical review. C, Nuclear physics, Vol. 87, H. 4 , 045805. Jadhav, M. and Pignatari, M. and Herwig, F. and Zinner, E. and Gallino, R. and Huss, G. R.. (2013) Relics of ancient post-AGB stars in a primitive meteorite. The astrophysical journal. Part 2, Letters, Vol. 777, H. 2. p. 27. Menon, A. and Herwig, F. and Denissenkov, P. A. and Clayton, G. C. and Sta?, J. and Pignatari, M. and Paxton, B.. (2013) Repro- ducing the observed abundances in RCB and HdC stars with post-double degenerate merger models - constraints on merger and post-merger simulations and physics processes. The astrophysical journal. Part 1, Vol. 772, H. 1. p. 59. Praena, J. and Mastinu, P. F. and Pignatari, M. and Quesada, J. M. and Garcia-Lopez, J. and Lozano, M. and Dzysiuk, N. and Capote, R. and Martin-Hernandez, G.. (2013) Measurement of the MACS of Ta181(n,g) at kT=30 keV as a test of a method for Maxwellian neutron spectra generation. Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, Vol. 727. pp. 1-6. Pignatari, M. and Herwig, F.. (2013) The NuGrid research platform : a comprehensive simulation approach for nuclear astrophysics. Nuclear physics news, Vol. 22, H. 4. p. 18. Lederer, C. and [et al.], . (2013) Neutron Capture Cross Section of Unstable Ni63 : Implications for Stellar Nucle- osynthesis. Physical review letters, Vol. 110, H. 2 , id. 022501. Fujiya, W. and Hoppe, P. and Zinner, E. and Pignatari, M. and Herwig, F.. (2013) Evidence for Radiogenic Sulfur-32 in Type AB Presolar Silicon Carbide Grains? The astrophysical journal. Part 2, Letters, 776 (2). p. 6. Pignatari, M. and Wiescher, M. and Timmes, F. X. and de Boer, R. J. and Fryer, C. and Heger, A. and Herwig, F. and Hirschi, R.. (2013) Production of carbon-rich presolar grains from massive stars. The astrophysical journal. Part 2, Letters, Vol. 767, H. 2. p. 22. Mishenina, T. V. and Pignatari, M. and Korotin, S. A. and Soubiran, C. and Charbonnel, C. and Thielemann, F. -K. and Gorbaneva, T. I. and Basak, N. Yu.. (2013) Abundances of neutron-capture elements in stars of the galactic disk substructures. Astronomy & astrophysics, Vol. 552. p. 128. Pignatari, M. and Zinner, E. and Bertolli, M. G. and Trappitsch, R. and Hoppe, P. and Rauscher, T. and Fryer, C. and Herwig, F. and Hirschi, R. and Timmes, F. X. and Thielemann, F. -K.. (2013) Silicon Carbide Grains of Type C Provide Evidence for the Production of the Unstable Isotope 32Si in Supernovae. The astrophysical journal. Part 2, Letters, Vol. 771, H. 1. p. 7. Staff, J. E. and Menon, A. and Herwig, F. and [et al.], . (2012) Do R Coronae Borealis Stars Form from Double White Dwarf Mergers? The astrophysical journal. Part 1, Vol. 757. p. 76. Bennett, M. E. and Hirschi, R. and Pignatari, M. and Diehl, S. and Fryer, C. and Herwig, F. and Hungerford, A. and Nomoto, K. and Rockefeller, G. and Timmes, F. X. and Wiescher, M.. (2012) The effect of 12C +12C rate uncertainties on the evolution and nucleosynthesis of massive stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 420, H. 4, S. 3047–3070. Dressler, R. and Ayranov, M. and Bemmerer, D. and [et al.], . (2012) 44Ti, 26Al and 53Mn samples for nuclear astrophysics : the needs, the possibilities and the sources. Journal of physics. G, Nuclear physics, Vol. 39 , 105201. |