Items where Author is "Cattin, Philippe C."
Number of items: 46. YesJud, Christoph and Cattin, Philippe C. and Preiswerk, Frank. (2017) 14. Statistical Respiratory Models for Motion Estimation. In: Statistical Shape and Deformation Analysis: Methods, Implementations and Applications. London, pp. 379-404. Wagner, Joerg and Goldblum, David and Cattin, Philippe C.. (2017) Golden Angle Based Scanning for Robust Corneal Topography with OCT. Biomedical Optics Express, 8 (2). pp. 475-483. Jost, Gregory F. and Walti, Jonas and Mariani, Luigi and Cattin, Philippe C.. (2016) A novel approach to navigated implantation of S2 alar iliac screws using inertial measurement units. Journal of Neurosurgery. Spine, 24 (3). pp. 447-453. Chicherova, Natalia and Hieber, Simone E. and Schulz, Georg and Khimchenko, Anna and Bikis, Christos and Cattin, Philippe C. and Mueller, Bert. (2016) Automatic histology registration in application to X-ray modalities. In: Developments in X-Ray Tomography X. Bellingham, pp. 9967-9968. Pezold, Simon and Horvath, Antal and Fundana, Ketut and Tsagkas, Charidimos and Andelova, Michaela and Weier, Katrin and Amann, Michael and Cattin, Philippe C.. (2016) Automatic, Robust, and Globally Optimal Segmentation of Tubular Structures. In: Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI). Cham, pp. 362-370. Jud, Christoph and Moeri, Nadia and Bitterli, Benedikt and Cattin, Philippe C.. (2016) Bilateral Regularization in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces for Discontinuity Preserving Image Registration. In: MICCAI Workshop Machine Learning in Medical Imaging (MLMI). Cham, pp. 10-17. Kiriyanthan, Silja and Fundana, Ketut and Majeed, Tahir and Cattin, Philippe C.. (2016) Discontinuity Preserving Image Registration through Motion Segmentation: A Primal-Dual Approach. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2016. p. 9504949. Ronchetti, Tiziano and Maloca, Peter and Meier, Christoph and Orguel, Selim and Jud, Christoph and Hasler, Pascal and Povazay, Boris and Cattin, Philippe C.. (2016) Intensity-based Choroidal Registration Using Regularized Block Matching. In: International Workshop Ophthalmic Medical Image Analysis (MICCAI OMIA). Cham, pp. 33-40. Möri, Nadia and Jud, Christoph and Salomir, Rares and Cattin, Philippe C.. (2016) Leveraging respiratory organ motion for non-invasive tumor treatment devices: a feasibility study. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 61 (11). pp. 4247-4267. Sandkuehler, Robin and Jud, Christoph and Cattin, Philippe C.. (2016) On a Spectral Image Metric for Non-Rigid Group-wise Registration of Dynamic MR Image Series. In: Sixth International Workshop on Pulmonary Image Analysis (PIA). Athen. Schneider, Adrian and Pezold, Simon and Baek, Kyung-Won and Marinov, Dilyan and Cattin, Philippe C.. (2016) Simultaneous intrinsic and extrinsic calibration of a laser deflecting tilting mirror in the projective voltage space. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 11 (9). pp. 1611-1621. Jud, Christoph and Moeri, Nadia and Cattin, Philippe C.. (2016) Sparse Kernel Machines for Discontinuous Registration and Nonstationary Regularization. In: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops. pp. 449-456. Wyder, Stephan and Cattin, Philippe C.. (2016) Stereo Eye Tracking with a Single Camera for Ocular Tumor Therapy. In: International Workshop Ophthalmic Medical Image Analysis (MICCAI OMIA). Cham, pp. 81-88. Wyder, Stephan and Hennings, Fabian and Pezold, Simon and Hrbacek, Jan and Cattin, Philippe C.. (2016) With Gaze Tracking Towards Noninvasive Eye Cancer Treatment. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering , 63 (9). pp. 1914-1924. Baek, K.-W. and Deibel, W. and Marinov, D. and Griessen, Mathias and Bruno, A. and Zeilhofer, Hans-Florian and Cattin, Philippe C. and Juergens, Philipp. (2015) Clinical applicability of robot-guided contact-free laser osteotomy in cranio-maxillo-facial surgery: in-vitro simulation and in-vivo surgery in minipig mandibles. British journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery, 53 (10). pp. 976-981. Baek, Kyung-Won and Deibel, Waldemar and Marinov, Dilyan and Griessen, Mathias and Dard, Michel and Bruno, Alfredo and Zeilhofer, Hans-Florian and Cattin, Philippe C. and Juergens, Philipp. (2015) A comparative investigation of bone surface after cutting with mechanical tools and Er:YAG laser. Lasers in surgery and medicine, 47 (5). pp. 426-432. Demirovic, Damir and Serifovic-Trbalic, Amira and Prljaca, Naser and Cattin, Philippe C.. (2015) Bilateral filter regularized accelerated Demons for improved discontinuity preserving registration. Computerized medical imaging and graphics : the official journal of the Computerized Medical Imaging Society, 40. pp. 94-99. Deibel, Waldemar and Schneider, Adrian and Augello, Marcello and Bruno, Alfredo E. and Juergens, Philipp and Cattin, Philippe C.. (2015) A compact, efficient, and lightweight laser head for CARLO: integration, performance, and benefits. Proceedings of SPIE, 9579. p. 957905. Schneider, Adrian and Thalmann, Peter and Pezold, Simon and Hieber, Simone E. and Cattin, Philippe C.. (2015) Augmented Reality Assisted Brain Tumor Extraction in Mice. In: Augmented and Virtual Reality. Cham, pp. 255-264. Mueller, Bert and Zumbuehl, Andreas and Walter, Martin A. and Pfohl, Thomas and Cattin, Philippe C. and Huwyler, Jörg and Hieber, Simone E.. (2015) Translational Medicine: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology to Improve Patient Care. In: The Nano-Micro Interface : Bridging the Micro and Nano Worlds. Weinheim, pp. 291-310. Müller, Bert and Zumbuehl, Andreas and Walter, Martin A. and Pfohl, Thomas and Cattin, Philippe C. and Huwyler, Jörg and Hieber, Simone E.. (2015) Translational Medicine: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology to Improve Patient Care. In: The Nano-Micro Interface: Bridging the Micro and Nano Worlds, 2. Weinheim, pp. 291-309. Preiswerk, Frank and Cattin, Philippe C.. (2014) A bilinear model for temporally coherent respiratory motion. In: Abdominal imaging : computational and clinical applications ; 6th international workshop, ABDI 2014, held in conjunction with MICCAI 2014, Cambridge, MA, USA, September 14, 2014. Cham, pp. 221-228. Walti, Jonas and Jost, Gregory and Cattin, Philippe C.. (2014) A new cost-effective approach to pedicular screw placement. In: Augmented Environments for Computer-Assisted Interventions : 9th International Workshop, AE-CAI 2014, held in conjunction with MICCAI 2014, Boston, MA, USA, September 14, 2014 ; Proceedings. Heidelberg, pp. 90-97. Schneider, Adrian and Pezold, Simon and Sauer, Andreas and Ebbing, Jan and Wyler, Stephen and Rosenthal, Rachel and Cattin, Philippe C.. (2014) Augmented reality assisted laparoscopic partial nephrectomy. In: Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention – MICCAI 2014 : 17th International Conference, Boston, MA, USA, September 14-18, 2014 ; Proceedings, Part 2. Cham, pp. 357-364. Demirovic, Damir and Serifovic-Trbalic, Amira and Prljaca, Naser and Cattin, Philippe C.. (2014) Evaluation of image processing algorithms on ARM powered mobile devices. In: 37th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), 2014 : 26 - 30 May 2014, Opatija, Croatia ; proceedings. Piscataway, pp. 417-420. Buscema, Marzia and Holme, Margaret N. and Deyhle, Hans and Schulz, Georg and Schmitz, Ruediger and Thalmann, Peter and Hieber, Simone E. and Chicherova, Natalia and Cattin, Philippe C. and Beckmann, Felix and Herzen, Julia and Weitkamp, Timm and Saxer, Till and Mueller, Bert. (2014) Grating Interferometry-based Phase MicrotomogMicro of Atherosclerotic Human Arteries. Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 9212 , 921203. p. 12. Chicherova, Natalia and Fundana, Ketut and Mueller, Bert and Cattin, Philippe C.. (2014) Histology to μCT data matching using landmarks and a density biased RANSAC. In: Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention – MICCAI 2014 : 17th International Conference, Boston, MA, USA, September 14-18, 2014 ; Proceedings, Part 1. Cham, pp. 243-250. Preiswerk, Frank and De Luca, Valeria and Arnold, Patrik and Celicanin, Zarko and Petrusca, Lorena and Tanner, Christina and Bieri, Oliver and Salomir, Rares and Cattin, Philippe C.. (2014) Model-guided respiratory organ motion prediction of the liver from 2D ultrasound. Medical image analysis, Vol. 18, H. 5. pp. 740-751. Cattin, Philippe C. and Schneider, Adrian and Griessen, Mathias and Baumberger, Christian and Mueller, Bert. (2013) Computer-basierte, bild-gefuehrte chirurgische Eingriffe. Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum, Vol. 13, H. 34. pp. 660-662. Majeed, Tahir and Fundana, Ketut and Kiriyanthan, Silja and Beinemann, Joerg and Cattin, Philippe C.. (2013) Graph cut segmentation using a constrained statistical model with non-linear and sparse shape optimization. Lecture notes in computer science, 7766. pp. 48-58. Huber, Cora and Federolf, Peter and Nesch, Corina and Cattin, Philippe C. and Friederich, Niklaus F. and von Tscharner, Vinzenz. (2013) Heel-strike in walking : assessment of potential sources of intra- and inter-subject variability in the activation patterns of muscles stabilizing the knee joint. Journal of biomechanics, Vol. 46, H. 7. pp. 1262-1268. Serifovic-Trbalic, Amira and Damirovic, Damir and Cattin, Philippe C.. (2013) Intensity-based hierarchical elastic registration using approximating splines. Computer assisted radiology and surgery, Vol. 9, H. 1. pp. 21-27. Henrich, Paul . B. and Monnier, Christophe A. and Loparic, Marko and Cattin, Philippe C.. (2013) Material properties of the internal limiting membrane and their significance in chromovitrectomy. In: Ophthalmologica, Vol. 230, Suppl. 2. Basel, pp. 11-20. Shahim, Kamal and Juergens, Philippe and Cattin, Philippe C. and Nolte, Lutz-P. and Reyes, Mauricio. (2013) Prediction of Cranio-Maxilofacial Surgical Planning using an Inverse Soft Tissue Modelling Approach. Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention – MICCAI, 8149. pp. 18-25. Henrich, Paul B. and Priglinger, Siegfried G. and Haritoglou, Christos and Schumann, Ricarda G. and Strauss, Rupert W. and Schneider, Ulrike and Josifova, Tatjana and Cattin, Philippe C.. (2013) Quantification of contrast recognizability in sequential epiretinal membrane removal and internal limiting membrane peeling in trypan blue-assisted macular surgery. Retina, Vol. 33, H. 4. pp. 818-824. Henrich, Paul B. and Valmaggia, Christoph and Lang, Corina and Cattin, Philippe C.. (2013) The price for reduced light toxicity: Do endoilluminator spectral filters decrease color contrast during Brilliant Blue G-assisted chromovitrectomy? Graefe's archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology, Vol. 252, Nr. 3. pp. 367-374. Preiswerk, Frank and Arnold, Patrik and Fasel, Beat and Cattin, Philippe C.. (2012) Robust tumour tracking from 2D imaging using a population-based statistical motion model. In: 2012 IEEE Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis : 9 - 10 Jan. 2012, Breckenridge, CO. Piscataway, NJ, 209 -214. Olgac, Ufuk and Knight, Joseph and Poulikakos, Dimos and Saur, Stefan C. and Alkadhi, Hatem and Desbiolles, Lotus M. and Cattin, Philippe C. and Kurtcuoglu, Vartan. (2011) Computed high concentrations of low-density lipoprotein correlate with plaque locations in human coronary arteries. Journal of biomechanics, Vol. 44, H. 13. pp. 2466-2471. Huber, Cora and Nüesch, Corina and Göpfert, Beat and Cattin, Philippe C. and von Tscharner, Vinzenz. (2011) Muscular timing and inter-muscular coordination in healthy females while walking. Journal of neuroscience methods, Vol. 201, no. 1. pp. 27-34. Henrich, Paul B. and Priglinger, Siegfried G. and Haritoglou, Christos and Josifova, Tatjana and Ferreira, Paulo R. and Strauss, Rupert W. and Flammer, Josef and Cattin, Philippe C.. (2011) Quantification of Contrast Recognizability during Brilliant Blue G- and Indocyanine Green-Assisted Chromovitrectomy. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science, Vol. 52, H. 7. pp. 4345-4349. Knight, Joseph and Olgac, Ufuk and Saur, Stefan C. and Poulikakos, Dimos and Marshall, William and Cattin, Philippe C. and Alkadhi, Hatem and Kurtcuoglu, Vartan. (2010) Choosing the optimal wall shear parameter for the prediction of plaque location-A patient-specific computational study in human right coronary arteries. Atherosclerosis, Vol. 211, H. 2. pp. 445-450. Saur, Stefan C. and Alkadhi, Hatem and Stolzmann, Paul and Baumüller, Stephan and Leschka, Sebastian and Scheffel, Hans and Desbiolles, Lotus and Fuchs, Thomas J. and Székely, Gábor and Cattin, Philippe C.. (2010) Effect of reader experience on variability, evaluation time and accuracy of coronary plaque detection with computed tomography coronary angiography. European radiology, Vol. 20, H. 7. pp. 1599-1606. Lee, Sangyeol and Reinhardt, Joseph M. and Cattin, Philippe C. and Abràmoff, Michael D.. (2010) Objective and expert-independent validation of retinal image registration algorithms by a projective imaging distortion model. Medical image analysis, Vol. 14, H. 4. pp. 539-549. Saur, Stefan C. and Alkadhi, Hatem and Desbiolles, Lotus and Székely, Gábor and Cattin, Philippe C.. (2009) ACCURATUM: improved calcium volume scoring using a mesh-based algorithm : a phantom study. European radiology : official organ of the European Association of Radiology, Vol. 19. pp. 591-598. Saur, Stefan C. and Alkadhi, Hatem and Desbiolles, Lotus and Fuchs, Thomas J. and Székely, Gábor and Cattin, Philippe C.. (2009) Guided review by frequent itemset mining - additional evidence for plaque detection. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Vol. 4, H. 3. pp. 263-271. NoCattin, Philippe C. and Harders, Matthias and Hug, Johannes and Sierra, Raimundo and Székely, Gábor. (2005) Computer-Supported Segmentation of Radiological Data. In: Handbook of Biomedical Image Analysis, 2 (Segmentation Models Part B). New York, pp. 753-798. |