
Items where contributor is "Wangmo, Tenzin"

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Handtke, Violet and Bretschneider, Wiebke and Elger, Bernice and Wangmo, Tenzin. (2017) The collision of care and punishment: Ageing prisoners’ view on compassionate release. Punishment and Society, 19 (1). pp. 5-22.

Wangmo, T. and De Clercq, E. and Ruhe, K. and Beck-Popovic, M. and Rischewski, J. and Angst, R. and Ansari, M. and Elger, BS.. (2016) Better to know than to imagine: Including children in their health care. AJOB Empirical Bioethics, 8 (1). pp. 11-20.

Badarau, D. O. and Ruhe, KM. and Kühne, T. and De Clercq, E. and Anca, C. and Elger, BS. and Wangmo, T.. (2016) Decision making in pediatric oncology: Views of parents and physicians in two European countries. AJOB Empirical Bioethics, 8 (1). pp. 21-31.

Badarau, Domnita O. and De Clercq, Eva and Wangmo, Tenzin and Dragomir, Monica and Miron, Ingrid and Kühne, Thomas and Elger, Bernice S.. (2016) Cancer care in Romania: challenges and pitfalls of children's and adolescents' multifaceted involvement. Journal of medical ethics, 42 (12). pp. 757-761.

Wangmo, Tenzin and Hauri, Sirin and Meyer, Andrea H. and Elger, Bernice S.. (2016) Patterns of older and younger prisoners' primary healthcare utilization in Switzerland. International Journal of Prisoner Health, 12 (3). pp. 173-184.

Ruhe, Katharina Maria and Wangmo, Tenzin and De Clercq, Eva and Badarau, Domnita Oana and Ansari, Marc and Kühne, Thomas and Niggli, Felix and Elger, Bernice Simone. (2016) Putting patient participation into practice in pediatrics-results from a qualitative study in pediatric oncology. European Journal of Pediatrics, 175 (9). pp. 1147-1155.

Ruhe, Katharina M. and De Clercq, Eva and Wangmo, Tenzin and Elger, Bernice S.. (2016) Relational Capacity: Broadening the Notion of Decision-Making Capacity in Paediatric Healthcare. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry. pp. 1-10.

Wangmo, Tenzin and Ruhe, Katharina M. and Badarau, Domnita O. and Kühne, Thomas and Niggli, Felix and Elger, Bernice S. and Swiss Paediatric Oncology Group, . (2016) Parents' and patients' experiences with paediatric oncology care in Switzerland--satisfaction and some hurdles. Swiss medical weekly, 146. w14309.

Barlevy, Dorit and Wangmo, Tenzin and Elger, Bernice S. and Ravitsky, Vardit. (2016) Attitudes, Beliefs, and Trends Regarding Adolescent Oncofertility Discussions: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology, 5 (2). pp. 119-134.

Badarau, B. O. and Ruhe, K. M. and Kühne, T. and de Clerq, E. and Anca, C. and Elger, B. S. and Wangmo, T.. (2016) From choiceless to hard choices: views of parents and oncologists on decision-making in pediatric oncology in two European countries. AJOB Empirical Bioethics, 8 (1). pp. 21-31.

Abner, Erin L. and Teaster, Pamela B. and Mendiondo, Marta S. and Ramsey-Klawsnik, Holly and Marcum, Jennifer L. and Crawford, Tim N. and Wangmo, Tenzin. (2016) Victim, Allegation, and Investigation Characteristics Associated With Substantiated Reports of Sexual Abuse of Adults in Residential Care Settings. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. p. 25.

Anane-Sarpong, Evelyn and Wangmo, Tenzin and Sankoh, Osman and Tanner, Marcel and Elger, Bernice Simone. (2016) Application of Ethical Principles to Research using Public Health Data in The Global South: Perspectives from Africa. Developing World Bioethics, Early View.

Handtke, Violet Fleur and Bretschneider, Wiebke and Elger, Bernice Simone and Wangmo, Tenzin. (2015) Easily forgotten : elderly female prisoners. Journal of aging studies, Vol. 32. pp. 1-11.

Elger, Bernice and Handtke, Violet and Wangmo, Tenzin. (2015) Paternalistic breaches of confidentiality in prison: Mental health professionals’ attitudes and justifications. Journal of Medical Ethics, 41 (6). pp. 496-500.

Ruhe, Katharina M. and Elger, Bernice and Wangmo, Tenzin. (2015) “Chemo-Knights” and “Radio-Robby”: Provision of information in pediatric oncology. Cancer Nursing, 39 (2). pp. 51-60.

Moschetti, Karine and Stadelmann, Pierre and Wangmo, Tenzin and Holly, Alberto and Wasserfallen, J.-B. and Elger, Bernice and Gravier, Bruno. (2015) Disease profiles of detainees in Switzerland: Gender and age differences in chronic health conditions. BMC Public Health, 15. p. 872.

Miron, Ingrid and Colita, Anca and Dragomir, Monica and Schildmann, Jan and Bădărău, Domniţa Oana and Wangmo, Tenzin and Ruhe, Katharina and Elger, Bernice. (2015) Parents’ challenges and physicians’ tasks in disclosing cancer to children. A qualitative interview study and reflections on professional duties in pediatric oncology. Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 62 (12). pp. 2177-2182.

Ruhe, Katharina M. and Badarau, Domnita O. and Brazzola, Pierluigi and Hengartner, Heinz and Elger, Bernice S. and Wangmo, Tenzin and Swiss Pediatric Oncology Group, . (2015) Participation in pediatric oncology: views of child and adolescent patients. Psycho-Oncology, 25 (9). pp. 1036-1042.

Badarau, Domnita O. and Wangmo, Tenzin and Ruhe, Katharina M. and Miron, Ingrid and Colita, Anca and Dragomir, Monica and Schildmann, Jan and Elger, Bernice S.. (2015) Parents' Challenges and Physicians' Tasks in Disclosing Cancer to Children. A Qualitative Interview Study and Reflections on Professional Duties in Pediatric Oncology. Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 62 (12). pp. 2177-2182.

Jotterand, F. and Wangmo, T.. (2014) The principle of equivalence reconsidered : assessing the relevance of the principle of equivalence in prison medicine. The American journal of bioethics, Vol. 14, Nr. 7. pp. 4-12.

Ruhe Katharina M., and Badarau, Domnita O. and Elger, Bernice S. and Wangmo, Tenzin. (2014) End-of-life decision making in pediatrics: literature review on children's and adolescents' participation. AJOB empirical bioethics, Vol. 5, H. 2. pp. 44-54.

Handtke, Violet and Wangmo, Tenzin. (2014) Ageing Prisoners: Contemplating end-of-life in prison. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, Vol. 11, H. 3. pp. 373-386.

Bretschneider, Wiebke and Wangmo, Tenzin and Elger, Bernice Simone. (2014) Notfallsituation. In: Ethik und Recht in Medizin und Biowissenschaften : Aktuelle Fallbeispiele aus klinischer Praxis und Forschung. Berlin, pp. 19-32.

Ruiz, Geraldine and Wangmo, Tenzin and Mutzenberg, Patrick and Sinclair, Jessica and Elger, Bernice. (2014) Understanding death in custody : a case for a comprehensive definition. Journal of bioethical inquiry, Vol. 11, H. 3. pp. 387-398.

Wangmo, Tenzin and Ruiz, Geraldine and Sinclair, Jessica and Mangin, Patrice and Elger, Bernice. (2014) The investigations of deaths in custody : an analysis of problems and prospects. Journal of forensic and legal medicine, Vol. 25. pp. 30-37.

Wangmo, Tenzin and Handtke, Violet and Elger, Bernice SImone. (2014) Disclosure of past crimes : an analysis of mental health professionals’ attitudes toward breaching confidentiality. Journal of bioethical inquiry, Vol. 11, H. 3. pp. 347-358.

Ruhe, Katharina M. and Wangmo, Tenzin and Badarau, Domnita Oana and Elger, Bernice S. and Niggli, Felix. (2014) Decision-making capacity of children and adolescents : suggestions for advancing the concept's implementation in pediatric healthcare. European journal of pediatrics, Vol. 174, H. 6. pp. 775-782.

De Clercq, Eva and Badarau, Oana and Ruhe, Katharina and Wangmo, Tenzin. (2014) Body matters : Rethinking the ethical acceptability of non-beneficial clinical research with children. Medicine, health care and philosophy, Vol. 18, H. 3. pp. 421-431.

Shaw, David M. and Wangmo, Tenzin and Elger, Bernice S.. (2014) Conducting ethics research in prison: why, who, and what? Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 11 (3). pp. 275-278.

Wangmo, Tenzin and Teaster, Pamela and Grace, James and Wong, Wilson and Mendiondo, Marta and Blandford, Caitlin and Fardo, David. (2013) An ecological systems examination of elder abuse : a week in the life of adult protective services. Journal of elder abuse & neglect, Vol. 26, issue 5. pp. 440-457.

Teaster, Pamela and Wangmo, Tenzin and Vorsky, Frances. (2012) Elder abuse in aging families. In: Handbook of families and aging. Santa Barbara, Calif., 403 - 430.

Bretschneider, Wiebke and Elger, Bernice and Wangmo, Tenzin. (2012) Ageing Prisoners’ Health Care: Analysing the Legal Settings in Europe and the United States. Gerontology, 59 (3). pp. 267-275.

Handtke, Violet and Bretschneider, Wiebke and Wangmo, Tenzin and Elger, Bernice. (2012) Facing the challenges of an increasingly ageing prison population in Switzerland: In search of ethically acceptable solutions. Bioethica-Forum, Vol. 5, H. 4. pp. 134-141.

Wangmo, Tenzin. (2011) Health perception and health behaviors of elder Tibetans living in India and Switzerland. Journal of cross-cultural gerontology, Vol. 26, H. 4. pp. 331-348.

Wangmo, Tenzin and Teaster, Pamela. (2010) The Bridge from Then to Now: Tibetan Elders Living in Diaspora. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 29 (4). pp. 434-454.

Teaster, Pamela B. and Wangmo, Tenzin. (2010) Kentucky's Local Elder Abuse Coordinating Councils: a model for other states. Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect, 22 (1-2). pp. 191-206.

Podnieks, Elizabeth and Anetzberger, Georgia J. and Wilson, Susannah J. and Teaster, Pamela B. and Wangmo, Tenzin. (2010) WorldView Environmental Scan on Elder Abuse. Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect, 22 (1-2). pp. 164-179.

Teaster, Pamela B. and Wangmo, Tenzin and Anetzberger, Georgia J.. (2010) A glass half full: the dubious history of elder abuse policy. Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect, 22 (1-2). pp. 6-15.

Wangmo, Tenzin. (2010) Changing Expectations of Care among Older Tibetans Living in India and Switzerland. Ageing and Society, 30 (5). pp. 879-896.

Wangmo, Tenzin and Ewen, Heidi H. and Webb, Alicia K. and Teaster, Pamela B. and Russell Hatch, Laurie. (2009) Mentoring in gerontology doctoral education: the role of elders in mentoring gerontologists. Gerontology & Geriatrics Education, 30 (1). pp. 47-60.

Webb, Alicia and Wangmo, Tenzin and Ewen, Heidi H. and Teaster, Pamela and Hatch, Laurie R.. (2009) Peer and Faculty Mentoring for Students Pursuing a PHD in Gerontology. Educational Gerontology, 35 (12). pp. 1089-1106.