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Macamo, Elísio. (2014) Kunstgriffe gegen die entwicklungspolitische Rechthaberei. Politische Vierteljahresschrift. Sonderheft, 48. pp. 488-500.

Macamo, Elísio. (2012) Social criticism and contestation: reflections on the politics of anger and outrage. Stichproben : Wiener Zeitschrift für kritische Afrikastudien, Jg. 11, Nr. 20. pp. 45-68.

Macamo, Elísio. (2012) Lusophone Africa: beyond independence. Africa, vol. 82, no. 3. pp. 507-508.

Macamo, Elisio. (2010) Entwicklungsforschung und Praxis – Kritische Anmerkungen aus der Sicht eines Beforschten. Geographische Rundschau, Jg. 62, H. 10. pp. 52-57.

Macamo, Elisio. (2010) Making Modernity Accountable: A Case Study of Youth in Mozambique. Cadernos de estudos africanos, H. 18/19. pp. 19-47.


Macamo, Elisio. (2016) Sociologia prática – como alguns sociólogos pensam. Maputo.

Obrist, Brigit and Arlt, Veit and Macamo, Elisio, eds. (2013) Living the city in Africa : processes of invention and intervention. Schweizerische Afrikastudien, Bd. 10. Zürich.

Macamo, Elísio. (2013) L' abbecedario della nostra dipendenza : una lettura critica del discorso sullo sviluppo : il caso del Mozambico. Trento.

Macamo, Elisio and Bloemertz, Lena and Doevenspeck, Martin and Müller-Mahn, Detlef, eds. (2012) Risk in Africa : multi-disciplinary empirical approaches. Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung, 51. Berlin.

Macamo, Elísio. (2008) Planícies sem fim. Maputo.

Macamo, Elísio. (2006) Trepar o país pelos ramos. Maputo.

Macamo, Elísio. (2006) Um país cheio de soluções. Maputo.

Macamo, Elísio. (2005) Abecedário da nossa dependência. Maputo.

Macamo, Elísio and Huo, Teles. (2005) Como aprender a estudar. Maputo.

Macamo, Elísio, ed. (2005) Negotiating Modernity. Africa's ambivalent experience. Africa in the new millennium. Dakar.

Macamo, Elísio, ed. (2004) A leitura sociológica. Um manual introdutório. Maputo.

Clausen, Lars and Macamo, Elísio and Geenen, Elke, eds. (2003) Entsetzliche soziale Prozesse. Theorie und Empirie der Katastrophen. Konflikte, Krisen und Katastrophen - in sozialer und kultureller Sicht, 1. Münster.

Elkana, Yehuda and Macamo, Elísio and Krastev, Ivan and Randeria, Shalini, eds. (2002) Unraveling ties. From social cohesion to new practices of connectedness. Frankfurt a. M..

Book Section

Macamo, Elisio. (2016) África, uma Realidade Dialógica. In: Radiografia Crioula. um diagnóstico político e social de Cabo Verde. Lisboa, pp. 11-28.

Macamo, Elisio. (2016) Before we start: science and power in the constitution of Africa. In: The Politics of Nature and Science in Southern Africa. Basel, pp. 323-334.

Macamo, Elisio. (2016) ’Desenvolvimento’ - Resultado ou mito da modernidade? In: Modernizações ambivalentes. Recife, pp. 159-180.

Macamo, Elísio and Neubert, Dieter. (2015) Science versus metaphysics : the importance of everyday life experience for the interpretation of disaster. In: Learning and calamities : practices, interpretations, patterns. New York, pp. 272-290.

Macamo, Elisio. (2015) Science versus Metaphysics. The Importance of Everyday Life Experience for the Interpretation of Disaster. In: Learning and Calamities. Practices, Interpretations, Patterns. New York, pp. 272-290.

Macamo, Elísio. (2014) Vorsprung durch Aufklärung : ein Märchen, an das Europäer nach wie vor glauben. In: Freiheit, Gleichheit, Ausbeutung. Hamburg, pp. 170-176.

Macamo, Elísio and Neubert, Dieter. (2014) Modernity and the globalisation of scientific-technological rationality. In: Agency and changing world views in Africa. Münster, pp. 15-40.

Macamo, Elísio. (2014) Cultura política e cidadania em Moçambique : uma relação conflituosa. In: Desafios para Moçambique, 2014. Maputo, pp. 41-60.

Macamo, Elísio. (2014) Global Modernity, Social Criticism and the Local Intelligibility of Contestation in Mozambique. In: Global Modernity and Social Contestation. London, pp. 139-154.

Macamo, Elisio and Neubert, Dieter. (2014) Modernity and the Globalisation of Scientific-Technological Rationality. In: Agency and Changing World Views in Africa. Berlin, pp. 15-40.

Macamo, Elisio. (2014) Vorsprung durch Aufklärung: Ein Märchen, an das Europäer nach wie vor glauben. In: Freiheit, Gleichheit, Ausbeutung. Hamburg, pp. 170-176.

Macamo, Elísio. (2013) Living effervescence : the social in African urban settings. In: Living the City in Africa. Zürich, pp. 291-297.

Macamo, Elísio. (2013) O pós-colonial ante portas: algumas notas de rodapé. In: Crítica pós-colonial – panorama de leituras contemporâneas. Rio de Janeiro, pp. 247-256.

Macamo, Elísio. (2013) The compulsion to do the right thing: Development knowledge and its limits. In: African Dynamics in a Multipolar World. Leiden, pp. 175-194.

Macamo, Elísio and Neubert, Dieter. (2012) "Flood disasters" : a sociological analysis of local perception and management of extreme events based on examples from Mozambique, Germany, and the USA. In: Negotiating disasters: politics, representation, meanings. Frankfurt a.M., pp. 81-103.

Macamo, Elísio. (2012) Über die konstitutiven Regeln Afrikas. In: Afrika Bilder im Wandel? : Quellen, Kontinuitäten, Wirkungen und Brüche. Frankfurt a.M., pp. 29-40.

Macamo, Elísio. (2012) Afrikanische Moderne und die Möglichkeit(en), Mensch zu sein. In: Formen der Moderne – Perspektive der Moderne. Frankfurt am Main, pp. 137-170.