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2017Roth, Ralf and Donath, Lars and Kurz, Eduard and Zahner, Lukas and Faude, Oliver. (2017) Absolute and relative reliability of isokinetic and isometric trunk strength testing using the IsoMed-2000 dynamometer. Physical Therapy in Sport, 24. pp. 26-31. Gerber, Markus and Endes, Katharina and Brand, Serge and Herrmann, Christian and Colledge, Flora and Donath, Lars and Faude, Oliver and Hanssen, Henner and Pühse, Uwe and Zahner, Lukas. (2017) In 6- to 8-year-old children, cardiorespiratory fitness moderates the relationship between severity of life events and health-related quality of life. Quality of Life Research, 26 (3). pp. 695-706. Gerber, Markus and Endes, Katharina and Herrmann, Christian and Colledge, Flora and Brand, Serge and Donath, Lars and Faude, Oliver and Pühse, Uwe and Hanssen, Henner and Zahner, Lukas. (2017) Fitness, Stress, and Body Composition in Primary Schoolchildren. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 49 (3). pp. 581-587. Donath, Lars and Roth, Ralf and Zahner, Lukas and Faude, Oliver. (2017) Slackline Training (Balancing Over Narrow Nylon Ribbons) and Balance Performance: A Meta-Analytical Review. Sports Medicine, 47 (6). pp. 1075-1086. 2016Donath, L. and Roth, R. and Zahner, L. and Faude, O.. (2016) Slackline training and neuromuscular performance in seniors: A randomized controlled trial. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 26 (3). pp. 275-283. Gerber, Markus and Endes, Katharina and Brand, Serge and Herrmann, Christian and Colledge, Flora and Donath, Lars and Faude, Oliver and Pühse, Uwe and Hanssen, Henner and Zahner, Lukas. (2016) In 6- to 8-year-old children, hair cortisol is associated with body mass index and somatic complaints, but not with stress, health-related quality of life, blood pressure, retinal vessel diameters, and cardiorespiratory fitness. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 76. pp. 1-10. Gerber, Markus and Endes, Katharina and Herrmann, Christian and Colledge, Flora and Brand, Serge and Donath, Lars and Faude, Oliver and Pühse, Uwe and Hanssen, Henner and Zahner, Lukas. (2016) Does Physical Fitness Buffer the Relationship between Psychosocial Stress, Retinal Vessel Diameters, and Blood Pressure among Primary Schoolchildren? BioMed Research International, 2016. p. 6340431. Donath, Lars and Kurz, Eduard and Roth, Ralf and Zahner, Lukas and Faude, Oliver. (2016) Leg and trunk muscle coordination and postural sway during increasingly difficult standing balance tasks in young and older adults. Maturitas, 91. pp. 60-68. Donath, L. and Roth, R. and Hürlimann, C. and Zahner, L. and Faude, O.. (2016) Pilates vs. Balance Training in Healthy Community-Dwelling Seniors: a 3-arm, Randomized Controlled Trial. International Journal of Sports Medicine. Imhof, Katharina and Zahner, Lukas and Schmidt-Trucksäss, Arno and Hanssen, Henner. (2016) Association of body composition and blood pressure categories with retinal vessel diameters in primary school children. Hypertension Research, 39 (6). pp. 423-429. Roth, Ralf and Donath, Lars and Zahner, Lukas and Faude, Oliver. (2016) Muscle Activation and Performance During Trunk Strength Testing in High-Level Female and Male Football Players. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 32 (3). pp. 241-247. Donath, L. and Roth, R. and Hürlimann, C. and Zahner, L. and Faude, O.. (2016) Pilates vs. Balance Training in Health Community-Dwelling Seniors: a 3-arm, Randomized Controlled Trial. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 37 (3). pp. 202-210. Imhof, Katharina and Faude, Oliver and Donath, Lars and Bean-Eisenhut, Salome and Hanssen, Henner and Zahner, Lukas. (2016) The association of socio-economic factors with physical fitness and activity behaviours, spinal posture and retinal vessel parameters in first graders in urban Switzerland. Journal of Sports Sciences, 34 (13). pp. 1271-1280. Wick, Katharina and Faude, Oliver and Schwager, Susanne and Zahner, Lukas and Donath, Lars. (2016) Deviation between self-reported and measured occupational physical activity levels in office employees: effects of age and body composition. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 89 (4). pp. 575-582. Imhof, K. and Zahner, L. and Schmidt-Trucksäss, A. and Faude, O. and Hanssen, H.. (2016) Influence of physical fitness and activity behavior on retinal vessel diameters in primary schoolchildren. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 26 (7). pp. 731-738. 2015Donath, L. and Faude, O. and Hagmann, S. and Roth, R. and Zahner, L.. (2015) Fundamental movement skills in preschoolers: a randomized controlled trial targeting object control proficiency. Child: Care, Health and Development, 41 (6). pp. 1179-1187. Faude, Oliver and Donath, Lars and Bopp, Micha and Hofmann, Sara and Erlacher, Daniel and Zahner, Lukas. (2015) Neuromuscular training in construction workers: a longitudinal controlled pilot study. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 88 (6). pp. 697-705. Donath, Lars and Kurz, Eduard and Roth, Ralf and Hanssen, Henner and Schmidt-Trucksäss, Arno and Zahner, Lukas and Faude, Oliver. (2015) Does a single session of high-intensity interval training provoke a transient elevated risk of falling in seniors and adults? Gerontology, 61 (1). pp. 15-23. Donath, Lars and Faude, Oliver and Bopp, Micha and Zahner, Lukas. (2015) Health-related strength and power training in seniors: Purpose and recommendations. Therapeutische Umschau, 72 (5). pp. 335-342. Faude, Oliver and Zahner, Lukas and Donath, Lars. (2015) Exercise guidelines for health-oriented recreational sports. Therapeutische Umschau, 72 (5). pp. 327-334. Donath, Lars and Faude, Oliver and Schefer, Yannick and Roth, Ralf and Zahner, Lukas. (2015) Repetitive daily point of choice prompts and occupational sit-stand transfers, concentration and neuromuscular performance in office workers: an RCT. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12 (4). pp. 4340-4353. Donath, Lars and Kurz, Eduard and Roth, Ralf and Zahner, Lukas and Faude, Oliver. (2015) Different ankle muscle coordination patterns and co-activation during quiet stance between young adults and seniors do not change after a bout of high intensity training. BMC Geriatrics, 15. p. 19. Donath, L. and Roth, R. and Lichtenstein, E. and Elliot, C. and Zahner, L. and Faude, O.. (2015) Jeopardizing Christmas: Why spoiled kids and a tight schedule could make Santa Claus fall? Gait & Posture, 41 (3). pp. 745-749. 2014Meyer, Ursina and Schindler, Christian and Bloesch, Tamara and Schmocker, Eliane and Zahner, Lukas and Puder, Jardena J. and Kriemler, Susi. (2014) Combined impact of negative lifestyle factors on cardiovascular risk in children: a randomized prospective study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 55 (6). pp. 790-795. Nussbaumer, M. and Donath, L. and Fischer, M. and Schäfer, J. and Faude, O. and Zahner, L. and Schmidt-Trucksäss, A. and Hanssen, H.. (2014) Effects of acute bouts of endurance exercise on retinal vessel diameters are age and intensity dependent. Age, 36 (3). p. 9650. Meyer, Ursina and Schindler, Christian and Zahner, Lukas and Ernst, Dominique and Hebestreit, Helge and van Mechelen, Willem and Brunner-La Rocca, Hans-Peter and Probst-Hensch, Nicole and Puder, Jardena J. and Kriemler, Susi. (2014) Long-term effect of a school-based physical activity program (KISS) on fitness and adiposity in children: a cluster-randomized controlled trial. PLoS One, 9 (2). e87929. Donath, Lars and Roth, Ralf and Hohn, Yannick and Zahner, Lukas and Faude, Oliver. (2014) The effects of Zumba training on cardiovascular and neuromuscular function in female college students. European Journal of Sport Science, 14 (6). pp. 569-577. Donath, L. and Faude, O. and Roth, R. and Zahner, L.. (2014) Effects of stair-climbing on balance, gait, strength, resting heart rate, and submaximal endurance in healthy seniors. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 24 (2). pp. 93-101. Donath, Lars and Faude, Oliver and Bridenbaugh, Stephanie A. and Roth, Ralf and Soltermann, Martin and Kressig, Reto W. and Zahner, Lukas. (2014) Transfer effects of fall training on balance performance and spatiotemporal gait parameters in healthy community-dwelling older adults: a pilot study. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 22 (3). pp. 324-333. 2013Faude, Oliver and Roth, Ralf and Di Giovine, Dario and Zahner, Lukas and Donath, Lars. (2013) Combined strength and power training in high-level amateur football during the competitive season: a randomised-controlled trial. Journal of Sports Sciences, 31 (13). pp. 1460-1467. Donath, L. and Roth, R. and Rueegge, A. and Groppa, M. and Zahner, L. and Faude, O.. (2013) Effects of slackline training on balance, jump performance & muscle activity in young children. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 34 (12). pp. 1093-1098. Donath, Lars and Zahner, Lukas and Roth, Ralf and Fricker, Livia and Cordes, Mareike and Hanssen, Henner and Schmidt-Trucksäss, Arno and Faude, Oliver. (2013) Balance and gait performance after maximal and submaximal endurance exercise in seniors: is there a higher fall-risk? European Journal of Applied Physiology, 113 (3). pp. 661-669. Donath, Lars and Zahner, Lukas and Cordes, Mareike and Hanssen, Henner and Schmidt-Trucksäss, Aarno and Faude, Oliver. (2013) Recommendations for aerobic endurance training based on subjective ratings of perceived exertion in healthy seniors. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 21 (1). pp. 100-111. 2012Donath, Lars and Roth, Ralf and Zahner, Lukas and Faude, Oliver. (2012) Testing single and double limb standing balance performance: comparison of COP path length evaluation between two devices. Gait & Posture, 36 (3). pp. 439-443. Faude, Oliver and Donath, Lars and Roth, Ralf and Fricker, Livia and Zahner, Lukas. (2012) Reliability of gait parameters during treadmill walking in community-dwelling healthy seniors. Gait & Posture, 36 (3). pp. 444-448. Niederer, Iris and Kriemler, Susi and Zahner, Lukas and Bürgi, Flavia and Ebenegger, Vincent and Marques, Pedro and Puder, Jardena J.. (2012) BMI group-related differences in physical fitness and physical activity in preschool-age children: a cross-sectional analysis. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 83 (1). pp. 12-19. 2011Puder, J. J. and Marques-Vidal, P. and Schindler, C. and Zahner, L. and Niederer, I. and Bürgi, F. and Ebenegger, V. and Nydegger, A. and Kriemler, S.. (2011) Effect of multidimensional lifestyle intervention on fitness and adiposity in predominantly migrant preschool children (Ballabeina) : cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ, Vol. 343 , d6195. Granacher, Urs and Muehlbauer, Thomas and Gollhofer, Albert and Kressig, Reto W. and Zahner, Lukas. (2011) An intergenerational approach in the promotion of balance and strength for fall prevention: a mini-review. Gerontology, 57 (4). pp. 304-315. Granacher, Urs and Muehlbauer, Thomas and Zahner, Lukas and Gollhofer, Albert and Kressig, Reto W.. (2011) Comparison of traditional and recent approaches in the promotion of balance and strength in older adults. Sports Medicine, 41 (5). pp. 377-400. Granacher, Urs and Muehlbauer, Thomas and Gollhofer, Albert and Kressig, Reto W. and Zahner, Lukas. (2011) Evidence-based and evidence-inspired : an intergenerational approach in the promotion of balance and strength for fall prevention. Gerontology, 57 (5). pp. 424-426. Granacher, Urs and Muehlbauer, Thomas and Maestrini, Lea and Zahner, Lukas and Gollhofer, Albert. (2011) Can balance training promote balance and strength in prepubertal children? Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 25 (6). pp. 1759-1766. Granacher, U. and Wick, C. and Rueck, N. and Esposito, C. and Roth, R. and Zahner, L.. (2011) Promoting balance and strength in the middle-aged workforce. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 32 (1). pp. 35-44. 2010Kriemler, S. and Puder, J. and Zahner, L. and Roth, R. and Meyer, U. and Bedogni, G.. (2010) Estimation of percentage body fat in 6- to 13-year-old children by skinfold thickness, body mass index and waist circumference. British Journal of Nutrition, 104 (10). pp. 1565-1572. Kriemler, Susi and Zahner, Lukas and Schindler, Christian and Meyer, Ursina and Hartmann, Tim and Hebestreit, Helge and Brunner-La Rocca, Hans Peter and van Mechelen, Willem and Puder, Jardena J.. (2010) Effect of school based physical activity programme (KISS) on fitness and adiposity in primary schoolchildren : cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ, 340. c785. 2009Hartmann, T. and Zahner, L. and Puder, J. and Pühse, U. and Schneider, S. and Kriemler, S.. (2009) Physical activity, body weight, health and fear of negative evaluation in primary school children. Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports, Vol. 20, no. 1 , e27-e34. Niederer, Iris and Kriemler, Susi and Zahner, Lukas and Bürgi, Flavia and Ebenegger, Vincent and Hartmann, Tim and Meyer, Ursina and Schindler, Christian and Nydegger, Andreas and Marques-Vidal, Pedro and Puder, Jardena J.. (2009) Influence of a lifestyle intervention in preschool children on physiological and psychological parameters (Ballabeina) : study design of a cluster randomized controlled trial. BMC public health, Vol. 9 , 94. Kriemler, S. and Puder, J. and Zahner, L. and Roth, R. and Braun-Fahrländer, C. and Bedogni, G.. (2009) Cross-validation of bioelectrical impedance analysis for the assessment of body composition in a representative sample of 6- to 13-year-old children. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 63 (5). pp. 619-626. Niederer, Iris and Kriemler, Susi and Zahner, Lukas and Bürgi, Flavia and Ebenegger, Vincent and Hartmann, Tim and Meyer, Ursina and Schindler, Christian and Nydegger, Andreas and Marques-Vidal, Pedro and Puder, Jardena J.. (2009) Influence of a lifestyle intervention in preschool children on physiological and psychological parameters (Ballabeina): study design of a cluster randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health, 9. p. 94. 2008Kriemler, S. and Manser-Wenger, S. and Zahner, L. and Braun-Fahrländer, C. and Schindler, C. and Puder, J. J.. (2008) Reduced cardiorespiratory fitness, low physical activity and an urban environment are independently associated with increased cardiovascular risk in children. Diabetologia, 51 (8). pp. 1408-1415. Kriemler, S. and Zahner, L. and Puder, J. J. and Braun-Fahrländer, C. and Schindler, C. and Farpour-Lambert, N. J. and Kränzlin, M. and Rizzoli, R.. (2008) Weight-bearing bones are more sensitive to physical exercise in boys than in girls during pre- and early puberty: a cross-sectional study. Osteoporosis international, 19 (12). pp. 1749-1758. 2006Zahner, Lukas and Puder, Jardena J. and Roth, Ralf and Schmid, Marco and Guldimann, Regula and Pühse, Uwe and Knöpfli, Martin and Braun-Fahrländer, Charlotte and Marti, Bernard and Kriemler, Susi. (2006) A school-based physical activity program to improve health and fitness in children aged 6-13 years ("Kinder-Sportstudie KISS"): study design of a randomized controlled trial [ISRCTN15360785]. BMC Public Health, 6. p. 147. |