Items where Author is "Schweighauser, Philipp"
Number of items: 48. ArticleSchweighauser, Philipp. (2017) Playing Seriously with Genres: Sapir's 'Nootka' Texts and Mead's Balinese Anthropology. RANAM: Recherches anglaises et nord-américaines, 50. pp. 107-121. Schweighauser, Philipp. (2016) Some Reflections on the Place of Aesthetics and Politics in American Studies. RANAM: Recherches anglaises et nord-américaines, 49. pp. 43-53. Askin, Ridvan and Hägler, Andreas and Schweighauser, Philipp. (2014) Introduction: Aesthetics after the Speculative Turn. Speculations (5). pp. 6-38. Schweighauser, Philipp and Regenscheit, Marion and Schmid, Jelscha. (2014) Vom Close Reading zum Social Reading : Lesetechniken im Zeitalter des digitalen Texts. Dichtung-digital, No. 44, 29.12.2014. Schweighauser, Philipp. (2014) [Review of] Empowering Words: Outsiders and Authorship in Early America (2013) by Karen A. Weyler. Amerikastudien, 59 (3). pp. 447-450. Schweighauser, Philipp. (2014) [Review of] Truth's Ragged Edge: The Rise of the American Novel (2013) by Philip F. Gura. Amerikastudien, 59 (2). pp. 273-275. Schweighauser, Philipp. (2013) Early American Studies Now: A Polemic from Literary Studies. Amerikastudien, 58 (3). pp. 465-487. Schweighauser, Philipp. (2013) Early American Studies Now: A Response to the Respondents. Amerikastudien, 58 (3). pp. 500-505. Schweighauser, Philipp. (2013) Sympathy Control: Sentimental Politics and Early European Aesthetics. Anglia, 131 (1). pp. 35-51. Schweighauser, Philipp. (2013) [Review of] Liberty of the Imagination: Aesthetic Theory, Literary Form, and Politics in the Early United States (2012) by Edward Cahill. Amerikastudien, 58 (2). pp. 305-308. Schweighauser, Philipp. (2012) Book and Wax: Two Early American Media of Deception. Philologie im Netz. Beihefte, 5. pp. 4-44. Schweighauser, Philipp. (2009) Doubly real: game studies and literary anthropology; or, why we play games. Eludamos : journal for computer game culture, 3 (2). pp. 115-132. Schweighauser, Philipp. (2007) [Review of] Archaeologies of the Future: The Desire Called Utopia and Other Science Fictions (2005) by Fredric Jameson. Amerikastudien, 52 (4). pp. 586-588. Schweighauser, Philipp. (2003) 'Sound all around' : sonic mysticism and acoustic ecology in Don DeLillo's White Noise. Profils américains, 16. pp. 107-121. Schweighauser, Philipp. (2002) 'You Must Make Less Noise in Here, Mister Schouler': Acoustic Profiling in American Realism. Studies in American fiction, 30 (1). pp. 85-102. Schweighauser, Philipp. (2002) The Soundscapes of American Realist Fiction. Philologie im Netz, 19. pp. 55-78. Schweighauser, Philipp. (2000) 'Love at First Sight, at Last Sight, at Ever and Ever Sight': Scrutinizing Lolita's Body. Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 48 (2). pp. 158-167. Schweighauser, Philipp. (1999) Discursive Killings: Intertextuality, Aestheticization, and Death in Nabokov's Lolita. Amerikastudien, 44 (2). pp. 255-267. Schweighauser, Philipp. (1998) Metafiction, Transcendence and Death in Nabokov's Lolita. Nabokov studies, 5. pp. 99-116. BookSchweighauser, Philipp. (2016) Beautiful Deceptions. European Aesthetics, the Early American Novel, and Illusionist Art. Charlottesville. Schweighauser, Philipp. (2006) The noises of American literature, 1890-1985 : toward a history of literary acoustics. Gainesville. Book SectionSchweighauser, Philipp. (2017) Das Rauschen modernistischer Form: John Dos Passos, Zora Neale Hurston und die Soundscapes der Moderne und frühen Postmoderne. In: Handbuch Literatur & Musik. Tübingen, pp. 495-507. Schweighauser, Philipp. (2016) The Early American Novel and Sentimentalism. In: Handbook of Transatlantic North American Studies. Tübingen, pp. 213-233. Schweighauser, Philipp and Askin, Ridvan. (2015) Introduction. In: Literature, Ethics, Morality: American Studies Perspectives. Tübingen, pp. 11-22. Schweighauser, Philipp. (2015) Literary Acoustics. In: Handbook of Intermediality: Literature – Image – Sound – Music. Tübingen, pp. 475-493. Schweighauser, Philipp. (2014) Relations between media. In: The Johns Hopkins guide to digital media. Baltimore, pp. 424-427. Schweighauser, Philipp. (2014) The persistence of information theory. In: Traditions of systems theory : major figures and contemporary developments. New York, pp. 21-44. Rippl, Gabriele and Steffen, Therese and Schweighauser, Philipp. (2013) Introduction: Life Writing in an Age of Trauma. In: Haunted Narratives: Life Writing in an Age of Trauma. Toronto, pp. 3-18. Schweighauser, Philipp. (2013) Trauma and Utopia: Benjamin, Adorno, and Elie Wiesel's Night. In: Haunted Narratives: Life Writing in an Age of Trauma. Toronto, pp. 45-84. Schweighauser, Philipp. (2011) Terror has exterminated all the sentiments of nature: American terror, the French Revolution, and Charles Brockden Brown's Arthur Mervyn. In: Terrorism and narrative practice. Zürich, pp. 45-60. Schweighauser, Philipp. (2010) Information theory. In: The Routledge companion to literature and science. London, pp. 145-156. Schweighauser, Philipp and Schneck, Peter. (2010) Introduction : the American and the European DeLillo. In: Terrorism, media, and the ethics of fiction : transatlantic perspectives on Don DeLillo. New York, pp. 1-15. Schweighauser, Philipp and Wisnicki, Adrian S.. (2010) The End of Resolution? Reflections on the Ethics of Closure in Don DeLillo's Detective Plots. In: Terrorism, media, and the ethics of fiction : transatlantic perspectives on Don DeLillo. New York, pp. 158-170. Schweighauser, Philipp. (2009) Don DeLillo, 'Falling Man'. In: Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. Stuttgart, pp. 485-486. Schweighauser, Philipp. (2009) Don DeLillo, 'Libra'. In: Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. Stuttgart, pp. 482-483. Schweighauser, Philipp. (2008) The noises of modernist form: Dos passos, hurston, and the soundscapes of modernity. In: American studies as media studies. Heidelberg, pp. 47-55. Schweighauser, Philipp. (2007) Literature in Transition : European aesthetics and the early American novel. In: American aesthetics. Tübingen, pp. 29-45. Schweighauser, Philipp. (2007) Resources for the study of nineteenth-century American poetry : a selective guide. In: Teaching nineteenth-century American poetry. New York, pp. 315-351. Schweighauser, Philipp. (2007) Who's Afraid of Dystopia? William Gibson's Neuromancer and Fredric Jameson's Writing on Utopia and Science Fiction. In: Exploring the utopian impulse : essays on utopian thought and practice. Oxford, pp. 225-242. Schweighauser, Philipp. (2006) An Anthropologist at Work: Ruth Benedict's Poetry. In: American poetry : Whitman to the present. Tübingen, pp. 113-125. Schweighauser, Philipp. (2006) Introduction. In: The noises of American literature, 1890-1985 : toward a history of literary acoustics. Gainesville, pp. 1-26. Schweighauser, Philipp. (2006) White Noise and the Web. In: Approaches to Teaching DeLillo's White Noise. New York, pp. 94-102. Schweighauser, Philipp. (2005) The Desire for Unity and Its Failure: Reading Henry Adams through Michel Serres. In: Mapping Michel Serres. Ann Arbor, pp. 136-152. Schweighauser, Philipp. (2004) Rauschende Kommunikationen und Kanalreiniger : Repräsentationen des Widerläufigen bei Howells, Toomer und Pynchon. In: Integrationen des Widerläufigen. Münster, pp. 59-68. Schweighauser, Philipp. (2004) Toward a history of literary acoustics : the noises of American literature, 1860-1980. In: English and American Studies in German 2003. Tübingen, pp. 144-146. Schweighauser, Philipp. (2002) Concepts of masculinity in 'The Wife's Lament' and its critical literature. In: Masculinities - Maskulinitäten. Stuttgart, pp. 177-185. Newspaper or Magazine ArticleSchweighauser, Philipp. (2007) Alltäglicher Wahnsinn: Don DeLillo, Zeuge der postmodernen Paranoia. OtherSchweighauser, Philipp. (2017) How Do We Read Literature in the Digital Age? Basel. |