Items where Author is "Pfister, H."
Jump to: Article Number of items: 45. ArticleZimmermann, P. and Brückl, T. and Nocon, A. and Pfister, H. and Binder, E. and Uhr, M. and Lieb, R. and Moffitt, T. and Caspi, A. and Holsboer, F. and Ising, M.. (2011) Interaction of FKBP5 gene variants and adverse life events in predicting depression onset : results from a 10-year prospective community study. American journal of psychiatry, Vol. 168. pp. 1107-1116. Klengel, T. and Heck, A. and Pfister, H. and Brückl, T. and Hennings, J. M. and Menke, A. and Czamara, D. and Müller-Myhsok, B. and Ising, M.. (2011) Somatization in major depression--clinical features and genetic associations. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 124 (4). pp. 317-328. Erhardt, A. and Czibere, L. and Roeske, D. and Lucae, S. and Unschuld, P. G. and Ripke, S. and Kohli, M. A. and Kloiber, S. and Ising, M. and Heck, A. and Ellgas, A. and Pfister, H. and Lieb, R. and Puetz, B. and Uhr, M. and Hohoff, C. and Maier, W. and Bandelow, B. and Domschke, K. and Jacob, C. and Deckert, J. and Landgraf, R. and Bettecken, T. and Keck, M. E. and Müller-Myhsok, B. and Holsboer, F. and Binder, E. B.. (2011) TMEM132D : a new candidate for anxiety phenotypes - evidence from human and mouse studies. Molecular Psychiatry, Vol. 16, H. 6. pp. 647-663. Erhardt, A. and Czibere, L. and Roeske, D. and Lucae, S. and Unschuld, P. G. and Ripke, S. and Specht, M. and Kohli, M. A. and Kloiber, S. and Ising, M. and Heck, A. and Pfister, H. and Zimmermann, P. and Lieb, R. and Pütz, B. and Uhr, M. and Weber, P. and Deussing, J. M. and Gonik, M. and Bunck, M. and Kebler, M. S. and Frank, E. and Hohoff, C. and Domschke, K. and Krakowitzky, P. and Maier, W. and Bandelow, B. and Jacob, C. and Deckert, J. and Schreiber, S. and Strohmaier, J. and Nöthen, M. and Cichon, S. and Rietschel, M. and Bettecken, T. and Keck, M. E. and Landgraf, R. and Müller-Myhsok, B. and Holsboer, F. and Binder, E. B.. (2011) TMEM132D, a new candidate for anxiety phenotypes: evidence from human and mouse studies. Molecular Psychiatry, 16 (6). pp. 647-663. Piechatzek, M. and Indlekofer, F. and Daamen, M. and Glasmacher, C. and Lieb, R. and Pfister, H. and Tucha, O. and Lange, K. W. and Wittchen, H. -U. and Schutz, C. G.. (2010) Is moderate substance use associated with altered executive functioning in a population-based sample of young adults? Human psychopharmacology : clinical and experimental, Vol. 24, H. 8. pp. 650-665. Zimmermann, P. and Brückl, T. and Nocon, A. and Pfister, H. and Lieb, R. and Wittchen, H.-U. and Holsboer, F. and Angst, J.. (2009) Heterogeneity of DSM-IV major depressive disorder as a consequence of subthreshold bipolarity. Archives of general psychiatry, Vol. 66, H. 12. pp. 1341-1352. Heck, A. and Lieb, R. and Ellgas, A. and Pfister, H. and Lucae, S. and Roeske, D. and Pütz, B. and Müller-Myhsok, B. and Uhr, M. and Holsboer, F. and Ising, M.. (2009) Investigation of 17 candidate genes for personality traits confirms effects of the HTR2A gene on novelty seeking. Genes, Brain and Behavior, 8 (4). pp. 464-472. Heck, A. and Lieb, R. and Ellgas, A. and Pfister, H. and Lucae, L. and Erhardt, . and Himmerich, H. and Horstmann, S. and Kloiber, S. and Ripke, S. and Müller-Myhsok, B. and Bettecken, T. and Uhr, M. and Holsboer, F. and Ising, M.. (2009) Polymorphisms in the angiotensin-converting enzyme gene region predict coping styles in healthy adults and depressed patients. American Journal of Medical Genetics, 150B (1). pp. 104-114. Brueckl, T. and Lieb, R. and Pfister, H. and Wittchen, H. U. and Holsboer, F. and Ising, M. and Zimmermann, P.. (2009) Polymorphisms in the serotonin receptor 2A gene (HTR2A), parenting styles and the risk of depression in young adulthood: results from a family study. Pharmacopsychiatry, Vol. 42, H. 5. p. 213. Sievers, C. and Dimopoulou, C. and Pfister, H. and Lieb, R. and Steffin, B. and Roemmler, J. and Schopohl, J. and Mueller, M. and Schneider, H. J. and Ising, M. and Wittchen, H.-U. and Stalla, G. K.. (2009) Prevalence of mental disorders in acromegaly : a cross-sectional study in 81 acromegalic patients. Clinical endocrinology, Vol. 71. pp. 691-701. Indlekofer, F. and Piechatzek, M. and Daamen, M. and Glasmacher, C. and Lieb, R. and Pfister, H. and Tucha, O. and Lange, K. and Wittchen, H.-U. and Schütz, C. G.. (2009) Reduced memory and attention performance in a population-based sample of young adults with a moderate lifetime use of cannabis, ecstasy and alcohol. Journal of psychopharmacology, Vol. 23. pp. 495-509. Zimmermann, P. and Brueckl, T. and Pfister, H. and Lieb, R. and Wittchen, H. U. and Holsboer, F. and Ising, M. and Binder, E. B. and Uhr, M. and Nocon, A.. (2009) The interplay of variations in the FKBP5 gene and adverse life events in predicting the first onset of depression during a ten-year follow-up. Pharmacopsychiatry, Vol. 42, H. 5. p. 249. Nocon, A. and Wittchen, H.-U. and Beesdo, K. and Brueckl, T. and Hoefler, M. and Pfister, H. and Zimmermann, P. and Lieb, R.. (2008) Differential familial liability of panic disorder and agoraphobia. Depression and anxiety, Vol. 25, H. 5. pp. 422-434. Heck, A. and Lieb, R. and Unschuld, P. G. and Ellgas, A. and Pfister, H. and Lucae, S. and Erhardt, A. and Himmerich, H. and Horstmann, S. and Kloiber, S. and Ripke, S. and Müller-Myhsok, B. and Bettecken, T. and Uhr, M. and Holsboer, F. and Ising, M.. (2008) Evidence for associations between PDE4D polymorphisms and a subtype of neuroticism. Molecular Psychiatry, 13 (9). pp. 831-832. Sievers, C. and Dimopoulou, C. and Pfister, H. and Lieb, R. and Steffin, B. and Roemmler, J. and Schopohl, J. and Mueller, M. and Schneider, H. J. and Ising, M. and Wittchen, H. U. and Stalla, G. K.. (2007) A shifted psychopathological risk profile in acromegalic patients? : abstract. Experimental and clinical endocrinology & diabetes, Vol. 115, H. 8. p. 553. Nocon, A. and Wittchen, H.-U. and Pfister, H. and Zimmermann, P. and Lieb, R.. (2006) Dependence symptoms in young cannabis users? : a prospective epidemiological study. Journal of psychiatric research, Vol. 40, H. 5. pp. 394-403. Perkonigg, A. and Pfister, H. and Höfler, M. and Fröhlich, C. and Zimmermann, P. and Lieb, R. and Wittchen, H.-U.. (2006) Substance use and substance use disorders in a community sample of adolescents and young adults : incidence, age effects and patterns of use. European Addiction Research, 12 (4). pp. 187-196. Christl, B. and Wittchen, H.-U. and Pfister, H. and Lieb, R. and Bronisch, T.. (2006) The accuracy of prevalence estimations for suicide attempts : how reliably do adolescents and young adults report their suicide attempts? Archives of suicide research, Vol. 10, H. 3. pp. 253-263. Perkonigg, A. and Settele, A. and Pfister, H. and Höfler, M. and Fröhlich, C. and Zimmermann, P. and Lieb, R. and Wittchen, H.-U.. (2006) Where have they been? : service use of regular substance users with and without abuse and dependence. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, Vol. 41, H. 6. pp. 470-479. Winkelmann, J. and Prager, M. and Lieb, R. and Pfister, H. and Spiegel, B. and Wittchen, H.-U. and Holsboer, F. and Trenkwalder, C. and Ströhle, A.. (2005) Anxietas Tibiarum : depression and anxiety disorders in patients with restless legs syndrome. Journal of neurology, Vol. 252, H. 1. pp. 61-71. Perkonigg, A. and Pfister, H. and Stein, M. B. and Höfler, M. and Lieb, R. and Maercker, A. and Wittchen, H.-U.. (2005) Longitudinal course of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder symptoms in a community sample of adolescents and young adults. American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 162, H. 7. pp. 1320-1327. Höfler, M. and Pfister, H. and Lieb, R. and Wittchen, H.-U.. (2005) The use of weights to account for non-response and drop-out. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, Vol. 40, H. 4. pp. 291-299. Goodwin, R. D. and Lieb, R. and Höfler, M. and Pfister, H. and Bittner, A. and Beesdo, K. and Wittchen, H.-U.. (2004) Panic attack as a risk factor for severe psychopathology. American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 161, H. 12. pp. 2207-2214. Binder, E. B. and Salyakina, D. and Lichtner, P. and Wochnik, G. M. and Ising, M. and Pütz, B. and Papiol, S. and Seaman, S. and Lucae, S. and Kohli, M. A. and Nickel, T. and Künzel, H. E. and Fuchs, B. and Majer, M. and Pfennig, A. and Kern, N. and Brunner, J. and Modell, S. and Baghai, T. and Deiml, T. and Zill, P. and Bondy, B. and Rupprecht, R. and Messer, T. and Köhnlein, O. and Dabitz, H. and Brückl, T. and Müller, N. and Pfister, H. and Lieb, R. and Mueller, J. C. and Lohmussar, E. and Strom, T. and Bettecken, T. and Meitinger, T. and Uhr, M. and Rein, T. and Holsboer, F. and Müller-Myhsok, B.. (2004) Polymorphisms in FKBP5 are associated with increased recurrence of depressive episodes and rapid response to antidepressant treatment. Nature genetics, Vol. 36, H. 12. pp. 1319-1325. Jacobi, F. and Wittchen, H.-U. and Hölting, C. and Höfler, M. and Pfister, H. and Müller, N. and Lieb, R.. (2004) Prevalence, co-morbidity and correlates of mental disorders in the general population : results from the German National Health Interview and Examination Survey (GHS). Psychological medicine, Vol. 34, H. 4. pp. 597-611. Perkonigg, A. and Yonkers, K. A. and Pfister, H. and Lieb, R. and Wittchen, H.-U.. (2004) Risk factors for premenstrual dysphoric disorder in a community sample of young women : the role of traumatic events and posttraumatic stress disorder. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, Vol. 65, H. 10. pp. 1314-1322. Lieb, R. and Schreier, A. and Pfister, H. and Wittchen, H.-U.. (2003) Maternal smoking and smoking in adolescents : a prospective community study of adolescents and their mothers. European Addiction Research, 9 (3). pp. 120-130. Zimmermann, P. and Wittchen, H.-U. and Höfler, M. and Pfister, H. and Kessler, R. C. and Lieb, R.. (2003) Primary anxiety disorders and the development of subsequent alcohol use disorders : a 4-year community study of adolescents and young adults. Psychological medicine, Vol. 33, H. 7. pp. 1211-1222. Pezawas, L. and Wittchen, H.-U. and Pfister, H. and Angst, J. and Lieb, R. and Kasper, S.. (2003) Recurrent brief depressive disorder reinvestigated : a community sample of adolescents and young adults. Psychological medicine, Vol. 33, H. 3. pp. 407-418. Jacobi, F. and Wittchen, H.-U. and Hölting, C. and Sommer, S. and Lieb, R. and Höfler, M. and Pfister, H.. (2002) Estimating the prevalence of mental and somatic disorders in the community : aims and methods of the German National Health Interview and Examination Survey. International journal of methods in psychiatric research, Vol. 11, no. 1. pp. 1-18. Friis, R. H. and Wittchen, H.-U. and Pfister, H. and Lieb, R.. (2002) Life events and changes in the course of depression in young adults. European psychiatry, Vol. 17, H. 5. pp. 241-253. Lieb, R. and Schütz, C. G. and Pfister, H. and von Sydow, K. and Wittchen, H.-U.. (2002) Mental disorders in ecstasy users : aprospective-longitudinal investigation. Drug and alcohol dependence, Vol. 68, H. 2. pp. 195-207. Lieb, R. and Merikangas, K. R. and Höfler, M. and Pfister, H. and Isensee, B. and Wittchen, H.-U.. (2002) Parental alcohol use disorders and alcohol use and disorders in offspring : a community study. Psychological medicine, Vol. 32, H. 1. pp. 63-78. Lieb, R. and Isensee, B. and Höfler, M. and Pfister, H. and Wittchen, H.-U.. (2002) Parental major depression and the risk of depression and other mental disorders in offspring : a prospective-longitudinal community study. Archives of general psychiatry, Vol. 59, H. 4. pp. 365-374. Stein, M. B. and Höfler, M. and Perkonigg, A. and Lieb, R. and Pfister, H. and Maercker, A. and Wittchen, H.-U.. (2002) Patterns of incidence and psychiatric risk factors for traumatic events. International journal of methods in psychiatric research, Vol. 11, no. 4. pp. 143-153. von Sydow, K. and Lieb, R. and Pfister, H. and Höfler, M. and Wittchen, H.-U.. (2002) Use, abuse and dependence of ecstasy and related drugs in adolescents and young adults - a transient phenomenon? : results from a longitudinal community study. Drug and alcohol dependence, Vol. 66, H. 2. pp. 147-159. von Sydow, K. and Lieb, R. and Pfister, H. and Höfler, M. and Wittchen, H.-U.. (2002) What predicts incident use of cannabis and progression to abuse and dependence? : a 4-year prospective examination of risk factors in a community sample of adolescents and young adults. Drug and alcohol dependence, Vol. 68, H. 1. pp. 49-64. Lieb, R. and Isensee, B. and Höfler, M. and Pfister, H. and Wittchen, H.-U.. (2001) Elterliche Alkoholbelastung und die Entwicklung von Suchtproblemen bei ihren Kindern : Ergebnisse der prospektiv-longitudinalen EDSP-Studie. Suchttherapie, Vol. 2, H. 3. pp. 125-136. von Sydow, K. and Lieb, R. and Pfister, H. and Höfler, M. and Sonntag, H. and Wittchen, H.-U.. (2001) The natural course of cannabis use, abuse and dependence over four years : a longi-tudinal community study of adolescents and young adults. Drug and alcohol dependence, Vol. 64, H. 3. pp. 347-361. Lieb, R. and Schuster, P. and Pfister, H. and Fuetsch, M. and Höfler, M. and Isensee, B. and Müller, N. and Sonntag, H. and Wittchen, H.-U.. (2000) Epidemiologie des Konsums, Missbrauchs und der Abhängigkeit von legalen und illegalen Drogen bei Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen : die prospektiv-longitudinale Verlaufsstudie EDSP. Sucht, Vol. 46, H. 1. pp. 18-31. Lieb, R. and Pfister, H. and Mastaler, M. and Wittchen, H.-U.. (2000) Somatoform syndromes and disorders in a representative population sample of adolescents and young adults : prevalence, comorbidity and impairments. Acta psychiatrica scandinavica, Vol. 101, H. 3. pp. 194-208. Wittchen, H.-U. and Lieb, R. and Pfister, H. and Schuster, P.. (2000) The waxing and waning of mental disorders : evaluating the stability of syndromes of mental disorders in the population. Comprehensive psychiatry, Vol. 41, H. 2 / Suppl. 1. pp. 122-132. Wittchen, H.-U. and Kessler, R. C. and Pfister, H. and Höfler, M. and Lieb, R.. (2000) Why do people with anxiety disorders become depressed? : a prospective-longitudinal community study. Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica. Supplementum, 406. pp. 14-23. Lieb, R. and Pfister, H. and Wittchen, H.-U.. (1998) Use, abuse and dependence of prescription drugs in adolescents and young adults. European Addiction Research, 4 (1-2). pp. 67-74. Lieb, R. and Schuster, P. and Pfister, H. and Wunderlich, U. and Holly, A. and Mastaler, M. and Sonntag, H. and Gander, F. and Höfler, M. and Lachner, G. and Perkonigg, A. and Garczynski, E. and Türk, D. and Wittchen, H.-U.. (1998) Vulnerability and protective factors in early developmental stages of substance use disorders : projects 2 and 3. European Addiction Research, 4 (4). pp. 206-207. |