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Winkler, Mirko and Odermatt, Peter. (1 September 2017) Die Tropen – ein Teil von uns. Advanced Studies. pp. 16-21. Basel.

Heck, Angela and Milnik, Annette and Vukojevic, Vanja and Petrovska, Jana and Egli, Tobias and Singer, Jochen and Escobar, Pablo and Sengstag, Thierry and Coynel, David and Freytag, Virginie and Fastenrath, Matthias and Demougin, Philippe and Loos, Eva and Hartmann, Francina and Schicktanz, Nathalie and Delarue Bizzini, Bernardo and Vogler, Christian and Kolassa, Iris-Tatjana and Wilker, Sarah and Elbert, Thomas and Schwede, Torsten and Beisel, Christian and Beerenwinkel, Niko and de Quervain, Dominique J.-F. and Papassotiropoulos, Andreas. (2017) Exome sequencing of healthy phenotypic extremes links TROVE2 to emotional memory and PTSD. Nature Human Behaviour, 1. 0081.

Katapodi, Maria C. and Viassolo, Valeria and Caiata-Zufferey, Maria and Nikolaidis, Christos and Bührer-Landolt, Rosmarie and Buerki, Nicola G. and Graffeo, Rossella and Horváth, Henrik Csaba and Kurzeder, Christian and Rabaglio, Manuela and Scharfe, Michael and Urech, Corinne and Erlanger, Tobias E. and Probst-Hensch, Nicole and Heinimann, Karl and Heinzelmann-Schwarz, Viola and Pagani, Olivia and Chappuis, Pierre O.. (2017) Cancer Predisposition Cascade Screening for Hereditary Breast/Ovarian Cancer and Lynch Syndromes in Switzerland: Study Protocol. JMIR Research Protocols, 6 (9). e184.

Hetzel, Manuel W. and Pulford, Justin and Ura, Yangta and Jamea-Maiasa, Sharon and Tandrapah, Anthony and Tarongka, Nandao and Lorry, Lina and Robinson, Leanne J. and Lilley, Ken and Makita, Leo and Siba, Peter M. and Mueller, Ivo. (2017) Insecticide-treated nets and malaria prevalence, Papua New Guinea, 2008-2014. Bulletin of the World Health Organization = Bulletin de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé, 95 (10). pp. 695-705.

Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics Members, SIB. (2016) The SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics' resources: focus on curated databases. Nucleic acids research, 44 (D1). D27-D37.

Keiser, Jennifer and Panic, Gordana and Adelfio, Roberto and Cowan, Noemi and Vargas, Mireille and Scandale, Ivan. (2016) Evaluation of an FDA approved library against laboratory models of human intestinal nematode infections. Parasites and Vectors, 9. p. 376.

Leuenberger, Andrea and Nassoro, Tatu and Said, Khadija and Fenner, Lukas and Sikalengo, George and Letang, Emilio and Montresor, Antonio and Zhou, Xiao-Nong and Steinmann, Peter and Marti, Hanspeter and Utzinger, Jürg and Knopp, Stefanie. (2016) Assessing stool quantities generated by three specific Kato-Katz thick smear templates employed in different settings. Infectious Diseases of Poverty, 5. p. 58.

Proietti, Elena and Delgado-Eckert, Edgar and Vienneau, Danielle and Stern, Georgette and Tsai, Ming-Yi and Latzin, Philipp and Frey, Urs and Röösli, Martin. (2016) Air pollution modelling for birth cohorts: a time-space regression model. Environmental Health, 15. p. 61.

Ruf, Marie-Thérèse and Bolz, Miriam and Vogel, Moritz and Bayi, Pierre F. and Bratschi, Martin W. and Sopho, Ghislain Emmanuel and Yeboah-Manu, Dorothy and Um Boock, Alphonse and Junghanss, Thomas and Pluschke, Gerd. (2016) Spatial distribution of Mycobacterium ulcerans in Buruli ulcer lesions: implications for laboratory diagnosis. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 10 (6). e0004767.

Gabriel, Sidonia and Goetschel, Laurent. (2016) Motivation of philanthropists in peacebuilding: promoting peace as personal satisfaction? Journal of Peacebuilding & Development, 11 (2). pp. 51-65.

Dubey, Badri N. and Lori, Christian and Ozaki, Shogo and Fucile, Geoffrey and Plaza-Menacho, Ivan and Jenal, Urs and Schirmer, Tilman. (2016) Cyclic di-GMP mediates a histidine kinase/phosphatase switch by noncovalent domain cross-linking. Science Advances, 2 (9). e1600823.

Kiefer, S. and Kling, K. and Stephan, R. and Bratschi, M. W. and Jost, M. and Bless, P. and Schmutz, C. and Mäusezahl, D. and Wyss, K. and Mäusezahl-Feuz, D. and Hatz, C.. (2016) How can patients and their physicians contribute to an outbreak investigation? Experiences from a nationwide listeriosis outbreak in Switzerland. Swiss medical weekly, 146. w14366.

Binagwaho, Agnes and Fawzi, Mary C. Smith and Agbonyitor, Mawuena and Nsanzimana, Sabin and Karema, Corine and Remera, Eric and Mutabazi, Vincent and Shyirambere, Cyprien and Cyamatare, Patrick and Nutt, Cameron and Wagner, Claire and Condo, Jeanine and Misago, Nancy and Kayiteshonga, Yvonne. (2016) Validating the children's depression inventory in the context of Rwanda. BMC pediatrics, 16. p. 29.

Schenk, Frithjof Benjamin and Aust, Martin. (2015) Einleitung: Autobiographische Praxis und Imperienforschung. In: Imperial Subjects:autobiographische Praxis in den Vielvölkerreichen der Romanovs, Habsburger und Osmanen im 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert, 1. Köln, pp. 11-35.

Krieter-Spiro, Martha and Latacz, Joachim and Bierl, Anton F.H., eds. (2015) Homers Ilias. Gesamtkommentar. Band X: Vierzehnter Gesang. Faszikel 2: Kommentar. Sammlung wissenschaftlicher Commentare. Berlin.

Liao, Jianhui and Blok, Sander and van der Molen, Sense Jan and Diefenbach, Sandra and Holleitner, Alexander W. and Schönenberger, Christian and Vladyka, Anton and Calame, Michel. (2015) Ordered nanoparticle arrays interconnected by molecular linkers: electronic and optoelectronic properties. Chemical Society reviews, 44 (4). pp. 999-1014.

Wwarn Artemisinin based Combination Therapy Africa Baseline Stud, . (2015) Clinical determinants of early parasitological response to ACTs in African patients with uncomplicated falciparum malaria : a literature review and meta-analysis of individual patient data. BMC medicine, 13. p. 212.

Wang, Meng and Beelen, Rob and Bellander, Tom and Birk, Matthias and Cesaroni, Giulia and Cirach, Marta and Cyrys, Josef and de Hoogh, Kees and Declercq, Christophe and Dimakopoulou, Konstantina and Eeftens, Marloes and Eriksen, Kirsten T. and Forastiere, Francesco and Galassi, Claudia and Grivas, Georgios and Heinrich, Joachim and Hoffmann, Barbara and Ineichen, Alex and Korek, Michal and Lanki, Timo and Lindley, Sarah and Modig, Lars and Mölter, Anna and Nafstad, Per and Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark J. and Nystad, Wenche and Olsson, David and Raaschou-Nielsen, Ole and Ragettli, Martina and Ranzi, Andrea and Stempfelet, Morgane and Sugiri, Dorothea and Tsai, Ming-Yi and Udvardy, Orsolya and Varró, Mihaly J. and Vienneau, Danielle and Weinmayr, Gudrun and Wolf, Kathrin and Yli-Tuomi, Tarja and Hoek, Gerard and Brunekreef, Bert. (2014) Performance of Multi-City Land Use Regression Models for Nitrogen Dioxide and Fine Particles. Environmental Health Perspectives, 122 (8). pp. 843-849.

Böhne, Astrid and Sengstag, Thierry and Salzburger, Walter. (2014) Comparative transcriptomics in East African cichlids reveals sex- and species-specific expression and new candidates for sex differentiation in fishes. Genome biology and evolution, 6 (9). pp. 2567-2585.

Boeck, Lucas and Gencay, Mikael and Roth, Michael and Hirsch, Hans H. and Christ-Crain, Mirjam and Mueller, Beat and Tamm, Michael and Stolz, Daiana. (2014) Adenovirus-specific IgG maturation as a surrogate marker in acute exacerbations of COPD. Chest, 146 (2). pp. 339-347.

Mosca, Barbara and Delbono, Osvaldo and Laura Messi, Maria and Bergamelli, Leda and Wang, Zhong-Min and Vukcevic, Mirko and Lopez, Ruben and Treves, Susan and Nishi, Miyuki and Takeshima, Hiroshi and Paolini, Cecilia and Martini, Marta and Rispoli, Giorgio and Protasi, Feliciano and Zorzato, Francesco. (2013) Enhanced dihydropyridine receptor calcium channel activity restores muscle strength in JP45/CASQ1 double knockout mice. Nature Communications, 4. p. 1541.

Kasenda, B. and Raatz, H. and Bucher, H. C.. (2013) Lung cancer screening - an overview about chances and risks. Therapeutische Umschau, 70 (4). pp. 237-244.

Erb, Thomas O. and Frei, Franz J. and Moll, Jens. (2012) The anesthesiologist's role assessing the individual patient's risk/benefit. Anesthesia and Analgesia, 114 (2). p. 476.

Boeck, L. and Eggimann, P. and Smyrnios, N. and Pargger, H. and Thakkar, N. and Siegemund, M. and Marsch, S. and Rakic, J. and Tamm, M. and Stolz, D.. (2011) Midregional pro-atrial natriuretic peptide and procalcitonin improve survival prediction in VAP. European Respiratory Journal, 37 (3). pp. 595-603.