Lang, Christin and Kalak, Nadeem and Brand, Serge and Holsboer-Trachsler, Edith and Pühse, Uwe and Gerber, Markus.
The relationship between physical activity and sleep from mid adolescence to early adulthood: a systematic review of methodological approaches and meta-analysis.
Sleep medicine reviews, 28.
pp. 32-45.
Elliot, C. and Lang, C. and Brand, S. and Holsboer-Trachsler, E. and Pühse, U. and Gerber, M..
Burnout symptoms among adolescents above versus below current recommendations for vigorous physical activity : an exploratory study with vocational students.
Journal of sport & exercise psychology, Vol. 37.
pp. 180-192.
Lang, Christin.
The relationship between physical activity, sleep, and coping skills among adolescent vocational students, and the effects of a physical education-based coping training.
Doctoral Thesis, University of Basel,
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Gerber, M. and Lang, C. and Lüthy, M..
Stressmanagement im Sportunterricht : ein Trainingsprogramm in 6 Modulen : Trainingsheft für Lernende an Berufsfachschulen.
Gerber, M. and Hartmann, T. and Lang, C. and Lüthy, M. and Brand, S..
Stressmanagement im Sportunterricht : ein Trainingsprogramm in 8 Modulen : Broschüre für BerufsschülerInnen.