Items where Author is "Perez, L."
Number of items: 22. 2015Vienneau, D. and Schindler, C. and Perez, L. and Probst-Hensch, N. and Röösli, M.. (2015) The relationship between transportation noise exposure and ischemic heart disease : a meta-analysis. Environmental research, Vol. 138. pp. 372-380. Perez, L. and Trüeb, S. and Cowie, H. and Keuken, M. P. and Mudu, P. and Ragettli, M. S. and Sarigiannis, D. A. and Tobollik, M. and Tuomisto, J. and Vienneau, D. and Sabel, C. and Künzli, N.. (2015) Transport-related measures to mitigate climate change in Basel, Switzerland : a health-effectiveness comparison study. Environment international, 85. pp. 111-119. 2014Künzli, N. and Rapp, R. and Perez, L.. (2014) Breathe clean air : the role of physicians and healthcare professionals. Breathe : continuing medical education for respiratory professionals, Vol. 10, H. 3. pp. 215-219. Sommer, H. and Lieb, C. and Amacher, A. and Maibach, M. and Sutter, D. and Bieler, C. and Zandonella, R. and Heldstab, J. and Röösli, M. and Vienneau, D. and Perez, L. and Buser, H. and Künzle, T.. (2014) Externe Effekte des Verkehrs 2010 : Monetarisierung von Umwelt-, Unfall- und Gesundheitseffekten : Schlussbericht. Bern. Keuken, M. P. and Jonkers, S. and Verhagen, H. L. M. and Perez, L. and Trüeb, S. and Okkerse, W. J. and Liu, J. and Pan, X. C. and Zheng, L. and Wang, H. and Xu, R. and Sabel, C. E.. (2014) Impact on air quality of measures to reduce CO2 emissions from road traffic in Basel, Rotterdam, Xi'an and Suzhou. Atmospheric environment : air pollution ; emissions, transport and dispersion, transformation, deposition effects, micrometeorology, urban atmosphere, global atmosphere, 98. pp. 434-441. Rivera, M. and Basagana, X. and Aguilera, I. and Foraster, M. and Agis, D. and de Groot, E. and Perez, L. and Mendez, M. A. and Bouso, L. and Targa, J. and Ramos, R. and Sala, J. and Marrugat, J. and Elosua, R. and Künzli, N.. (2014) The association between air pollution and subclinical atherosclerosis : Rivera et al. respond. Environmental Health Perspectives, 122 (1). A8-A9. 2013Rivera, M. and Basagaña, X. and Aguilera, I. and Foraster, M. and Agis, D. and de Groot, E. and Perez, L. and Mendez, M. A. and Bouso, L. and Targa, J. and Ramos, R. and Sala, J. and Marrugat, J. and Elosua, R. and Künzli, N.. (2013) Association between long-term exposure to traffic-related air pollution and subclinical atherosclerosis: the REGICOR study. Environmental Health Perspectives, 121 (2). pp. 223-230. 2012Diaz, J. and Perez, L. and Linares, C. and Pey, J. and Alastruey, A. and Querol, X. and Tobias, A.. (2012) A note on particulate matter, total mortality and Saharan dust in Madrid. The science of the total environment, Vol. 441. p. 290. Mehta, A. J. and Schindler, C. and Perez, L. and Probst-Hensch, N. and Schwartz, J. and Brändli, O. and Karrer, W. and Tschopp, J. M. and Rochat, T. and Künzli, N.. (2012) Acute respiratory health effects of urban air pollutants in adults with different patterns of underlying respiratory disease. Swiss medical weekly : official journal of the Swiss Society of Infectious Diseases, the Swiss Society of Internal Medicine, the Swiss Society of Pneumology, Vol. 142 , w13680. Brandt, S. J. and Perez, L. and Künzli, N. and Lurmann, F. and McConnell, R.. (2012) Costs of childhood asthma due to traffic-related pollution in two California communities. The European respiratory journal, 40 (2). pp. 363-370. Perez, L. and Tobias, A. and Pey, J. and Perez, N. and Alastuey, A. and Sunyer, J. and Querol, X.. (2012) Effects of local and Saharan particles on cardiovascular disease mortality. Epidemiology, Vol. 23, H. 5. pp. 768-789. Perez, L. and Lurmann, F. and Wilson, J. and Pastor, M. and Brandt, S. J. and Künzli, N. and McConnell, R.. (2012) Near-roadway pollution and childhood asthma : implications for developing 'win-win' compact urban development and clean vehicle strategies. Environmental Health Perspectives, 120 (11). pp. 1619-1626. Perez, L. and Tobias, A. and Querol, X. and Pey, J. and Alastuey, A. and Diaz, J. and Sunyer, J.. (2012) Saharan dust, particulate matter and cause-specific mortality: a case-crossover study in Barcelona (Spain). Environment international, 48. pp. 150-155. 2011Nawrot, T. S. and Perez, L. and Künzli, N. and Munters, E. and Nemery, B.. (2011) Public health importance of triggers of myocardial infarction : a comparative risk assessment. Lancet, Vol. 377, no. 9767. pp. 732-740. Perez, L. and Künzli, N.. (2011) Saharan dust : : no reason to exempt from science or policy. Occupational and environmental medicine, Vol. 68. pp. 389-390. Nawrot, T. S. and Perez, L. and Künzli, N. and Nemery, B.. (2011) Triggers of myocardial infarction : authors' reply. Lancet : a journal of British and foreign medicine, surgery, obstetrics, physiology, chemistry, pharmacology, public health and news, Vol. 377, no. 9767. pp. 2175-2176. Ancona, C. and Mataloni, F. and Forastiere, F. and Perez, L. and Künzli, N.. (2011) Workshop 5 : Measurements of health outcomes in epidemiological studies on noise (WP5a) and European Health Impact Assessment (WP5b) : workshop report. 2010Künzli, N. and Perez, L. and Rapp, R.. (2010) Luftverschmutzung und Gesundheit. Lausanne. 2009Künzli, N. and Perez, L.. (2009) Evidence based public health - the example of air pollution. Swiss Medical Weekly, Vol. 139, H. 17-18. pp. 242-250. Perez, L. and Künzli, N. and Avol, E. and Hricko, A. M. and Lurmann, F. and Nicholas, E. and Gilliland, F. and Peters, J. and McConnell, R.. (2009) Global goods movement and the local burden of childhood asthma in southern California. American journal of public health : official journal of the American Public Health Association, Vol. 99 Suppl 3 , S622-S628. Perez, L. and Medina-Ramon M., and Künzli, N. and Alastuey, A. and Pey, J. and Perez, N. and Garcia, R. and Tobias, A. and Querol, X. and Sunyer, J.. (2009) Size fractionate particulate matter, vehicle traffic, and case-specific daily mortality in Barcelona, Spain. Environmental science & technology : ES & T : emphazising, water, air and waste chemistry, Vol. 43, H. 13. pp. 4707-4714. Samoli, E. and Zanobetti, A. and Schwartz, J. and Atkinson, R. and Le Tertre A., and Schindler, C. and Perez, L. and Cadum, E. and Pekkanen, J. and Paldy, A. and Touloumi, G. and Katsouyanni, K.. (2009) The temporal pattern of mortality responses to ambient ozone in the APHEA project. Journal of epidemiology & community health, Vol. 63, No. 12. pp. 960-966. |