Browse by Basel Contributors ID
Busch, A.-K. and Spirig, R. and Schnepp, W.. (2014) Bewältigung der Multiplen Sklerose in der Partnerschaft. Der Nervenarzt, 85 (6). pp. 727-737. Kläusler-Troxler, Marianne and Kurth, Elisabeth and Spirig, Rebecca. (2014) Erfahrungen junger Eltern mit der familienzentrierten Betreuung in der Primärversorgung in der Schweiz: Eine qualitative Evaluationsstudie. Pflege, 27 (4). pp. 219-230. Schmid-Mohler, Gabriela and Schäfer-Keller, Petra and Frei, Anja and Fehr, Thomas and Spirig, Rebecca. (2014) A mixed-method study to explore patients' perspective of self-management tasks in the early phase after kidney transplant. Progress in Transplantation, 24 (1). pp. 8-18. Spirig, Rebecca and Spichiger, Elisabeth and Martin, Jacqueline S. and Frei, Irena Anna and Müller, Marianne and Kleinknecht, Michael. (2014) Monitoring the impact of the DRG payment system on nursing service context factors in Swiss acute care hospitals: Study protocol. GMS German Medical Science, 12. Doc07. Martin, Jacqueline S. and McCormack, Brendan and Fitzsimons, Donna and Spirig, Rebecca. (2012) Evaluation of a clinical leadership programme for nurse leaders. Journal of nursing management, Vol. 20, H. 1. pp. 72-80. Bläuer, Cornelia and Pfister, Otmar and Bächtold, Christa and Junker, Therese and Spirig, Rebecca. (2011) Vernetzte Betreuung von Patientinnen und Patienten mit Herzinsuffizienz. Therapeutische Umschau, Vol. 68, H. 2. pp. 113-118. Kleinknecht, Michael and Frei, Irena Anna and Spichiger, Elisabeth and Müller, Marianne and Martin, Jacqueline S. and Straudacher, Diana and Spirig, Rebecca. (2011) [Palliative care research. Data before and after DRG introduction]. Krankenpflege, Vol. 104, H. 2 , S. 16-18, 52-54. Bühlmann, Josi and Staudacher, Diana and Spirig, Rebecca and Saxer, Susi. (2011) [Decubitus ulcer, accidental falls and malnutrition. Assessment data as the basis for better quallity]. Krankenpflege, Vol. 104, H. 11. pp. 22-23. Grossmann, Florian F. and Nickel, Christian H. and Christ, Michael and Schneider, Kristian and Spirig, Rebecca and Bingisser, Roland. (2011) Transporting clinical tools to new settings : cultural adaptation and validation of the Emergency Severity Index in German. Annals of emergency medicine, Vol. 57, H. 3. pp. 257-264. Senn, B. and Gafner, D. and Happ, M. B. and Eicher, M. and Mueller, M. D. and Engberg, S. and Spirig, R.. (2011) The unspoken disease: symptom experience in women with vulval neoplasia and surgical treatment : a qualitative study. European journal of cancer care, Vol. 20, H. 6. pp. 747-758. Schmid-Mohler, Gabriela and Albiez, Thomas and Schäfer-Keller, Petra and Fehr, Thomas and Biotti, Beatrice and Spirig, Rebecca. (2011) [In-patient education after renal transplantation]. Pflege, Vol. 24, H. 5. pp. 317-328. Spirig, Rebecca and Linka, Esther and Staudacher, Diana and Schneebeli, Margrit and Sauer, Regina and Brühwiler, Barbara and Jenzer, Regula. (2011) [The path to excellence]. Krankenpflege, Vol. 104. pp. 16-18. Spirig, Rebecca and Staudacher, Diana and Rettke, Horst and Kleinknecht, Michael. (2011) [DRG related focus group discussions. Fears and hopes]. Krankenpflege, Vol. 104, H. 2 , S. 18-19, 54-55. Bernhart-Just, Alexandra and Kunkel, Sandra and Linnebank, Michael and Staudacher, Diana and Spirig, Rebecca. (2011) [Competence center for patients with multiple sclerosis: a future oriented health care model]. Krankenpflege, Vol. 104, H. 10. pp. 15-17. De Geest, Sabina and Sullivan Marx, Eileen M. and Rich, Victoria and Spichiger, Elisabeth and Schwendimann, Rene and Spirig, Rebecca and Van Malderen, Greet. (2010) Developing a financial framework for academic service partnerships : models of the United States and Europe. Journal of nursing scholarship, Vol. 42, H. 3. pp. 295-304. Martin, Jacqueline S. and Frei, Irena Anna and Suter-Hofmann, Franziska and Fierz, Katharina and Schubert, Maria and Spirig, Rebecca. (2010) [Evaluation of nursing and leadership competencies - a baseline for practice development]. Pflege, Vol. 23, H. 3. pp. 191-203. Spitz-Köberich, Christine and Barth, Michael and Spirig, Rebecca. (2010) [Parents of a critically ill child - what do they expect from the team of the pediatric intensive care unit?]. Pflege, Vol. 23, H. 5. pp. 299-307. Pretto, Manuela and Spirig, Rebecca and Kaelin, Raphael and Muri-John, Vanessa and Kressig, Reto W. and Suhm, Norbert. (2010) Outcomes of elderly hip fracture patients in the Swiss healthcare system : a survey prior to the implementation of DRGs and prior to the implementation ofa Geriatric Fracture Centre. Swiss medical weekly, Vol. 140 , w13086. Spirig, Rebecca and Eze, Germaine and Wehrli, Michael and Rageth, Esther Sackmann and Zogg, Kurt and Frei, Irena Anna and Rosery, Silvia. (2010) [Career model for nurses. From the specialist to the expert]. Krankenpflege, Vol. 103, H. 1. pp. 22-24. Bläuer, Cornelia and Erne, Simone and Bächtold, Christa and Eze, Germaine and Junker, Therese and Spirig, Rebecca. (2010) [Consultation of patients with heart insufficiency. Self-management increases quality of life]. Krankenpflege, Vol. 103, H. 6. pp. 30-31. Seliner, Brigitte and Gobet, Rita and Metzenthin, Petra and Spirig, Rebecca. (2010) [Living with bladder exstrophy - the patients' perspective]. Pflege, Vol. 23, H. 3. pp. 163-172. Haldemann-Jenni, Elisabeth and Trachsel, Edith and Zogg, Kurt and Spirig, Rebecca. (2010) [Determination of nutritional status]. Krankenpflege, Vol. 103. p. 53. Herzog, Simone and Ullmann, Fabiola and Holdener-Mascheroni, Eveline and Wopmann, Markus and Keller, Roger and Spirig, Rebecca. (2010) [Pain measurement in infants and young children. Children connect pain with what bothers them]. Krankenpflege, Vol. 103, H. 2 , S. 14-15, 44-45, 68-69. Büchi, Simone and Rageth, Esther Sackmann and Spirig, Rebecca. (2010) [Nursing and midwifery practice at the Basel University Hospital. Portfolio for general practice development achieved]. Krankenpflege, Vol. 103, H. 2. pp. 22-24. Haldemann-Jenni, Elisabeth and Trachsel, Edith and Zogg, Kurt and Spirig, Rebecca. (2010) [Malnutrition also on surgical units? Nutrition status should be assessed]. Krankenpflege, Vol. 103, H. 2. p. 32. Martin, Jacqueline S. and Ummenhofer, Wolfgana and Manser, Tanja and Spirig, Rebecca. (2010) Interprofessional collaboration among nurses and physicians : making a difference in patient outcome. Swiss medical weekly, Vol. 140 , w13062. Krummenacher, Isabelle and Cavassini, Matthias and Bugnon, Olivier and Spirig, Rebecca and Schneider, Marie P. and The Swiss HIV Cohort Study, . (2010) Antiretroviral adherence program in HIV patients : a feasibility study in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. Pharmacy world & science, Vol. 32, H. 6. pp. 776-786. Hasemann, Wolfgang and Hafner, Martina and Kressig, Reto W. and Spirig, Rebecca. (2010) Delirprävention – das Basler Modell. Therapeutische Umschau, Vol. 67, H. 2. pp. 95-99. Spirig, Rebecca and Schrems, Berta and Meyer, Gabriele and Panfil, Eva-Maria. (2010) Zeitgemäße Umstrukturierungen auf dem Weg zu einem international anerkannten Journal. Pflege, Vol. 23, H. 4. pp. 219-221. Ulrich, Anja and Hellstern, Peter and Kressig, Reto W. and Eze, Germaine and Spirig, Rebecca. (2010) Advanced Nursing Practice (ANP) im direkten Pflegealltag : Die pflegerische Praxisentwicklung eines akutgeriatrischen ANP-Teams. Pflege, Vol. 23, H. 6. pp. 403-410. Ulrich-Hermann, Anja and Kramer, Franz and Spirig, Rebecca. (2010) Pflegerische Ansätze der nicht-medikamentösen Therapie des Deliriums. Therapeutische Umschau, Vol. 67, H. 2. pp. 87-90. Spirig, Rebecca. (2010) 10 Jahre Advanced Nursing Practice in der Schweiz: Rückblick und Ausblick. Pflege, Vol. 23, H. 6. pp. 363-366. Vincenzi, C. and Prat, D. and Eze, G. and Tschamper, U. and Spirig, R.. (2009) [Course of chronic diseases]. Krankenpflege = Soins infirmiers = Cure infermieristiche, Vol. 102. pp. 17-19. Pretto, Manuela and Muri-John, Vanessa and Suhm, Norbert and Frank, Matthias and Kressig, Reto W. and Spirig, Rebecca. (2009) [Multidisciplinary treatment and care]. Krankenpflege, Vol. 102. pp. 32-33. Ulrich, Anja and Hellstern, Peter and Lüthi, Silvia and Study, Silvy and Spirig, Rebecca. (2009) [Failures can improve nursing practice]. Krankenpflege, Vol. 102. pp. 16-19. Schubert, M. and Wehrli, M. and Spirig, R.. (2009) Portfolio zur strategischen Steuerung der Entwicklung einer Intensivstation zum Referenzzentrum. Pflege : die wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift für Pflegeberufe, Vol. 22. pp. 47-56. Barandun Schäfer, U. and Massarotto, P. and Lehmann, A. and Wehrmüller, C. and Spirig, R. and Marsch, S.. (2009) Übersetzungsverfahren eines klinischen Assessmentinstrumentes am Beispiel der Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale (RASS). Pflege : die wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift für Pflegeberufe, Vol. 22. pp. 7-17. Bigler, S. and Nicca, D. and Spirig, R.. (2009) Leitlinie für die Unterstützung des Therapiemanagements am Beispiel der s.c. Anwendung von Enfuvirtide bei HIV Patienten. Pflege : die wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift für Pflegeberufe, Vol. 22. pp. 29-38. Pretto, Manuela and Spirig, Rebecca and Milisen, Koen and Degeest, Sabina and Regazzoni, Pietro and Hasemann, Wolfgang. (2009) Effects of an interdisciplinary nurse-led Delirium Prevention and Management Program (DPMP) on nursing workload : a pilot study. International journal of nursing studies, Vol. 46. pp. 804-812. Rüeger-Schaad, Elizabeth and Fierz, Katharina and Egger, Barbara and Zogg, Kurt and Spirig, Rebecca. (2009) [Outpatient wound consultation with development potential]. Krankenpflege, Vol. 102. pp. 18-19. Vincenzi, Christine Barbara and Moody, Kimberly and Spirig, Rebecca. (2009) Development and pretesting of a set of symptom assessment tools in HIV : the HIV symptom experience assessment scale and the HIV symptom manageability scale. Applied nursing research : ANR, Vol. 22. pp. 204-210. Busch, Ada-Katrin and Schnepp, Wilfried and Spirig, Rebecca. (2009) [Psychosocial interventions for couples living with cancer. A literature review]. Pflege, Vol. 22, H. 4. pp. 254-265. De Geest, S. and Moons, P. and Callens, B. and Gut, C. and Lindpaintner, L. and Spirig, R.. (2008) Introducing advanced practice nurses / nurse practitioners in health care systems: a framework for reflection and analysis. Swiss Medical Weekly, Vol. 138. pp. 621-628. Bläuer, C. and Schierz-Hungerbühler, J. and Trachsel, E. and Spirig, R. and Frei, I. A.. (2008) Multidisziplinäres Malnutritionsprogramm zur Erfassung und Behandlung von Patienten mit dem Risiko oder bestehender Mangelernährung in pflegerischer Verantwortung. Pflege, Vol. 21. pp. 225-234. Sieber, M. and Ullmann-Bremi, A. and Baenziger, O. and Spirig, R.. (2008) [A challenge in spite of acceptance - how mothers of newborn babies with a "cleft" experience the transition from the hospital back home]. Pflege, Vol. 21. pp. 299-307. Rüeger-Schaad, E. and Panfil, E. M. and Viehl, C. T. and Spirig, R.. (2008) [Living with a chronic abdominal wound, the patients' perspective]. Pflege, Vol. 21. pp. 262-269. Spirig, R. and Fierz, K.. (2008) [Symptom management in HIV infections]. Krankenpflege, Vol. 101. pp. 30-31. Martin, J. S. and Rice, M. and Aldorf, K. and Spirig, R.. (2008) [Nursing needs leadership]. Krankenpflege, Vol. 100. pp. 26-27. Helberg, D. and Frei, I. A. and Spirig, R.. (2008) [Precise decisions about health conditions]. Krankenpflege, Vol. 101, H. 11. pp. 14-15. Bigler, S. and Egger, B. and Spirig, R. and Kessler-Berther, G. and Hartmann, M. G.. (2008) [Permanent improvement in care and investigation]. Krankenpflege, Vol. 101. pp. 21-23. Bläuer, C. and Schierz-Hungerbühler, J. and Trachsel, E. and Spirig, R. and Frei, I. A.. (2008) [A nurse-led multidisciplinary malnutrition program to assess and treat patients with malnutrition or those at risk of malnutrition]. Pflege, Vol. 21, H. 4. pp. 225-234. |