Items where Author is "Boland, A."
Jump to: Article Number of items: 11. ArticlePatin, E. and Kutalik, Z. and Guergnon, J. and Bibert, S. and Nalpas, B. and Jouanguy, E. and Munteanu, M. and Bousquet, L. and Argiro, L. and Halfon, P. and Boland, A. and Mullhaupt, B. and Semela, D. and Dufour, J. F. and Heim, M. H. and Moradpour, D. and Cerny, A. and Malinverni, R. and Hirsch, H. and Martinetti, G. and Suppiah, V. and Stewart, G. and Booth, D. R. and George, J. and Casanova, J. L. and Brechot, C. and Rice, C. M. and Talal, A. H. and Jacobson, I. M. and Bourliere, M. and Theodorou, I. and Poynard, T. and Negro, F. and Pol, S. and Bochud, P. Y. and Abel, L.. (2012) Genome-wide association study identifies variants associated with progression of liver fibrosis from HCV infection. Gastroenterology, Vol. 143, H. 5 , S. 1244-1252.e12. Denecker, G. and Declercq, W. and Geuijen, C. A. and Boland, A. and Benabdillah, R. and van Gurp, M. and Sory, M. P. and Vandenabeele, P. and Cornelis, G. R.. (2001) Yersinia enterocolitica YopP-induced apoptosis of macrophages involves the apoptotic signaling cascade upstream of bid. Journal of biological chemistry, Vol. 276 , no. 23. pp. 19706-19714. Boland, A. and Cornelis, G. R.. (2000) Interaction of Yersinia with host cells. Subcellular biochemistry, Vol. 33. pp. 343-382. Boland, A. and Havaux, S. and Cornelis, G. R.. (1998) Heterogeneity of the Yersinia YopM protein. Microbial pathogenesis, Vol. 25, H. 6. pp. 343-348. Boland, A. and Cornelis, G. R.. (1998) Role of YopP in suppression of tumor necrosis factor alpha release by macrophages during Yersinia infection. Infection and immunity, Vol. 66, H. 5. pp. 1878-1884. Cornelis, G. R. and Boland, A. and Boyd, A. P. and Geuijen, C. and Iriarte, M. and Neyt, C. and Sory, M. P. and Stainier, I.. (1998) The virulence plasmid of Yersinia : an antihost genome. Microbiology and molecular biology reviews, Vol. 62, H. 4. pp. 1315-1352. Iriarte, M. and Sory, M. P. and Boland, A. and Boyd, A. P. and Mills, S. D. and Lambermont, I. and Cornelis, G. R.. (1998) TyeA, a protein involved in control of Yop release and in translocation of Yersinia Yop effectors. The EMBO journal, Vol. 17, H. 7. pp. 1907-1918. Mills, S. D. and Boland, A. and Sory, M. P. and van der Smissen, P. and Kerbourch, C. and Finlay, B. B. and Cornelis, G. R.. (1997) Yersinia enterocolitica induces apoptosis in macrophages by a process requiring functional type III secretion and translocation mechanisms and involving YopP, presumably acting as an effector protein. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 94, H. 23. pp. 12638-12643. Boland, A. and Sory, M. P. and Iriarte, M. and Kerbourch, C. and Wattiau, P. and Cornelis, G. R.. (1996) Status of YopM and YopN in the Yersinia Yop virulon : YopM of Y.enterocolitica is internalized inside the cytosol of PU5-1.8 macrophages by the YopB, D, N delivery apparatus. The EMBO journal, Vol. 15, H. 19. pp. 5191-5201. Woestyn, S. and Sory, M. P. and Boland, A. and Lequenne, O. and Cornelis, G. R.. (1996) The cytosolic SycE and SycH chaperones of Yersinia protect the region of YopE and YopH involved in translocation across eukaryotic cell membranes. Molecular microbiology, Vol. 20, H. 6. pp. 1261-1271. Sory, M. P. and Boland, A. and Lambermont, I. and Cornelis, G. R.. (1995) Identification of the YopE and YopH domains required for secretion and internalization into the cytosol of macrophages, using the cyaA gene fusion approach. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 92, H. 26. pp. 11998-12002. |