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Kutlar Joss, Meltem and Eeftens, Marloes and Gintowt, Emily and Kappeler, Ron and Künzli, Nino. (2017) Time to harmonize national ambient air quality standards. International journal of public health, 62 (4). pp. 453-462.

Nhung, Nguyen Thi Trang and Amini, Heresh and Schindler, Christian and Kutlar Joss, Meltem and Dien, Tran Minh and Probst-Hensch, Nicole and Perez, Laura and Künzli, Nino. (2017) Short-term association between ambient air pollution and pneumonia in children: a systematic review and meta-analysis of time-series and case-crossover studies. Environmental Pollution, 230. pp. 1000-1008.

Kutlar Joss, M. and Rapp, R.. (1 December 2015) Gotthard : Gesundheitsaspekte eines zweiten Strassentunnels. Oekoskop. pp. 9-11. Delémont.

Kutlar Joss, M. and Dyntar, D. and Rapp, R.. (2015) Gesundheitliche Wirkungen der NO2-Belastung auf den Menschen : Synthese der neueren Literatur auf Grundlage des WHO-REVIHAAP Berichts. Basel.