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Baur, Bruno and Baur, Anette and Schmera, Denes. (2017) Impact assessment of intense sport climbing on limestone cliffs: Response of rock-dwelling land snails. Ecological Indicators, 72. pp. 260-267.

Baur, Bruno and Thommen, G. H. and Coray, Armin. (2017) Dynamics of Reintroduced Populations of Oedipoda caerulescens (Orthoptera, Acrididae) over 21 Years. Journal of Insect Science, 17 (1). p. 10.

Baur, Bruno and Baur, Anette. (2017) Reproductive strategies in stylommatophoran gastropods. In: Physiology of Molluscs: a Collection of Selected Reviews, 2. Waretown, New Jersey, pp. 311-377.

Hudson, Lawrence N. and Newbold, Tim and Contu, Sara and Hill, Samantha L. L. and Lysenko, Igor and De Palma, Adriana and Phillips, Helen R. P. and Alhusseini, Tamera I. and Bedford, Felicity E. and Bennett, Dominic J. and Booth, Hollie and Burton, Victoria J. and Chng, Charlotte W. T. and Choimes, Argyrios and Correia, David L. P. and Day, Julie and Echeverría-Londoño, Susy and Emerson, Susan R. and Gao, Di and Garon, Morgan and Harrison, Michelle L. K. and Ingram, Daniel J. and Jung, Martin and Kemp, Victoria and Kirkpatrick, Lucinda and Martin, Callum D. and Pan, Yuan and Pask-Hale, Gwilym D. and Pynegar, Edwin L. and Robinson, Alexandra N. and Sanchez-Ortiz, Katia and Senior, Rebecca A. and Simmons, Benno I. and White, Hannah J. and Zhang, Hanbin and Aben, Job and Abrahamczyk, Stefan and Adum, Gilbert B. and Aguilar-Barquero, Virginia and Aizen, Marcelo A. and Albertos, Belén and Alcala, E. L. and del Mar Alguacil, Maria and Alignier, Audrey and Ancrenaz, Marc and Andersen, Alan N. and Arbeláez-Cortés, Enrique and Armbrecht, Inge and Arroyo-Rodríguez, Víctor and Aumann, Tom and Axmacher, Jan C. and Azhar, Badrul and Azpiroz, Adrián B. and Baeten, Lander and Bakayoko, Adama and Báldi, András and Banks, John E. and Baral, Sharad K. and Barlow, Jos and Barratt, Barbara I. P. and Barrico, Lurdes and Bartolommei, Paola and Barton, Diane M. and Basset, Yves and Batáry, Péter and Bates, Adam J. and Baur, Bruno and Bayne, Erin M. and Beja, Pedro and Benedick, Suzan and Berg, Åke and Bernard, Henry and Berry, Nicholas J. and Bhatt, Dinesh and Bicknell, Jake E. and Bihn, Jochen H. and Blake, Robin J. and Bobo, Kadiri S. and Bóçon, Roberto and Boekhout, Teun and Böhning-Gaese, Katrin and Bonham, Kevin J. and Borges, Paulo A. V. and Borges, Sérgio H. and Boutin, Céline and Bouyer, Jérémy and Bragagnolo, Cibele and Brandt, Jodi S. and Brearley, Francis Q. and Brito, Isabel and Bros, Vicenç and Brunet, Jörg and Buczkowski, Grzegorz and Buddle, Christopher M. and Bugter, Rob and Buscardo, Erika and Buse, Jörn and Cabra-García, Jimmy and Cáceres, Nilton C. and Cagle, Nicolette L. and Calviño-Cancela, María and Cameron, Sydney A. and Cancello, Eliana M. and Caparrós, Rut and Cardoso, Pedro and Carpenter, Dan and Carrijo, Tiago F. and Carvalho, Anelena L. and Cassano, Camila R. and Castro, Helena and Castro-Luna, Alejandro A. and Rolando, Cerda B. and Cerezo, Alexis and Chapman, Kim Alan and Chauvat, Matthieu and Christensen, Morten and Clarke, Francis M. and Cleary, Daniel F.R. and Colombo, Giorgio and Connop, Stuart P. and Craig, Michael D. and Cruz-López, Leopoldo and Cunningham, Saul A. and D'Aniello, Biagio and D'Cruze, Neil and da Silva, Pedro Giovâni and Dallimer, Martin and Danquah, Emmanuel and Darvill, Ben and Dauber, Jens and Davis, Adrian L. V. and Dawson, Jeff and de Sassi, Claudio and de Thoisy, Benoit and Deheuvels, Olivier and Dejean, Alain and Devineau, Jean-Louis and Diekötter, Tim and Dolia, Jignasu V. and Domínguez, Erwin and Dominguez-Haydar, Yamileth and Dorn, Silvia and Draper, Isabel and Dreber, Niels and Dumont, Bertrand and Dures, Simon G. and Dynesius, Mats and Edenius, Lars and Eggleton, Paul and Eigenbrod, Felix and Elek, Zoltán and Entling, Martin H. and Esler, Karen J. and de Lima, Ricardo F. and Faruk, Aisyah and Farwig, Nina and Fayle, Tom M. and Felicioli, Antonio and Felton, Annika M. and Fensham, Roderick J. and Fernandez, Ignacio C. and Ferreira, Catarina C. and Ficetola, Gentile F. and Fiera, Cristina and Filgueiras, Bruno K. C. and Fırıncıoğlu, Hüseyin K. and Flaspohler, David and Floren, Andreas and Fonte, Steven J. and Fournier, Anne and Fowler, Robert E. and Franzén, Markus and Fraser, Lauchlan H. and Fredriksson, Gabriella M. and Freire, Geraldo B. and Frizzo, Tiago L. M. and Fukuda, Daisuke and Furlani, Dario and Gaigher, René and Ganzhorn, Jörg U. and García, Karla P. and Garcia-R, Juan C. and Garden, Jenni G. and Garilleti, Ricardo and Ge, Bao-Ming and Gendreau-Berthiaume, Benoit and Gerard, Philippa J. and Gheler-Costa, Carla and Gilbert, Benjamin and Giordani, Paolo and Giordano, Simonetta and Golodets, Carly and Gomes, Laurens G. L. and Gould, Rachelle K. and Goulson, Dave and Gove, Aaron D. and Granjon, Laurent and Grass, Ingo and Gray, Claudia L. and Grogan, James and Gu, Weibin and Guardiola, Moisès and Gunawardene, Nihara R. and Gutierrez, Alvaro G. and Gutiérrez-Lamus, Doris L. and Haarmeyer, Daniela H. and Hanley, Mick E. and Hanson, Thor and Hashim, Nor R. and Hassan, Shombe N. and Hatfield, Richard G. and Hawes, Joseph E. and Hayward, Matt W. and Hébert, Christian and Helden, Alvin J. and Henden, John-André and Henschel, Philipp and Hernández, Lionel and Herrera, James P. and Herrmann, Farina and Herzog, Felix and Higuera-Diaz, Diego and Hilje, Branko and Höfer, Hubert and Hoffmann, Anke and Horgan, Finbarr G. and Hornung, Elisabeth and Horváth, Roland and Hylander, Kristoffer and Isaacs-Cubides, Paola and Ishida, Hiroaki and Ishitani, Masahiro and Jacobs, Carmen T. and Jaramillo, Víctor J. and Jauker, Birgit and Hernández, F. Jiménez and Johnson, McKenzie F. and Jolli, Virat and Jonsell, Mats and Juliani, S. Nur and Jung, Thomas S. and Kapoor, Vena and Kappes, Heike and Kati, Vassiliki and Katovai, Eric and Kellner, Klaus and Kessler, Michael and Kirby, Kathryn R. and Kittle, Andrew M. and Knight, Mairi E. and Knop, Eva and Kohler, Florian and Koivula, Matti and Kolb, Annette and Kone, Mouhamadou and Kőrösi, Ádám and Krauss, Jochen and Kumar, Ajith and Kumar, Raman and Kurz, David J. and Kutt, Alex S. and Lachat, Thibault and Lantschner, Victoria and Lara, Francisco and Lasky, Jesse R. and Latta, Steven C. and Laurance, William F. and Lavelle, Patrick and Le Féon, Violette and LeBuhn, Gretchen and Légaré, Jean-Philippe and Lehouck, Valérie and Lencinas, María V. and Lentini, Pia E. and Letcher, Susan G. and Li, Qi and Litchwark, Simon A. and Littlewood, Nick A. and Liu, Yunhui and Lo-Man-Hung, Nancy and López-Quintero, Carlos A. and Louhaichi, Mounir and Lövei, Gabor L. and Lucas-Borja, Manuel Esteban and Luja, Victor H. and Luskin, Matthew S. and MacSwiney G, M Cristina and Maeto, Kaoru and Magura, Tibor and Mallari, Neil Aldrin and Malone, Louise A. and Malonza, Patrick K. and Malumbres-Olarte, Jagoba and Mandujano, Salvador and Måren, Inger E. and Marin-Spiotta, Erika and Marsh, Charles J. and Marshall, E. J. P. and Martínez, Eliana and Martínez Pastur, Guillermo and Moreno Mateos, David and Mayfield, Margaret M. and Mazimpaka, Vicente and McCarthy, Jennifer L. and McCarthy, Kyle P. and McFrederick, Quinn S. and McNamara, Sean and Medina, Nagore G. and Medina, Rafael and Mena, Jose L. and Mico, Estefania and Mikusinski, Grzegorz and Milder, Jeffrey C. and Miller, James R. and Miranda-Esquivel, Daniel R. and Moir, Melinda L. and Morales, Carolina L. and Muchane, Mary N. and Muchane, Muchai and Mudri-Stojnic, Sonja and Munira, A. Nur and Muoñz-Alonso, Antonio and Munyekenye, B. F. and Naidoo, Robin and Naithani, A. and Nakagawa, Michiko and Nakamura, Akihiro and Nakashima, Yoshihiro and Naoe, Shoji and Nates-Parra, Guiomar and Navarrete Gutierrez, Dario A. and Navarro-Iriarte, Luis and Ndang'ang'a, Paul K. and Neuschulz, Eike L. and Ngai, Jacqueline T. and Nicolas, Violaine and Nilsson, Sven G. and Noreika, Norbertas and Norfolk, Olivia and Noriega, Jorge Ari and Norton, David A. and Nöske, Nicole M. and Nowakowski, A. Justin and Numa, Catherine and O'Dea, Niall and O'Farrell, Patrick J. and Oduro, William and Oertli, Sabine and Ofori-Boateng, Caleb and Oke, Christopher Omamoke and Oostra, Vicencio and Osgathorpe, Lynne M. and Otavo, Samuel Eduardo and Page, Navendu V. and Paritsis, Juan and Parra-H, Alejandro and Parry, Luke and Pe'er, Guy and Pearman, Peter B. and Pelegrin, Nicolás and Pélissier, Raphaël and Peres, Carlos A. and Peri, Pablo L. and Persson, Anna S. and Petanidou, Theodora and Peters, Marcell K. and Pethiyagoda, Rohan S. and Phalan, Ben and Philips, T. Keith and Pillsbury, Finn C. and Pincheira-Ulbrich, Jimmy and Pineda, Eduardo and Pino, Joan and Pizarro-Araya, Jaime and Plumptre, A. J. and Poggio, Santiago L. and Politi, Natalia and Pons, Pere and Poveda, Katja and Power, Eileen F. and Presley, Steven J. and Proença, Vânia and Quaranta, Marino and Quintero, Carolina and Rader, Romina and Ramesh, B. R. and Ramirez-Pinilla, Martha P. and Ranganathan, Jai and Rasmussen, Claus and Redpath-Downing, Nicola A. and Reid, J. Leighton and Reis, Yana T. and Rey Benayas, José M. and Rey-Velasco, Juan Carlos and Reynolds, Chevonne and Ribeiro, Danilo Bandini and Richards, Miriam H. and Richardson, Barbara A. and Richardson, Michael J. and Ríos, Rodrigo Macip and Robinson, Richard and Robles, Carolina A. and Römbke, Jörg and Romero-Duque, Luz Piedad and Rös, Matthias and Rosselli, Loreta and Rossiter, Stephen J. and Roth, Dana S. and Roulston, T'ai H. and Rousseau, Laurent and Rubio, André V. and Ruel, Jean-Claude and Sadler, Jonathan P. and Sáfián, Szabolcs and Saldaña-Vázquez, Romeo A. and Sam, Katerina and Samnegård, Ulrika and Santana, Joana and Santos, Xavier and Savage, Jade and Schellhorn, Nancy A. and Schilthuizen, Menno and Schmiedel, Ute and Schmitt, Christine B. and Schon, Nicole L. and Schüepp, Christof and Schumann, Katharina and Schweiger, Oliver and Scott, Dawn M. and Scott, Kenneth A. and Sedlock, Jodi L. and Seefeldt, Steven S. and Shahabuddin, Ghazala and Shannon, Graeme and Sheil, Douglas and Sheldon, Frederick H. and Shochat, Eyal and Siebert, Stefan J. and Silva, Fernando A. B. and Simonetti, Javier A. and Slade, Eleanor M. and Smith, Jo and Smith-Pardo, Allan H. and Sodhi, Navjot S. and Somarriba, Eduardo J. and Sosa, Ramón A. and Soto Quiroga, Grimaldo and St-Laurent, Martin-Hugues and Starzomski, Brian M. and Stefanescu, Constanti and Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf and Stouffer, Philip C. and Stout, Jane C. and Strauch, Ayron M. and Struebig, Matthew J. and Su, Zhimin and Suarez-Rubio, Marcela and Sugiura, Shinji and Summerville, Keith S. and Sung, Yik-Hei and Sutrisno, Hari and Svenning, Jens-Christian and Teder, Tiit and Threlfall, Caragh G. and Tiitsaar, Anu and Todd, Jacqui H. and Tonietto, Rebecca K. and Torre, Ignasi and Tóthmérész, Béla and Tscharntke, Teja and Turner, Edgar C. and Tylianakis, Jason M. and Uehara-Prado, Marcio and Urbina-Cardona, Nicolas and Vallan, Denis and Vanbergen, Adam J. and Vasconcelos, Heraldo L. and Vassilev, Kiril and Verboven, Hans A. F. and Verdasca, Maria João and Verdú, José R. and Vergara, Carlos H. and Vergara, Pablo M. and Verhulst, Jort and Virgilio, Massimiliano and Vu, Lien Van and Waite, Edward M. and Walker, Tony R. and Wang, Hua-Feng and Wang, Yanping and Watling, James I. and Weller, Britta and Wells, Konstans and Westphal, Catrin and Wiafe, Edward D. and Williams, Christopher D. and Willig, Michael R. and Woinarski, John C. Z. and Wolf, Jan H. D. and Wolters, Volkmar and Woodcock, Ben A. and Wu, Jihua and Wunderle, Joseph M. and Yamaura, Yuichi and Yoshikura, Satoko and Yu, Douglas W. and Zaitsev, Andrey S. and Zeidler, Juliane and Zou, Fasheng and Collen, Ben and Ewers, Rob M. and Mace, Georgina M. and Purves, Drew W. and Scharlemann, Jörn P. W. and Purvis, Andy. (2017) The database of the PREDICTS (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems) project. Ecology and Evolution, 7 (1). pp. 145-188.

Braschler, Brigitte and Baur, Bruno. (2016) Diverse effects of a seven-year experimental grassland fragmentation on major invertebrate groups. PLoS One, 11 (2). e0149567.

Ruckli, Regina and Rusterholz, Hans-Peter and Baur, Bruno. (2016) Disrupting ectomycorrhizal symbiosis: Indirect effects of an annual invasive plant on growth and survival of beech (Fagus sylvatica) saplings. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 19. pp. 12-20.

Vakhlamova, Tatyana and Rusterholz, Hans-Peter and Kamkin, V. and Baur, Bruno. (2016) Recreational use of urban and suburban forests affects plant diversity in a Western Siberian city. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 17. pp. 92-103.

Vakhlamova, Tatyana and Rusterholz, Hans-Peter and Kanibolotskaya, Yuliya and Baur, Bruno. (2016) Effects of road type and urbanization on the diversity and abundance of alien species in roadside verges in Western Siberia. Plant Ecology, 217 (3). pp. 241-252.

Concepcion, E. D. and Obrist, M. K. and Moretti, M. and Altermatt, Florian and Baur, Bruno and Nobis, M. P.. (2016) Multi-taxa impacts of urban sprawl on species richness – not only the built-up area matters. Urban Ecosystems, 19 (1). pp. 225-242.

Schweizer, S. and Stoll, Peter and von Houwald, Friderike and Baur, Bruno. (2016) King penguins in zoos: Relating breeding success to husbandry practices. Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research, 4. pp. 91-98.

Baur, Bruno. (2016) Wer trägt die Verantwortung für die Erhaltung der Biodiversität? In: Umweltethik interdisziplinär. Tübingen, pp. 1-11.

Baur, Bruno. (2016) Zum Geleit. In: Mehr Natur in Möhlin. Möhlin, p. 5.

Baur, Bruno. (2016) Schnecken. In: Mehr Natur in Möhlin. Möhlin, pp. 118-120.

Baur, Bruno. (2016) Buchbesprechung: Poschlod, P. 2015. Geschichte der Kulturlandschaft. Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen, 167 (3). p. 114.

Rusterholz, Hans-Peter and Ursenbacher, Sylvain and Coray, Armin and Weibel, Urs and Baur, Bruno. (2015) DNA quantitiy and quylity in remnants of traffic-killed specimens of an endangered longhorn beetle: A comparison of different methods. Journal of insect science , 15. p. 120.

Janssen, Ruben and Baur, Bruno. (2015) Seasonal effects on egg production and level of paternity in a natural population of a simultaneous hermaphrodite snail. Ecology and evolution, 5 (14). pp. 2916-2928.

Sedlmeier, Jürg and Affolter, Jehanne and Baur, Bruno and Brönnimann, David and Marti-Grädel, Elisabeth and Meier, Trudi and Rentzel, Philippe and Wick, Lucia. (2015) Fazit : neue Erkenntnisse zum Spätpaläolithikum in der Nordwestschweiz. In: Die letzten Wildbeuter der Eiszeit : neue Forschungen zum Spätpaläolithikum im Kanton Basel-Landschaft. Basel, pp. 242-275.

Baur, Bruno and Scheurer, Thomas, eds. (2015) Au coeur de la nature. Cent ans de recherches au Par national Suisse. Nationalpark-Forschung in der Schweiz, 100/II. Bern.

Rodewald, Raimund and Baur, Bruno, eds. (2015) Wasserfälle. Ökologische und sozio-kulturelle Leistungen eines bedrohten Naturmonumentes. Bristol Schriftenreihe, 47. Bern.

Baur, Bruno. (2015) Un Parc national pour la recherche. In: Au coeur de la nature. Cent ans de recherches auf Parc national Suisse. Bern, pp. 19-25.

Baur, Bruno. (2015) Wer trägt die Verantwortung für die Erhaltung der Biodiversität? In: Umweltethik interdisziplinär. Tübingen, pp. 1-11.

Baur, Bruno and Hürlimann, Joachim and Küng, Martina and Taxböck, Lukas and Frei, Martin and Lenzin, Heiner and Rusterholz, Hans-Peter. (2015) Wasserfälle als Lebensraum für Algen, Flechten, Moose, Gefässpflanzen und Tiere. In: Wasserfälle. Ökologische und sozio-kulturelle Leistungen eines bedrohten Natrumonumentes. Bern, pp. 47-137.

Baur, Bruno and Meier, Trudi. (2015) Die Molluskengesellschaft. In: Die letzten Wildbeuter der Eiszeit. Neue Forschungen zum Spätpaläolithikum im Kanton Basel-Landschaft. Basel, pp. 236-237.

Baur, Bruno. (2015) Processus dynamiques dans le monde animal: une meilleure compréhension grâce à la recherche sur le long terme. In: Au coeur de la nature. Cent ans de recherches au Parc national Suisse. Berne, pp. 177-209.

Rodewald, Raimund and Backhaus, Norman and Baur, Bruno. (2015) Schlussfolgerungen und Empfehlungen. In: Wasserfälle. Ökologische und sozio-kulturelle Leistungen eines bedrohten Natrumonumentes. Bern, pp. 229-233.

Scheurer, Thomas and Rehsteiner, Ueli and Weibel, Robert and Baur, Bruno. (2015) Bilan et perspectives après cent ans de recherche dans le Parc national. In: Au coeur de la nature. Cent ans de recherches au Parc national Suisse. Berne, pp. 361-384.

Baur, B. and Scheurer, T., eds. (2014) Wissen schaffen : 100 Jahre Forschung im Schweizerischen Nationalpark. Nationalpark-Forschung in der Schweiz, Bd. 100/1. Bern.

Baur, B. and Meier, T. and Schmera, D. and Baur, M. and Baur, A.. (2014) Die Vielfalt der Landschnecken in der Val Müstair = La diversità da lindornas illa Val Müstair. Nationalpark-Forschung in der Schweiz, Bd. 102. Bern.

Ruckli, R. and Hesse, K. and Glauser, G. and Rusterholz, H. -P. and Baur, B.. (2014) Inhibitory potential of naphthoquinones leached from leaves end exuded from roots of the invasive plant Impaties glandulifera. Journal of chemical ecology, Vol. 40 , S. 371–378.

Baur, B. and Meier, T. and Baur, A. and Schmera, D.. (2014) Terrestrial gastropod diversity in an alpine region : disentangling effects of elevation, area, geometric constraints, habitat type and landuse intensity. Ecography, Vol. 37, H. 4 , S. 309–401.

Nacambo, S. and Leuthardt, F. L. G. and Wan, H. and Li, H. and Haye, T. and Baur, B. and Weiss, R. M. and Kenis, M.. (2014) Developmental characteristics of the box-tree moth Cydalima perspectalis and its potential distribution in Europe. Journal of applied entomology (JAE), Vol. 138, H. 1-2 , S. 14–26.

Ruckli, R. and Rusterholz, H. -P. and Baur, B.. (2014) Invasion of an annual exotic plant into deciduous forests suppresses arbuscular mycorrhiza symbiosis and reduces performance of sycamore maple saplings. Forest ecology and management, Vol. 318 , S. 285–293.

Rusterholz, H. -P. and Baur, B.. (2014) Bodenschäden durch Freizeitaktivitäten im Wald: Regeneration durch Einzäunen. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen, Vol. 165, H. 1 , S. 2–9.

Riedener, E. and Rusterholz, H. -P. and Baur, B.. (2014) Land-use abandonment owing to irrigation cessation affects the biodiversity of hay meadows in an arid mountain region. Agriculture, ecosystems and environment, Vol. 185 , S. 144–152.

Haeussler, E. M. and Schmera, D. and Baur, B. and Baur, A.. (2014) Random mating with respect to mating status in the simulatneously hermaphroditic land snail Arianta arbustorum. Invertebrate reproduction and development, Vol. 58, H. 2. pp. 115-123.

Haeussler, and Schmera, D. and Baur, B.. (2014) Parasitic mites influence intra- and interpopulational variation in sperm legth in a simultaneous hermaphrodite land snail (Gastropoda:Helicidae). Biological journal of the Linnean Society, Vol. 113, H. 4 , S. 1036–1046.

Schmera, D. and Baur, B.. (2014) Gastropod communities in alpine grasslands are characterized by high beta diversity. Community ecology, Vol. 15. pp. 246-255.

Baur, B.. (2014) Dispersal-limited species – A challenge for ecological restoration. Basic and applied ecology, Vol. 15, H. 7 , S. 559–564.

Melliger, R. L. and Riedener, E. and Rusterholz, H. -P. and Baur, B.. (2014) Do different irrigation techniques affect the small-scale patterns of plant diversity and soil characteristics in mountain hay meadows? Plant Ecology, 215 (9). pp. 1037-1046.

Vakhlamova, T. and Rusterholz, H. -P. and Kanibolotskay, Y. and Baur, B.. (2014) Changes in plant diversity along an urban-rural gradient in an expanding city in Kazakhstan, Western Siberia. Landscape and urban planning, Vol. 132 , S. 111–120.

Rusterholz, H. -P. and Salamon, J. -A. and Ruckli, R. and Baur, B.. (2014) Effects of the annual invasive plant Impatiens glandulifera on the Collembola and Acari comunities in a deciduous forest. Pedobiologia, Vol. 57, H. 4–6 , S. 285–291.

Cherix, Daniel and Gonseth, Yves and Pellet, Jérome and Bernasconi, Christian and Bohnenstegel, Thierry and Capt, Simon and Filli, Flurin and Freitag, Anne and Hänggi, Ambros and Lutz Mühlethaler, Myriam and Maeder, Arnaud and Mühlethaler, Erich and Müller, Mathis and Müller, Jürg Paul and Pasche, Aline and Schmid, Jürg and Ursenbacher, Sylvain and Zbinden, Niklaus and Baur, Bruno. (2014) Dynamische Prozesse in der Tierwelt : Langzeitforschung bringt Verständnis. In: Wissen schaffen: 100 Jahre Forschung im Schweizerischen Nationalpark. Bern, pp. 176-209.

Baur, B. and Rusterholz, H. -P.. (2014) Der Naturschutzwert der Dugginger Felsen. In: Heimatkunde Duggingen. Liestal, pp. 136-138.

Baur, B.. (2014) Ein Nationalpark für die Forschung. In: Wissen schaffen. Bern, pp. 19-26.

Scheurer, T. and Rehsteiner, U. and Weibel, R. and Baur, B.. (2014) Fazit und Ausblick nach 100 Jahren Nationalparkforschung. In: Wissen schaffen. Bern, pp. 355-379.

Baur, B. and Baur, A.. (2013) Schnecken reagieren auf die Klimaerwärmung. Cratschla, 2013, Nr. 2, S. 10–11.

Walzer, C. and Kowalczyk, C. and Alexander, J. M. and Baur, B. and Bogliani, G. and Brun, J.-J. and Füreder, L. and Guth, M.-O. and Haller, R. and Holderegger, R. and Kohler, Y. and Küeffer, C. and Righetti, A. and Spaar, R. and Sutherland, W. J. and Ullrich-Schneider, A. and Vanpeene-Bruhier, S. N. and Scheurer, T.. (2013) The 50 most important questions relating to the maintenance and restoration of an ecological continuum in the European Alps. PLoS one, Vol. 8 , e153139.

Pasinelli, G. and Meichty-Stier, K. and Birrer, S. and Baur, B. and Duss, M.. (2013) Habitat quality and geometry affect patch occupancy of two Orthopteran species. PLoS one, Vol. 8 , e65850.

Minoretti, N. and Stoll, P. and Baur, B.. (2013) Heritability of sperm length and shell size in the land snail Arianta arbustorum. Journal of molluscan studies, Vol. 79 , S. 218–224.

Baur, B. and Baur, A.. (2013) Snails keep the pace : shift in upper elevational limit on mountain slopes as a response to climate warming. Canadian journal of zoology, 91, H. 8 , S. 596–599.

Leuthardt, F. L. G. and Glauser, G. and Baur, B.. (2013) Composition of alkaloids in different box-tree varieties and their uptake by the box-tree moth Cydalima perspectalis. Chemoecology, Vol. 23, H. 4 , S. 203–212.

Leuthardt, F. L. G. and Baur, B.. (2013) Oviposition preference and larval development of the invasive moth Cydalima perspectalis on five European box-tree varieties. Journal of applied entomology (JAE), Vol. 137, H. 6 , S. 437–444.

Kupfernagel, S. and Beier, K. and Janssen, R. and Rusterholz, H.-P. and Baur, A. and Baur, B.. (2013) An immunolabelling technique to track sperm from different mates in the female reproductive organs of terrestrial gastropods. Malacologia, Vol. 56 , S. 253–266.

Riedener, E. and Rusterholz, H. -P. and Baur, B.. (2013) Effects of different irrigation systems on the biodiversity of species-rich hay meadows. Agriculture, ecosystems and environment, H. 164. pp. 62-69.

Ruckli, R. and Rusterholz, H. -P. and Baur, B.. (2013) Invasion of Impatiens glandulifera affects terrestrial gastropods by altering microclimate. Acta oecologica, Vol. 47 , S. 16–23.

Rusterholz, H. -P. and Goffard, D. and Stutz, C. J. and Huguenin-Elie, O. and Baur, B.. (2013) Schnelle Ausbreitung des invasiven Neophyten Phedimus stoloniferus in der Schweiz. Bauhinia, Vol. 24. pp. 15-21.

Baur, B. and Baur, A.. (2013) Impact of climate warming – Upslope shift in the distribution of a land snail species in the Swiss National Park. In: 5th Symposium for research in protected areas. Mittersill, pp. 45-48.

Haussler, Ellen M. and Pizza, Julia and Schmera, Dénes and Baur, Bruno. (2012) Intensity of parasitic mite infection decreases with hibernation duration of the host snail. Parasitology, Vol. 139, H. 8. pp. 1038-1044.

Schmidlin, Stephanie and Schmera, Dénes and Baur, Bruno. (2012) Alien molluscs affect the composition and diversity of native macroinvertebrates in a sandy flat of Lake Neuchatel, Switzerland. Hydrobiologia, Vol. 679, H. 1. pp. 233-249.

Meister, B. and Ursenbacher, S. and Baur, B.. (2012) Grass snake population differentiation over different geographic scales. Herpetologica, Vol. 68, H. 1. pp. 134-145.

Meister, B. and Ursenbacher, S. and Baur, B.. (2012) Frequency of multiple paternity in the grass snake (Natrix natrix). Amphibia-Reptilia, Vol. 33, H. 2. pp. 308-312.

Schmidlin, S. and Schmera, D. and Ursenbacher, S. and Baur, B.. (2012) Separate introductions but lack of genetic variability in the invasive clam Corbicula spp. in Swiss lakes. Aquatic invasions, Vol. 7, H. 1. pp. 73-80.

Stoll, P. and Gatzsch, K. and Rusterholz, H. -P. and Baur, B.. (2012) Response of plant and gastropod species to knotweed invasion. Basic and applied ecology, Vol. 13, H. 1 , S. 232–240.

Baur, B.. (2012) Naturschutzbiologie – ein neues Fachgebiet etabliert sich an der Universität Basel. Regio Basiliensis, Vol. 53, H. 3 , S. 107–112.

Baur, B. and Rusterholz, H. -P.. (2012) Lösungen für ein besseres Nebeneinander. Waldnachrichten - Amt für Wald beider Basel, Vol. 2012/13. pp. 2-3.

Baur, B. and Schmera, D.. (2012) Veränderungen im Lebensraum Rhein : exotische wirbellose Kleintiere verdrängen zunehmend einheimische Arten. Regio Basiliensis, Vol. 53, H. 3. pp. 121-126.

Leuthardt, F. L. G.. (2012) Der Buchsbaumzünsler 'Cydalima perspectalis' - eine neue invasive Art in Mitteleuropa. Regio Basiliensis, Vol. 53, H. 3. pp. 127-133.

Ruckli, R. and Baur, B.. (2012) Prioritäre Arten für den Kanton Basel-Landschaft : die Verantwortung eines Kantons für den Schutz und die Förderung von Pflanzen- und Tierarten. Regio Basiliensis, Vol. 53, H. 3. pp. 153-159.

Rusterholz, H. -P. and Baur, B.. (2012) Illegale Grüngutdeponien fördern Exoten im Wald. Wald und Holz, Jg. 93, Nr. 8. pp. 29-31.

Rusterholz, H. -P. and Wirz, D. and Baur, B.. (2012) Garden waste deposits as a source for invasive plants in mixed-deciduous forests in Switzerland. Applied vegetation science, Vol. 15, Nr. 3 , S. 329–337.

Rusterholz, Hans-Peter and Aydin, Denis and Baur, Bruno. (2012) Population structure and genetic diversity of relict populations of Alyssum montanum on limestone cliffs in the Northern Swiss Jura mountains. Alpine botany, Vol. 122, H. 2 , S. 109–117.

Schmera, Dénes and Baur, Bruno and Erős, Tibor. (2012) Does functional redundancy of communities provide insurance against human disturbances? An analysis using regional-scale invertebrate data. Hydrobiologia, Vol. 693, H. 1. pp. 183-194.

Baur, B. and Rusterholz, H. -P.. (2012) Felsflühe : Hotspots der Biodiversität im Jura. In: Holznutzung aus ökonomischer, ökologischer und sozialer Verantwortung : Forstbetriebsgemeinschaft Am Blauen. [Basel], pp. 86-87.

Duss, M. and Meichtry-Stier, K. S. and Painelli, G. and Baur, B. and Birrer, S.. (2012) Vernetzte Ökoflächen fördern Heuschrecken. Agrarforschung Schweiz, Bd. 3, H. 1. pp. 4-11.

Fröberg, L. and Stoll, P. and Baur, A. and Baur, B.. (2011) Snail herbivory decreases cyanobacterial abundance and lichen diversity along cracks of limestone pavements. Ecosphere, Vol. 2, H. 3 , Article 38.

Kupfernagel, Sandra and Baur, Bruno. (2011) Sperm utilization in subadult and adult simultaneous hermaphrodite snails mating in the wild. Canadian journal of zoology, 89. pp. 1041-1049.

Kupfernagel, Sandra and Baur, Bruno. (2011) Partial precopulatory isolation between two geographically distant populations of the land snail Arianta arbustorum (L.). Journal of Molluscan Studies, Vol. 77, H. 1. pp. 87-94.

Rusterholz, H. -P. and Bertram, J. and Baur, B.. (2011) Artenvielfalt und Naturschutzwert des Felsgebietes Fulnau westlich von Seewen SO. Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft des Kantons Solothurn, H. 41. pp. 99-117.

Baur, B.. (2011) Gefährdete Lebensgemeinschaften an Felswänden im Nordwestschweizer Jura. Inside, 2011, Nr. 3. pp. 17-21.

Baur, B.. (2011) Biodiversität widerspiegelt die Qualität der von Menschen beeinflussten Lebensräume. Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaften beider Basel, H. 13. pp. 15-32.

Müller, O. and Baur, B.. (2011) Survival of the invasive clam Corbicula fluminea (Müller) in response to winter water temperature. Malacologia, Vol. 53. pp. 367-371.

Rusterholz, H. -P. and Verhoustraeten, C. and Baur, B.. (2011) Effects of long-term trampling on the above-ground forest vegetation and soil seed bank at the base of limestone cliffs. Environmental Management, Vol. 48, No. 5. pp. 1024-1032.

Zschokke, Samuel and Armbruster, Georg F. J. and Ursenbacher, Sylvain and Baur, Bruno. (2011) Genetic differences between the two remaining wild populations of the endangered Indian rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis). Biological Conservation, 144 (11). pp. 2702-2709.

Schmera, D. and Baur, B.. (2011) Testing a typology system of running waters for conservation planning in Hungary. Hydrobiologia, Vol. 665, H. 1. pp. 183-194.

Baur, B. and Nentwig, W.. (2011) Espèces invasives. In: Evolution de la biodiversité en Suisse depuis 1900 : Avons-nous touché le fond?. Bern, pp. 322-346.

Baur, Bruno. (2011) Basel Zoo and its native biodiversity between the enclosures: a new strategy of cooperation with academic institutions. International zoo yearbook, 45. pp. 1-7.

Silvertown, J. and Cook, L. and Cameron, R. and Dodd, M. and McConway, K. and Wothington, J. and Skelton, P. and Anton, C. and Bossdorf, O. and Baur, B. and Schilthuizen, M. and Tontaine, B. and Sattmann, H. and Bertorelle, G. and Correia, M. and Oliveira, C. and Pokryszko, B. and Ozgo, M. and Stalazs, A. and Gill, E. and Rammul, U. and Solymos, P. and Feher, Z. and Juan, X.. (2011) Citizen science reveals unexpected continental-scale evolutionary change in a model organism. PLoS One, 6 (4). e18927.

Ursenbacher, S. and Alvarez, C. and Armbruster, G. F. J. and Baur, B.. (2010) High population differentiation in the rock dwelling land snail (Trochulus caelatus) endemic to the Swiss Jura Mountains. Conservation genetics, Vol. 11, H. 4. pp. 1265-1271.

Breman, P. and Baur, Bruno and Bürger-Arndt, R. and Hegetschweiler, Tessa and Hunziker, M. and Picard, O. and Pröbstl, U. and Wirth, V.. (2010) Central Region. In: Management of recreation and nature based tourism in European forests. Berlin, pp. 73-96.

Baur, Bruno and Nentwig, Wolfgang. (2010) Invasive Arten. In: Wandel der Biodiversität in der Schweiz seit 1900 : ist die Talsohle erreicht?. Bern, pp. 324-328.

Klaus, Gregor and Ingold, P. and Baur, Bruno and Birrer, S. and Graf, R. and Müller, H. and Rixen, C.. (2010) Tourismus und Freizeitverhalten. In: Wandel der Biodiversität in der Schweiz seit 1900 : ist die Talsohle erreicht?. Bern, pp. 298-322.

Pauli, Daniela and Klaus, Gregor and Baur, Bruno and Duelli, Peter and Di Giulio, M. and Gonseth, Yves and Lachat, Thibault and Lambelet, C. and Meyer, A. and Moeschler, P. and Nentwig, Wolfgang and Pearson, S. and Peter, A. and Scheidegger, Christoph and Schnyder, N. and Senn-Irlet, B. and Stofer, S. and Vittoz, Pascal and Walter, Thomas and Wiedmer, E. and Zbinden, N. and Zumbach, S.. (2010) Synthese und Handlungsempfehlungen. In: Wandel der Biodiversität in der Schweiz seit 1900 : ist die Talsohle erreicht?. Bern, pp. 409-432.

Baur, Bruno. (2010) Stylommatophoran gastropods. In: The evolution of primary sexual characters in animals. New York, pp. 197-217.

Wirth, Aurelia and Schmera, Denes and Baur, Bruno. (2010) Native and alien macroinvertebrate richness in a remnant of the former river Rhine : a source for recolonisation of restored habitats? Hydrobiologia, Vol. 652, H. 1. pp. 89-100.

Meister, Barbara and Hofer, Ulrich and Ursenbacher, Sylvain and Baur, Bruno. (2010) Spatial genetic analysis of the grass snake, Natrix natrix (Squamata: Colubridae), in an intensively used agricultural landscape. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 101 (1). pp. 51-58.

Schüpbach, Hans U. and Baur, Bruno. (2010) Within- and among-family variation in parasite load and parasite-induced mortality in the land snail Arianta arbustorum, a host of parasitic mites. Journal of parasitology, Vol. 96, H. 4. pp. 830-832.

Bolzern, Angelo and Hervé, Christophe. (2010) A new funnel-web spiders species (Araneae: Agelenidae) from Mercantour National Park, France. Bulletin / British Arachnological Society, Vol. 15, H. 1. pp. 21-26.

Martinez, Nicolas and Jenni, Lukas and Wyss, Eric and Zbinden, Niklaus. (2010) Habitat structure versus food abundance : the importance of sparse vegetation for the common redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus. Journal of ornithology, Vol. 151, H. 2. pp. 297-307.

Schüpbach, Hans U. and Baur, Bruno. (2010) Contact-based transmission models in terrestrial gastropod populations infected with parasitic mites. International journal for parasitology, Vol. 40, H. 9. pp. 1045-1050.

Bolzern, Angelo and Haenggi, Ambros and Burckhardt, Daniel. (2010) Aterigena, a new genus of funnel-web spider, shedding some light on the Tegenaria-Malthonica problem (Araneae, Agelenidae). The journal of arachnology, Vol. 38, Nr. 2. pp. 162-182.

Leuthardt, Florine L. G. and Billen, Wolfgang and Baur, Bruno. (2010) Ausbreitung des Buchsbaumzünslers "Diaphania perspectalis" (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) in der Region Basel - eine für die Schweiz neue Schädlingsart. Entomo Helvetica, Vol. 3. pp. 51-57.

Baur, Bruno. (2010) Suche nach neuen Lebensräumen. Mercator News, Vol. 2010, H. 3. pp. 40-41.

Baur, Bruno. (2010) Biodiversität - Grundlage für unser Leben. Cratschla, 2010, Nr. 1. pp. 4-5.

Kupfernagel, Sandra and Rusterholz, Hans-Peter and Baur, Bruno. (2010) Variation in multiple paternity and sperm utilization patterns in natural populations of a simultaneous hermaphrodite land snail. Biological journal of the Linnean Society, Volume 99, H. 2 , pages 350–361.

Geiser, M.. (2010) Studies on Prionoceridae (Coleoptera, Cleroidea). II, a revision of the genus Prionocerus Perty, 1831. Zootaxa, 2328. pp. 1-48.

Rusterholz, Hans-Peter and Baur, Bruno. (2010) Delayed response in a plant-pollinator system to experimental grassland fragmentation. Oecologia, Vol. 163, H. 1. pp. 141-152.

Baur, Bruno. (2010) Biodiversität. UTB Profile, 3325. Bern.

Rusterholz, H.-P. and Kissling, M. and Baur, Bruno. (2009) Disturbances by human trampling alter the performance, sexual reproduction and genetic diversity in a clonal woodland herb. Perspectives in plant ecology, evolution and systematics, Vol. 11, H. 1 , S. 17–29.

Braschler, B. and Marini, L. and Thommen, G. H. and Baur, Bruno. (2009) Effects of small-scale grassland fragmentation and frequent mowing on population density and species diversity of orthopterans : a long-term study. Ecological Entomology, 34. pp. 321-329.

Rusterholz, H.-P. and Bilecen, E. and Kleiber, O. and Hegetschweiler, K. T. and Baur, Bruno. (2009) Intensive recreational activities in suburban forests : a method to quantify the reduction in timber value. Urban forestry & urban greening, Vol. 8. pp. 109-116.

Meister, Barbara and Armbruster, Georg F. J. and Frauenfelder, N. and Baur Bruno, . (2009) Novel microsatellite loci in the grass snake (Natrix natrix) and cross-amplification in the dice snake (Natrix tessellata). Molecular ecology resources, Vol. 9 , S. 604–606.

Beese, K. and Armbruster, G. F. J. and Beier, K. and Baur, Bruno. (2009) Evolution of female sperm storage organs in the carrefour of sylommatophoran gastropods. Journal of zoological systematics and evolutionary research = Zeitschrift für zoologische Systematik und Evolutionsforschung, Bd. 47. pp. 49-60.

Baur, A. and Minoretti, N. and Baur Bruno, . (2009) Effects of soil type and adult size on mating propensity and reproductive output in two populations of the land snail Arianta arbustorum (Linnaeus). Malacologia, Vol. 51. pp. 1-11.

Hegetschweiler, K. T. and van Loon, N. and Ryser, A. and Rusterholz, H.-P. and Baur, Bruno. (2009) Effects of fire place use on forest vegetation and amount of woody debris in suburban forests in northwestern Switzerland. Environmental Management, vol. 43. pp. 299-310.

Stoll, Peter and Oggier, Peter and Baur, Bruno. (2009) Population dynamics of six land snail species in experimentally fragmented grassland. The journal of animal ecology, Vol. 78, H. 1. pp. 236-246.

Kissling, M. and Hegetschweiler, K. T. and Rusterholz, H.-P. and Baur, Bruno. (2009) Short-term and long-term effects of human trampling on above-ground vegetation, soil density, soil organic matter and soil microbial processes in suburban beech forests. Applied soil ecology, Vol. 42. pp. 303-314.

Baur, Bruno and Inderwildi, E.. (2009) Evolution MegaLab : natürliche Selektion im Garten erfassen. Hotspot, 19. p. 18.

Baur, Bruno. (2009) Intensified sheep grazing decreases the biodiversity of alpine grasslands in the Carpathians, Romania. Mountain Forum Bulletin, Vol. 9. pp. 16-17.

Baur, Bruno. (2009) Erstaunliche Vielfalt an wildlebenden Tieren und Pflanzen. In: Jahresbericht / Zoologischer Garten Basel, 2008. Basel, p. 50.

Inderwildi, E. and Baur, B.. (2009) Evolution und Biodiversität vor der Haustüre erleben.

Baur, Bruno. (2009) 150 Jahre Evolutionstheorie – Schnecken als Modellorganismen.

Schuepbach, Hans U. and Baur, Bruno. (2008) Parasitic mites influence fitness components of their host, the land snail Arianta arbustorum. Invertebrate Biology, Vol. 127, H. 3. pp. 350-356.

Schuepbach, H. U. and Baur, B.. (2008) Experimental evidence for a new transmission route in a parasitic mite and its mucus-dependent orientation towards the host snail. Parasitology, Vol. 135, H. 14. pp. 1679-1684.

Boschi, Cristina and Baur, Bruno. (2008) Past pasture management affects the land snail diversity in nutrient-poor calcareous grasslands. Basic and applied ecology, Vol. 9, H. 6. pp. 752-761.

Schmidlin, Stephanie and Baur, Bruno. (2007) Veränderungen in der Vielfalt der Süsswasser-Mollusken in den Weihern der Ermitage (Arlesheim, Kanton Basel-Landschaft, Schweiz) zwischen 1994 und 2003. Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaften beider Basel, Vol. 10. pp. 31-38.

Schmidlin, Stephanie and Baur, Bruno. (2007) Distribution and substrate preference of the invasive clam Corbicula fluminea in the river Rhine in the region of Basel (Switzerland, Germany, France). Aquatic sciences, Vol. 69, H. 1. pp. 153-161.

Boschi, Cristina and Baur, Bruno. (2007) Effects of management intensity on land snails in Swiss nutrient-poor pastures. Agriculture, ecosystems and environment, Vol. 120, H. 2-4. pp. 243-249.

Boschi, Cristina and Baur, Bruno. (2007) The effect of horse, cattle and sheep grazing on the diversity and abundance of land snails in nutrient-poor calcareous grasslands. Basic and applied ecology, Vol. 8, H. 1. pp. 55-65.

Armbruster, Georg F. J. and Hofer, Martin and Baur, Bruno. (2007) Effect of cliff connectivity on the genetic population structure of a rock-dwelling land snail species with frequent self-fertilization. Biochemical systematics and ecology, Vol. 35, H. 6. pp. 325-333.

Armbruster, Georg F. J. and Alvarez, C. and Pesaro, M. and Baur, B.. (2007) Polymorphic microsatellite DNA markers in the endangered land snail, Trichia caelata (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora). Molecular ecology notes, Vol. 7, H. 6. pp. 1123-1124.

Baur, Bruno and Froeberg, Lars and Mueller, Stefan W.. (2007) Effect of rock climbing on the calcicolous lichen community of limestone cliffs in the northern Swiss Jura Mountains. Nova Hedwigia, 85, Nr. 3/4. pp. 429-444.

Baur, Bruno. (2007) Reproductive biology and mating conflict in the simultaneously hermaphroditic land snail Arianta arbustorum. American Malacological Bulletin, Vol. 23, H. 1/2. pp. 157-172.

Baur, Bruno and Schmidlin, Stephanie. (2007) Effects of invasive non-native species on the native biodiversity in the river Rhine. In: Biological invasions. Berlin, pp. 257-273.

Baur, Bruno and Cremene, Cristina and Groza, Cheorghe and Schileyko, Anatoli A. and Baur, Anette and Erhardt, Andreas. (2007) Intensified grazing affects endemic plant and gastropod diversity in alpine grasslands of the Southern Carpathian mountains (Romania). Biologia : journal of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Vol. 62, Nr. 4. pp. 438-445.

Stoll, P. and Dolt, C. and Goverde, M. and Baur, B.. (2006) Experimental habitat fragmentation and invertebrate grazing in a herbaceous grassland species. Basic and applied ecology, Vol. 7, H. 4. pp. 307-319.

Joshi, J. and Stoll, P. and Rusterholz, H. P. and Schmid, B. and Dolt, C. and Baur, B.. (2006) Small-scale experimental habitat fragmentation reduces colonization rates in species-rich grasslands. Oecologia, Vol. 148, H. 1. pp. 144-152.

Minoretti, N. and Baur, B.. (2006) Among- and within-population variation in sperm quality in the simultaneously hermaphroditic land snail Arianta arbustorum. Behavioral ecology and sociobiology, Vol. 60, H. 2. pp. 270-280.

Beese, K. and Beier, K. and Baur, B.. (2006) Coevolution of male and female reproductive traits in a simultaneously hermaphroditic land snail. Journal of evolutionary biology, Vol. 19, H. 2. pp. 410-418.

Beese, Kathleen and Beier, Konstantin and Baur, Bruno. (2006) Bursa tract diverticulum in the hermaphroditic land snail Arianta arbustorum (Stylommatophora : Helicidae) : morphology, function, and evolutionary implications. Journal of morphology, Vol. 267, H. 8. pp. 940-953.

Baur, Bruno and Cremene, Cristina and Groza, Gheorghe and Rakosy, Laszlo and Schileyko, Anatoli A. and Baur, Anette and Stoll, Peter and Erhardt, Andreas. (2006) Effects of abandonment of subalpine hay meadows on plant and invertebrate diversity in Transylvania, Romania. Biological conservation, vol. 132, Nr. 2. pp. 261-273.

Beese, Kathleen and Baur, Bruno. (2006) Expandable spermatheca influences sperm storage in the simultaneously hermaphroditic snail Arianta arbustorum. Invertebrate reproduction and development, Vol. 49, H. 1/2. pp. 93-101.

Froberg, Lars and Baur, Anette and Baur, Bruno. (2006) Field study on the regenerative capacity of three calcicolous lichen species damaged by snail grazing. Lichenologist, Vol. 38, Pt. 5. pp. 491-493.

Mueller, Stefan W. and Rusterholz, Hans-Peter and Baur, Bruno. (2006) Effects of forestry practices on relict plant species on limestone cliffs in the northern Swiss Jura mountains. Forest ecology and management, 237, H. 1-3. pp. 227-236.

Armbruster, G. F. J. and Koller, B. and Baur, B.. (2005) Foot mucus and periostracum fraction as non-destructive source of DNA in the land snail Arianta arbustorum, and the development of new microsatellite loci. Conservation genetics, Vol. 6, H. 2. pp. 313-316.

Baur, A. and Baur, B.. (2005) Interpopulation variation in the prevalence and intensity of parasitic mite infection in the land snail Arianta arbustorum. Invertebrate biology, Vol. 124, H. 3. pp. 194-201.

Braschler, B. and Baur, B.. (2005) Experimental small-scale grassland fragmentation alters competitive interactions among ant species. Oecologia, Vol. 143, H. 2. pp. 291-300.

Dolt, C. and Goverde, M. and Baur, B.. (2005) Effects of experimental small-scale habitat fragmentation on above-and below-ground plant biomass in calcareous grasslands. Acta oecologica, Vol. 27 , H. 1. pp. 49-56.

Baur, Bruno and Coray, Armin and Minoretti, Nicole and Zschokke, Samuel. (2005) Dispersal of the endangered flightless beetle 'Dorcadion fuliginator' (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in spatially realistic landscapes. Biological conservation, vol. 124, Nr. 1. pp. 49-61.

Cremene, C. and Groza, G. and Rakosy, L. and Schileyko, A. A. and Baur, A. and Erhardt, A. and Baur, B.. (2005) Alterations of steppe-like grasslands in Eastern Europe : a threat to regional biodiversity hotspots. Conservation biology, Vol. 19, no. 5. pp. 1606-1618.

Amrein, D. and Rusterholz, H. P. and Baur, B.. (2005) Disturbance of suburban Fagus forests by recreational activities : effects on soil characteristics, above-ground vegetation and seed bank. Applied vegetation science, Vol. 8, Nr. 2. pp. 175-182.

Braschler, B. and Zschokke, S. and Dolt, C. and Thommen, G. H. and Oggier, P. and Baur, B.. (2004) Grain-dependent relationships between plant productivity and invertebrate species richness and biomass in calcareous grasslands. Basic and applied ecology, Vol. 5, H. 1. pp. 15-24.

Rusterholz, H. P. and Muller, S. W. and Baur, B.. (2004) Effects of rock climbing on plant communities on exposed limestone cliffs in the Swiss Jura mountains. Applied vegetation science, Vol. 7, Nr. 1. pp. 35-40.

Wacker, A. and Baur, B.. (2004) Effects of protein and calcium concentrations of artificial diets on the growth and survival of the land snail Arianta arbustorum. Invertebrate reproduction and development, Vol. 46, H. 1. pp. 47-53.

Muller, S. and Rusterholz, H. P. and Baur, B.. (2004) Rock climbing alters the vegetation of limestone cliffs in the northern Swiss Jura mountains. Canadian journal of botany, 82, Nr. 6. pp. 862-870.

Braschler, B. and Lampel, G. and Baur, B.. (2003) Experimental small-scale grassland fragmentation alters aphid population dynamics. Oikos, 100, H. 3. pp. 581-591.

Braschler, B. and Baur, B.. (2003) Effects of experimental small-scale grassland fragmentation on spatial distribution, density, and persistence of ant nests. Ecological entomology, 28. pp. 651-658.

Heer, C. and Rusterholz, H. P. and Baur, B.. (2003) Forest perception and knowledge of hikers and mountain bikers in two different areas in northwestern Switzerland. Environmental management, vol. 31. pp. 709-723.

Haase, M. and Misof, B. and Wirth, T. and Baminger, H. and Baur, B.. (2003) Mitochondrial differentiation in a polymorphic land snail : evidence for Pleistocene survival within the boundaries of permafrost. Journal of evolutionary biology, Vol. 16, H. 3. pp. 415-428.

Zschokke, Samuel and Gautschi, Barbara and Baur, Bruno. (2003) Polymorphic microsatellite loci in the endangered Indian rhinoceros, Rhinoceros unicornis. Molecular ecology notes, Vol. 3, H. 2. pp. 233-235.

Baur, B. and Zschokke, S. and Coray, A. and Schläpfer, M. and Erhardt, A.. (2002) Habitat characteristics of the endangered flightless beetle 'Dorcadion fuliginator' (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) : implications for conservation. Biological Conservation. - Amsterdam, vol. 105, Nr. 2. pp. 133-142.

Ledergerber, S. and Dolt, C. and Zschokke, S. and Baur, B.. (2002) Effects of experimental small-scale grassland fragmentation on the extent of grazing damage in Trifolium repens seedlings. Acta oecologica, Vol. 23 , H. 5. pp. 329-336.

Goverde, Marcel and Schweizer, Katrin and Baur, Baur and Erhardt, Andreas. (2002) Small-scale habitat fragmentation effects on pollinator behaviour : experimental evidence from the bumblebee 'Bombus veteranus' on calcarous grasslands. Biological conservation, vol. 104, Nr. 3. pp. 293-299.

Zschokke, Samuel and Baur, Bruno. (2002) Inbreeding, outbreeding, infant growth, and size dimorphism in captive Indian rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis). Canadian journal of zoology, 80. pp. 2014-2023.

Zschokke, S. and Dolt, C. and Rusterholz, H.-P. and Oggier, P. and Braschler, B. and Thommen, G. H. and Lüdin, E. and Erhardt, A. and Baur, B.. (2000) Short-term responses of plants and invertebrates to experimental small-scale grassland fragmentation. Oecologia, Vol. 125, H. 4. pp. 559-572.

Ledergerber, S. and Leadley, P. W. and Stöcklin, Jürg and Baur, Bruno. (1998) Feeding behaviour of juvenile snails (Helix pomatia) to four plant species grown at elevated atmospheric CO2. Acta Oecologica. Oecologia plantarum, 19 (1). pp. 89-95.