Items where contributor is "Rudmann-Maurer, Katrin"
Fischer, M. and Weyand, A. and Rudmann-Maurer, K. and Stöcklin, J.. (2012) Omnipresence of leaf herbivory by invertebrates and leaf infections by fungal pathogens in agriculturally used grassland of the Swiss Alps, but low plant damage. Alpine Botany, 122 (2). pp. 95-107. Fischer, Markus and Weyand, Anne and Rudmann-Maurer, Katrin and Stöcklin, Jürg. (2011) Adaptation of Poa alpina to altitude and land use in the Swiss Alps. Alpine Botany, 121. pp. 91-105. Spehn, Eva M. and Rudmann-Maurer, Katrin and Körner, Christian. (2011) Mountain Biodiversity. Plant ecology & diversity, Vol. 4, H. 4. pp. 301-302. Spehn, Eva M. and Rudmann-Maurer, Katrin and Körner, Christian, eds. (2011) Mountain Biodiversity. Plant ecology & diversity, Vol. 4, H. 4 (2011). Abingdon. Landolt, Elias and Bäumler, Beat and Erhardt, Andreas and Hegg, Otto and Klötzli, Frank and Lämmler, Walter and Nobis, Michael and Rudmann-Maurer, Katrin and Schweingruber, Fritz and Theurillat, Jean-Paul and Urmi, Edwin and Vust, Mathias and Wohlgemuth, Thomas. (2010) Flora indicativa = Ecological inicator values and biological attributes of the flora of Switzerland and the Alps : ökologische Zeigerwerte und biologische Kennzeichen zur Flora der Schweiz und der Alpen. Bern. Spehn, Eva M. and Rudmann-Maurer, Katrin and Körner, Christian and Maselli, D., eds. (2010) Mountain biodiversity and global change. Basel. Rudmann-Maurer, Katrin and Weyand, Anne and Fischer, Markus and Stöcklin, Jürg. (2008) The role of landuse and natural determinants for grassland vegetation composition in the Swiss Alps. Basic and Applied Ecology, 9 (5). pp. 494-503. Fischer, Markus and Rudmann-Maurer, Katrin and Weyand, Anne and Stöcklin, Jürg. (2008) Agricultural land use and biodiversity in the Alps : how cultural tradition and socioeconomically motivated changes are shaping grassland biodiversity in the Swiss Alps. Mountain Research and Development, 28 (2). pp. 148-155. Rudmann-Maurer, Katrin and Weyand, Anne and Fischer, Markus and Stöcklin, Jürg. (2007) Microsatellite diversity of the agriculturally important alpine grass Poa alpina in relation to land use and natural environment. Annals of Botany, 100 (6). pp. 1249-1258. Stöcklin, Jürg and Bosshard, A. and Klaus, G. and Rudmann-Maurer, Katrin and Fischer, M.. (2007) Landnutzung und biologische Vielfalt in den Alpen : Fakten, Perspektiven, Empfehlungen : thematische Synthese zum Forschungsschwerpunkt II "Land- und Forstwirtschaft im alpinen Lebensraum" : Nationales Forschungsprogramm 48 "Landschaften und Lebensräume der Alpen" des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds : [Synthesebericht NFP 48]. Zürich. Maurer, Katrin and Weyand, Anne and Fischer, Markus and Stöcklin, Jürg. (2006) Old cultural traditions, in addition to land use and topography, are shaping plant diversity of grasslands in the Alps. Biological Conservation, 130 (3). pp. 438-446. Maurer, Katrin and Gautschi, B. and Weyand, Anne and Stöcklin, Jürg and Fischer, Markus. (2005) Isolation and characterization of microsatellite DNA markers in the grass Poa alpina L. Molecular Ecology Notes, 5 (4). pp. 719-720. Fischer, M. and Stöcklin, J. and Weyand, A. and Maurer, Katrin. (2004) Cultural and biological diversity of grasslands in the Swiss Alps. Grassland science in Europe, vol. 9. pp. 293-295. Maurer, Katrin and Durka, W. and Stöcklin, Jürg. (2003) Frequency of plant species in remnants of calcareous grassland and their dispersal and persistence characteristics. Basic and Applied Ecology, 4 (4). pp. 307-316. |