Items where Author is "Tanner, M."
Jump to: Article | Book Section | Conference or Workshop Item | Newspaper or Magazine Article | Other Number of items: 155. ArticleSy, I. and Traoré, D. and Niang Diène, A. and Koné, B. and Lô, B. and Faye, O. and Utzinger, J. and Cissé, G. and Tanner, M.. (2017) Eau potable, assainissement et risque de maladies diarrhéiques dans la Communauté Urbaine de Nouakchott, Mauritanie. Santé Publique, 29 (5). p. 180. Valero Bernal, M. V. and Tanner, M. and Munoz Navarro, S. and Valero-Bernal, J. F.. (2017) Proporción de fiebre atribuible a malaria en Colombia : indicadores potenciales para el seguimiento hacia la eliminación. Revista de salud pública , 19 (1). pp. 81-90. Tanner, M.. (2016) A harmonic way to transdisciplinarity : experience from Global Health Development. Gaia, 3. pp. 204-206. Bechir, M. and Schelling, E. and Barounga, F. and Tanner, M. and Zinsstag, J.. (2016) Alimentation du nourrisson et du jeune enfant en milieux nomade et sédentaire rural au Tchad. Revue scientifique du Tchad , Numéro spécial. pp. 41-48. Bassat, Q. and Tanner, M. and Guerin, P. J. and Stricker, K. and Hamed, K.. (2016) Combating poor‑quality anti‑malarial medicines: a call to action. Malaria journal, 15. p. 302. Flahault, A. and Wernli, D. and Zylberman, P. and Tanner, M.. (2016) From global health security to global health solidarity, security and sustainability. Bulletin of the World Health Organization = Bulletin de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé, 94. p. 863. Bechir, M. and Schelling, E. and Zinsstag, J. and Tanner, M.. (2016) La sous-nutrition chez les pasteurs nomades comparée aux sédentaires vivant sur la rive sud du Lac Tchad : emaciation, carences en micronutriments et parasitoses. Revue scientifique du Tchad , Numéro spécial. pp. 23-31. Kastner, R. J. and Stone, C. M. and Steinmann, P. and Tanner, M. and Tediosi, F.. (2016) Lessons learned from developing an eradication investment case for lymphatic filariasis. Advances in parasitology, 94. pp. 393-417. Stone, C. M. and Kastner, R. and Steinmann, P. and Chitnis, N. and Tanner, M. and Tediosi, F.. (2016) Modelling the health impact and cost-effectiveness of lymphatic filariasis eradication under varying levels of mass drug administration scale-up and geographic coverage. BMJ Global Health, 1. e000021. Sy, I. and Traoré, A. and Koné, B. and Diène, A. N. and Lô, B. and Faye, O. and Utzinger, J. and Cissé, G. and Tanner, M.. (2016) Qualité de l'eau et santé en contexte urbain sahélien et semi-aride : approche géopraphique à Nouakchot (Mauritanie). Dynamiques Environnementales, 36. pp. 166-181. Cissé, G. and Traoré, D. and Touray, S. and Bâ, H. and Keïta, M. and Sy, I. and Koné, B. and Utzinger, J. and Tanner, M.. (2016) Vulnerabilities of water and sanitation at households and community levels in face of climate variability and change : trends from historical climate time series in a West Africa medium-sized town. International journal of global environmental issues, 15 (1-2). pp. 81-99. Nyogea, D. S. and Said, H. and Mwaigomole, G. and Stoeckle, M. and Felger, I. and Hatz, C. and Henning, L. and Franzeck, F. and Letang, E. and Geubbels, E. and Tanner, M.. (2015) An assessment of the supply chain management for HIV/AIDS care and treatment in Kilombero and Ulanga districts in southern Tanzania. Tanzania journal of health research, Vol. 17, H. 2. pp. 1-9. Karvande, S. and Apte, H. and Hoffmann, A. and Tanner, M.. (2015) Change in behaviour and communication regarding childbearing : a study among rural married couples in India. The Journal of family welfare, 61 (1). pp. 18-31. Koné, A. B. and Tiembré, I. and Cissé, G. and Diallo, A. and Tanner, M. and N'Goran, K. E.. (2015) Impact de l'urbanisation sur l'indice plasmodique et les densités parasitaires chez les enfants de 0 à 5 ans dans la commune de Yopougon, Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire). Médecine et santé tropicales, Vol. 25, H. 1. pp. 69-74. Hanson, C. and Cox, J. and Mbaruku, G. and Manzi, F. and Gabrysch, S. and Schellenberg, D. and Tanner, M. and Ronsmans, C. and Schellenberg, J.. (2015) Maternal and perinatal mortality in resource-limited settings - authors' reply. Lancet. Global health, 3 (11). e673. Sy, I. and Keita, M. and Traoré, D. and Koné, B. and Bâ, K. and Wedadi, O. B. and Fayomi, B. and Bonfoh, B. and Tanner, M. and Cissé, G.. (2014) Eau, hygiène, assainissement et santé dans les quartiers précaires à Nouakchott (Mauritanie) : contribution à l'approche écosanté à Hay Saken. VertigO : la revue électronique en sciences de l'environnement, Vol. Hors-série 19. pp. 1-20. Tanner, M. and Meier, L.. (2014) Effective substances against diseases of poverty : a look at the day-to-day research conducted at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute. Swiss Pharma : Swiss review for the pharmaceutical industry, Jg. 36, Nr. 9. pp. 14-18. Koné, B. and Doumbia, M. and Sy, I. and Dongo, K. and Agbo-Houenou, Y. and Houenou, P. V. and Fayomi, B. and Bonfoh, B. and Tanner, M. and Cissé, G.. (2014) Etude des diarrhées en milieu périurbain à Abidjan par l'approche écosanté. VertigO : la revue électronique en sciences de l'environnement, Vol. Hors Série 19. pp. 1-15. Tanoh Nkrumah, A. S. and Koné, B. and Tiembre, I. and Mbaye, I. and Tanner, M. and Cissé, G.. (2014) Variabilité climatique et incidence de la méningite cérébro-spinale dans le district sanitaire de Korhogo (nord de la Côte d'Ivoire). Environnement, risques & santé, Vol. 13, no. 2. pp. 144-152. Tanner, M. and Meier, L.. (2014) Wirksame Substanzen gegen Krankheiten der Armut : aus dem Forschungsalltag des Schweizerischen Tropen- und Public Health-Instituts (Swiss TPH). Swiss Pharma, Jg. 36, Nr. 7-8. pp. 19-23. Pearce, R. J. and Ord, R. and Kaur, H. and Lupala, C. and Schellenberg, J. and Shirima, K. and Manzi, F. and Alonso, P. and Tanner, M. and Mshinda, H. and Roper, C. and Schellenberg, D.. (2013) A community-randomised evaluation of the effect of IPTi on anti-malarial drug resistance in southern Tanzania. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Vol. 207, no. 5. pp. 848-859. Shamba, D. D. and Schellenberg, J. and Penfold, S. C. and Mashasi, I. and Mrisho, M. and Manzi, F. and Marchant, T. and Tanner, M. and Mshinda, H. and Schellenberg, D. and Hill, Z.. (2013) Clean home-delivery in rural southern Tanzania : barriers, influencers, and facilitators. Journal of health, population and nutrition, Vol. 31, H. 1. pp. 110-117. Zhou, X. N. and Bergquist, R. and Tanner, M.. (2013) Elimination of tropical disease through surveillance and response. Infectious Diseases of Poverty, 2 (1). Mwangoka, G. and Ogutu, B. and Msambichaka, B. and Mzee, T. and Salim, N. and Kafuruki, S. and Mpina, M. and Shekalaghe, S. and Tanner, M. and Abdulla, S.. (2013) Experience and challenges from clinical trials with malaria vaccines in Africa. Malaria journal, Vol. 12 , 86. Montavon, A. and Jean-Richard, V. and Bechir, M. and Daugla, D. M. and Abdoulaye, M. and Bongo Naré, R. N. and Diguimbaye-Djaibé, C. and Alfarouk, I. O. and Schelling, E. and Wyss, K. and Tanner, M. and Zinsstag, J.. (2013) Health of mobile pastoralists in the Sahel - assessment of 15 years of research and development. Tropical medicine and international health : TM & IH : a European journal, 18 (9). pp. 1044-1052. Sankoh, O. and Herbst, A. J. and Juvekar, S. and Tollmann, S. and Byass, P. and Tanner, M.. (2013) INDEPTH launches a data repository and INDEPTHStats. Lancet Global Health, Vol. 1, H. 2 , e69. Masimba, P. and Kituma, E. and Klimkait, T. and Horvath, E. and Stoeckle, M. and Hatz, C. and Mossdorf, E. and Mwaigomole, E. and Khamis, S. and Jullu, B. and Abdulla, S. and Tanner, M. and Felger, I.. (2013) Prevalence of drug resistance mutations and HIV type 1 subtypes in an HIV type 1-infected cohort in rural Tanzania. AIDS research and human retroviruses, Vol. 29, H. 9. pp. 1229-1236. Abdulla, S. and Salim, N. and Machera, F. and Kamata, R. and Juma, O. and Shomari, M. and Kubhoja, S. and Mohammed, A. and Mwangoka, G. and Aebi, T. and Mshinda, H. and Schellenberg, D. and Carter, T. and Villafana, T. and Dubois, M. C. and Leach, A. and Lievens, M. and Vekemans, J. and Cohen, J. and Ballou, W. R. and Tanner, M.. (2013) Randomized, controlled trial of the long term safety, immunogenicity and efficacy of RTS,S/AS02D malaria vaccine in infants living in a malaria-endemic region. Malaria journal, Vol. 12 , 11. Utzinger, J. and Tanner, M.. (2013) Socioeconomic development to fight malaria, and beyond. Lancet : a journal of British and foreign medicine, surgery, obstetrics, physiology, chemistry, pharmacology, public health and news, Vol. 382, no. 9896. pp. 920-922. Penfold, S. and Shamba, D. and Hanson, C. and Jaribu, J. and Manzi, F. and Marchant, T. and Tanner, M. and Ramsey, K. and Schellenberg, D. and Schellenberg, J. A.. (2013) Staff experiences of providing maternity services in rural southern Tanzania - a focus on equipment, drug and supply issues. BMC health services research, Vol. 13 , 61. Le Polain de Warouxa, O. and Armstrong Schellenberg, J. R. and Manzi, F. and Mrisho, M. and Shirima, K. and Mshinda, H. and Alonso, P. and Tanner, M. and Schellenberg, D. M.. (2013) Timeliness and completeness of vaccination and risk factors for low and late vaccine uptake in young children living in rural southern Tanzania. International health, Vol. 5, H. 2. pp. 139-147. Sankoh, O. and Abou Zahr, C. and Adami, H. O. and Tollman, S. and Byass, P. and Tanner, M.. (2013) Universal health coverage and reliable global health estimates. Lancet, Vol. 382, no. 9886. p. 26. Idindili, B. and Jullu, B. and Mugusi, F. and Tanner, M.. (2012) A case-control study of factors associated with non-adherent to antiretroviral therapy among HIV infected people in Pwani Region, eastern Tanzania. Tanzania journal of health research, Vol. 14, H. 3. pp. 1-12. Lovis, L. and Mak, T. K. and Phongluxa, K. and Soukhathammavong, P. A. and Vonghachack, Y. and Keiser, J. and Vounatsou, P. and Tanner, M. and Hatz, C. and Utzinger, J. and Odermatt, P. and Akkhavong, K.. (2012) Efficacy of praziquantel against Schistosoma mekongi and Opisthorchis viverrini : a randomized, single-blinded dose-comparison trial. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, Vol. 6, H. 7 , e1726. Smith, T. and Ross, A. and Maire, N. and Chitnis, N. and Studer, A. and Hardy, D. and Brooks, A. and Penny, M. and Tanner, M.. (2012) Ensemble modeling of the likely public health impact of a pre-erythrocytic malaria vaccine. PLoS medicine, Vol. 9, H.1 , e1001157. Dongo, K. and Tiembré, I. and Koné, B. A. and Zurbrügg, C. and Odermatt, P. and Tanner, M. and Zinsstag, J. and Cissé, G.. (2012) Exposure to toxic waste containing high concentrations of hydrogen sulphide illegally dumped in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire. Environmental science and pollution research, Vol. 19, H. 8. pp. 3192-3199. Zinsstag, J. and Meisser, A. and Schelling, E. and Bonfoh, B. and Tanner, M.. (2012) From 'two medicines' to 'One Health' and beyond. Onderstepoort journal of veterinary research, Vol. 79, H. 2 Suppl. 3 , #492. Chen, J. H. and Wang, H. and Chen, J. X. and Bergquist, R. and Tanner, M. and Utzinger, J. and Zhou, X. N.. (2012) Frontiers of parasitology research in the People's Republic of China : infection, diagnosis, protection and surveillance. Parasites and Vectors, 5 (221). Manzi, F. and Schellenberg, J. A. and Hutton, G. and Wyss, K. and Mbuya, C. and Shirima, K. and Mshinda, H. and Tanner, M. and Schellenberg, D.. (2012) Human resources for health care delivery in Tanzania : a multifaceted problem. Human resources for health, Vol. 10 , 3. Wicki, M. and Auckenthaler, A. and Felleisen, R. and Liniger, M. and Loutre, C. and Niederhauser, I. and Tanner, M. and Baumgartner, A.. (2012) Improved detection of Rhodococcus coprophilus with a new quantitative PCR assay. Applied microbiology and biotechnology, Vol. 93, H. 5. pp. 2161-2169. Kelly, G. C. and Tanner, M. and Vallely, A. and Clements, A.. (2012) Malaria elimination : moving forward with spatial decision support systems. Trends in parasitology, Vol. 28, H. 7. pp. 297-304. Yang, G. J. and Tanner, M. and Utzinger, J. and Malone, J. B. and Bergquist, R. and Chan, E. Y. and Gao, Q. and Zhou, X. N.. (2012) Malaria surveillance-response strategies in different transmission zones of the People's Republic of China : preparing for climate change. Malaria journal, Vol. 11 , 426. Raso, G. and Schur, N. and Utzinger, J. and Koudou, B. G. and Tchicaya, E. S. and Rohner, F. and N'Goran, E. K. and Silué, K. D. and Matthys, B. and Assi, S. and Tanner, M. and Vounatsou, P.. (2012) Mapping malaria risk among children in Côte d'Ivoire using Bayesian geo-statistical models. Malaria journal, Vol. 11 , 160. Murto, C. and Ariza, L. and Rodrigues, A. and Chichava, O. O. A. and Alencar, C. H. and Marques da Silva, L. F. and Tanner, M. and Heukelbach, J.. (2012) Motives and determinants for residence change after leprosy diagnosis, central Brazil. Leprosy review, 83 (1). pp. 16-23. Mrisho, M. and Schellenberg, D. and Manzi, F. and Tanner, M. and Mshinda, H. and Shirima, K. and Msambichaka, B. and Abdulla, S. and Armstrong Schellenberg, J.. (2012) Neonatal death in rural southern Tanzania : care-seeking and causes of death. ISRN pediatrics, Vol. 2012 , ID 953401. Bechir, M. and Schelling, E. and Hamit, M. A. and Tanner, M. and Zinsstag, J.. (2012) Parasitic infections, anemia and malnutrition among rural settled and mobile pastoralist mothers and their children in Chad. EcoHealth, Vol. 9, H. 2. pp. 122-131. Sy, I. and Keita, M. and Lô, B. and Tanner, M. and Cissé, G.. (2012) Prévalence des diarrhées infantojuvéniles dans deux districts de Nouakchott (Mauritanie) en 2008 : analyse de l'influence de l'hygiène du milieu. Médecine et santé tropicales : cahiers d'études et de recherches francophones, Vol. 22, H. 2. pp. 217-219. Bechir, M. and Schelling, E. and Kraemer, K. and Schweigert, F. and Bonfoh, B. and Crump, L. and Tanner, M. and Zinsstag, J.. (2012) Retinol assessment among women and children in Sahelian mobile pastoralists. EcoHealth, Vol. 9, H. 2. pp. 113-121. Traoré, S. G. and Bonfoh, B. and Krabi, R. and Odermatt, P. and Utzinger, J. and Rose, K.-N. and Tanner, M. and Frey, J. and Quilici, M.-L. and Koussémon, M.. (2012) Risk of vibrio transmission linked to the consumption of crustaceans in coastal towns of Côte d'Ivoire. Journal of food protection, Vol. 75, H. 6. pp. 1004-1011. Khatib, R. A. and Skarbinski, J. and Njau, J. D. and Goodman, C. A. and Elling, B. F. and Kahigwa, E. and Roberts, J. M. and Macarthur, J. R. and Gutman, J. R. and Kabanywanyi, A. M. and Smith, E. E. and Somi, M. F. and Lyimo, T. and Mwita, A. and Genton, B. and Tanner, M. and Mills, A. and Mshinda, H. and Bloland, P. B. and Abdulla, S. M. and Kachur, S. P.. (2012) Routine delivery of artemisinin-based combination treatment at fixed health facilities reduces malaria prevalence in Tanzania : an observational study. Malaria journal, Vol. 11 , 140. Sayasone, S. and Rasphone, O. and Vanmany, M. and Vounatsou, P. and Utzinger, J. and Tanner, M. and Akkhavong, K. and Hatz, C. and Odermatt, P.. (2012) Severe morbidity due to Opisthorchis viverrini and Schistosoma mekongi infection in Lao PDR. Clinical Infectious Diseases, Vol. 55, H. 6 , e54-e57. Bechir, M. and Zinsstag, J. and Abdoulaye, M. and Schelling, E. and Kessely, H. and Fokou, G. and Moto, D. and Bonfoh, B. and Tanner, M.. (2012) Social services for mobile pastoralists : cross-sector strategy based on 'One Health'. Sociology study, Vol. 2, H. 9. pp. 705-714. Maire, N. and Hegnauer, M. and Nguyen, D. and Godelmann, L. and Peterhans, B. and Hoffmann, A. and de Savigny, D. and Tanner, M.. (2012) The health resources allocation model (HRAM) for the 21st century. Geospatial health, 6 (2). pp. 295-298. Comoé, C. C. and Ouattara, A. F. and Raso, G. and Tanner, M. and Utzinger, J. and Koudou, B. G.. (2012) Willingness to use a rapid diagnostic test for malaria in a rural area of central Côte d'Ivoire. BMC public health, Vol. 12 , 1089. Alonso, P. L. and Brown, G. and Arevalo-Herrera M., and Binka, F. and Chitnis, C. and Collins, F. and Doumbo, O. K. and Greenwood, B. and Hall, B. F. and Levine, M. M. and Mendis, K. and Newman, R. D. and Plowe, C. V. and Rodriguez, M. H. and Sinden, R. and Slutsker, L. and Tanner, M.. (2011) A research agenda to underpin malaria eradication. PLoS medicine, Vol. 8, H. 1 , e1000406. Kelly, G. C. and Seng, C. M. and Donald, W. and Taleo, G. and Nausien, J. and Batarii, W. and Iata, H. and Tanner, M. and Vestergaard, L. S. and Clements, A. C. A.. (2011) A spatial decision support system for guiding focal indoor residual spraying interventions in a malaria elimination zone. Geospatial health, Vol. 6, H. 1. pp. 21-31. Armstrong Schellenberg J. R., and Maokola, W. and Shirima, K. and Manzi, F. and Mrisho, M. and Mushi, A. and Alonso, P. and Mshinda, H. and Tanner, M. and Schellenberg, D. M.. (2011) Cluster-randomized study of Intermittent Preventive Treatment for malaria in infants (IPTi) in southern Tanzania : evaluation of impact on survival. Malaria journal, Vol. 10 , 387. Tekeli-Yesil, S. and Dedeoglu, N. and Braun-Fahrländer, C. and Tanner, M.. (2011) Earthquake awareness and perception of risk among the residents of Istanbul. Natural hazards, Vol. 59, H. 1. pp. 427-446. Maokola, W. and Willey, B. A. and Shirima, K. and Chemba, M. and Armstrong Schellenberg, J. R. M. and Mshinda, H. and Alonso, P. and Tanner, M. and Schellenberg, D.. (2011) Enhancing the routine health information system in rural southern Tanzania : successes, challenges and lessons learned. Tropical medicine and international health : TM & IH : a European journal, 16 (6). pp. 721-730. Sy, I. and Lo, B. and Tanner, M. and Cissé, G.. (2011) Environnement, conditions d'habitat et santé dans les quartiers défavorisés à rufisque (Sénégal) et à Nouakchott (Mauritanie). International journal of advanced studies and research in Africa (IJASRA), Vol. 2, H. 1. pp. 37-51. Willey, B. A. and Armstrong Schellenberg J. R., and Maokola, W. and Shirima, K. and Chemba, M. and Mshinda, H. and Alonso, P. and Tanner, M. and Schellenberg, D.. (2011) Evaluating the effectiveness of IPTi on malaria using routine health information from sentinel health centres in southern Tanzania. Malaria journal, Vol. 10 , 41. Zinsstag, J. and Schelling, E. and Waltner-Toews D., and Tanner, M.. (2011) From 'one medicine' to 'one health' and systemic approaches to health and well-being. Preventive veterinary medicine : an international journal on research and development in veterinary epidemiology, animals disease prevention and control, and animal health economics, Vol. 101, H. 3/4. pp. 148-156. Sy, I. and Piermay, J. and Wyss, K. and Handschumacher, P. and Tanner, M. and Cissé, G.. (2011) Gestion de l'espace urbain et morbidité des pathologies liées à l'assainissement à Rufisque (Sénégal). L'espace géographique : EG : régions, aménagement, environnement, Vol. 40, H. 1. pp. 47-61. Idindili, B. and Jullu, B. and Hattendorf, J. and Mugusi, F. and Antelman, G. and Tanner, M.. (2011) HIV and parasitic co-infections among patients seeking care at health facilities in Tanzania. Tanzania journal of health research, Vol. 13, H. 4. Idindili, B. and Omari, M. and Rumisha, S. F. and Mugusi, F. and Tanner, M.. (2011) HIV/AIDS clinical manifestations and their implication for patient clinical staging in resource limited settings in Tanzania. The open AIDS journal, Vol. 5. pp. 9-16. Koné, B. A. and Tiembre, I. and Dongo, K. and Tanner, M. and Zinsstag, J. and Cissé, G.. (2011) Impact socio-économique du déversement de déchets toxiques à Abidjan en 2006 à l'échelle des ménages. Bulletin de la société de pathologie exotique, Vol. 104, H. 1. pp. 14-19. Mossdorf, E. and Stöckle, M. and Mwaigomole, E. G. and Chiweka, E. and Kibatala, P. L. and Geubbels, E. and Urassa, H. and Abdulla, S. and Elzi, L. and Tanner, M. and Furrer, H. and Hatz, C. and Battegay, M.. (2011) Improved antiretroviral treatment outcome in a rural African setting is associated with cART initiation at higher CD4 cell counts and better general health condition. BMC infectious diseases, Vol. 11 , 98. O'Sullivan, M. J. and Kenilorea, G. and Yamaguchi, Y. and Bobogare, A. and Losi, L. and Atkinson, J. A. and Vallely, A. and Whittaker, M. and Tanner, M. and Wijesinghe, R.. (2011) Malaria elimination in Isabel Province, Solomon Islands : establishing a surveillance-response system to prevent introduction and reintroduction of malaria. Malaria journal, Vol. 10 , 235. Ouattara, A. F. and Raso, G. and Edi, C. V. and Utzinger, J. and Tanner, M. and Dagnogo, M. and Koudou, B. G.. (2011) Malaria knowledge and long-lasting insecticidal net use in rural communities of central Côte d'Ivoire. Malaria journal, Vol. 10 , 288. Wicki, M. and Auckenthaler, A. and Felleisen, R. and Tanner, M. and Baumgartner, A.. (2011) Novel Bacteroides host strains for detection of human- and animal-specific bacteriophages in water. Journal of water and health : a journal of the International Water Association, Vol. 9, H. 1. pp. 159-168. Balmer, O. and Tanner, M.. (2011) Prevalence and implications of multiple-strain infections. The Lancet infectious diseases, Vol. 11, H. 11. pp. 868-878. Probst-Hensch, N. and Tanner, M. and Kessler, C. and Burri, C. and Künzli, N.. (2011) Prevention : a cost-effective way to fight the non-communicable disease epidemic. Swiss medical weekly, Vol. 141, 9 , w13266. Asante-Poku A., and Abdulla, S. and Agnandji, S. and Lyimo, J. and Vekemans, J. and Soulanoudjingar, S. and Owusu, R. and Shomari, M. and Leach, A. and Jongert, E. and Salim, N. and Fernandes, J. F. and Dosoo, D. and Chikawe, M. and Issifou, S. and Osei-Kwakye K., and Lievens, M. and Paricek, M. and Moller, T. and Apanga, S. and Mwangoka, G. and Dubois, M. C. and Madi, T. and Kwara, E. and Minja, R. and Hounkpatin, A. B. and Boahen, O. and Kayan, K. and Adjei, G. and Chandramohan, D. and Carter, T. and Vansadia, P. and Sillman, M. and Savarese, B. and Loucq, C. and Lapierre, D. and Greenwood, B. and Cohen, J. and Kremsner, P. and Owusu-Agyei S., and Tanner, M. and Lell, B.. (2011) Safety and efficacy of the RTS,S/AS01(E) candidate malaria vaccine given with expanded-programme-on-immunisation vaccines : 19 month follow-up of a randomised, open-label, phase 2 trial. The Lancet infectious diseases, Vol. 11, H. 10. pp. 741-749. Maokola, W. and Chemba, M. and Hamisi, Y. and Mrisho, M. and Shirima, K. and Manzi, F. and Masanja, M. and Willey, B. and Alonso, P. and Mshinda, H. and Tanner, M. and Armstrong Schellenberg, J. R. M. and Schellenberg, D.. (2011) Safety of sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine for intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in infants: evidence from large-scale operational research in southern Tanzania. International health, Vol. 3, H. 3. pp. 154-159. Bechir, M. and Schelling, E. and Moto, D. D. and Tanner, M. and Zinsstag, J.. (2011) Statut nutritionnel et diversité alimentaire chez les femmes nomades et sédentaires rurales de la rive sud-est du Lac Tchad. Médecine tropicale : revue française de pathologie et de santé publique tropicales, Vol. 71, H. 6. pp. 582-587. Atkinson, J. A. and Vallely, A. and Fitzgerald, L. and Whittaker, M. and Tanner, M.. (2011) The architecture and effect of participation: a systematic review of community participation for communicable disease control and elimination. Implications for malaria elimination. Malaria journal, Vol. 10 , 225. Smith, T. A. and Chitnis, N. and Briët, O. J. and Tanner, M.. (2011) Uses of mosquito-stage transmission-blocking vaccines against Plasmodium falciparum. Trends in parasitology, Vol. 27, H. 5. pp. 190-196. Sy, I. and Koita, M. and Traoré, D. and Keita, M. and Lo, B. and Tanner, M. and Cissé, G.. (2011) Vulnérabilité sanitaire et environnementale dans les quartiers défavorisés de Nouakchott (Mauritanie): analyse des conditions d'émergence et de développement de maladies en milieu urbain sahélien. Vertigo : la revue électronique en sciences de l'environnement, Vol. 11, H. 2 , 17 S.. Bechir, M. and Schelling, E. and Moto, D. D. and Tanner, M. and Zinsstag, J.. 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Bechir, M. and Schelling, E. and Bonfoh, B. and Seydi, M. and Wade, S. and Moto, D. D. and Tanner, M. and Zinsstag, J.. (2010) Evolution saisonnière du statut nutritionnel des enfants nomades et sédentaires de moins de cinq ans dans le Sahel au Tchad. Médecine Tropicale, Vol. 70, H. 4. pp. 353-358. Tekeli-Yesil S., and Dedeoglu, N. and Tanner, M. and Braun-Fahrländer C., and Obrist, B.. (2010) Individual preparedness and mitigation actions for a predicted earthquake in Istanbul. Disasters, Vol. 34, H. 4. pp. 910-930. Yang, G. J. and Gao, Q. and Zhou, S. S. and Malone, J. B. and McCarroll, J. C. and Tanner, M. and Vounatsou, P. and Bergquist, R. and Utzinger, J. and Zhou, X. N.. (2010) Mapping and predicting malaria transmission in the People's Republic of China, using integrated biology-driven and statistical models. Geospatial health, Vol. 5, H. 1. pp. 11-22. Moonen, B. and Cohen, J. M. and Snow, R. W. and Slutsker, L. and Drakeley, C. and Smith, D. L. and Abeyasinghe, R. 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(2009) Effect of repeated application of microbial larvicides on malaria transmission in central Côte d'Ivoire. Journal of the American mosquito control association : mosquito news, Vol. 25, H. 3. pp. 382-385. Aponte, J. J. and Schellenberg, D. and Egan, A. and Breckenridge, A. and Carneiro, I. and Critchley, J. and Danquah, I. and Dodoo, A. and Kobbe, R. and Lell, B. and May, J. and Premji, Z. and Sanz, S. and Sevene, E. and Soulaymani-Becheikh R., and Winstanley, P. and Adjei, S. and Anemana, S. and Chandramohan, D. and Issifou, S. and Mockenhaupt, F. and Owusu-Agyei S., and Greenwood, B. and Grobusch, M. P. and Kremsner, P. G. and Macete, E. and Mshinda, H. and Newman, R. D. and Slutsker, L. and Tanner, M. and Alonso, P. and Menendez, C.. (2009) Efficacy and safety of intermittent preventive treatment with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine for malaria in African infants : a pooled analysis of six randomised, placebo-controlled trials. Lancet, Vol. 374, no. 9700. pp. 1533-1542. Noazin, S. and Khamesipour, A. and Moulton, L. H. and Tanner, M. and Nasseri, K. and Modabber, F. and Sharifi, I. and Khalil, E. A. and Bernal, I. D. and Antunes, C. M. and Smith, P. G.. (2009) Efficacy of killed whole-parasite vaccines in the prevention of leishmaniasis : a meta-analysis. Vaccine, 27 (35). pp. 4747-4753. Flueck, C. and Frank, G. and Smith, T. and Jafarshad, A. and Nebie, I. and Sirima, S. B. and Olugbile, S. and Alonso, P. and Tanner, M. and Druilhe, P. and Felger, I. and Corradin, G.. (2009) Evaluation of two long synthetic merozoite surface protein 2 peptides as malaria vaccine candidates. Vaccine : the official journal of the International Society for Vaccines, 27 (20). pp. 2653-2661. Manzi, F. and Schellenberg, J. and Hamis, Y. and Mushi, A. K. and Shirima, K. and Mwita, A. and Simba, A. and Rusibamayila, N. and Kitambi, M. and Tanner, M. and Alonso, P. and Mshinda, H. and Schellenberg, D.. (2009) Intermittent preventive treatment for malaria and anaemia control in Tanzanian infants; the development and implementation of a public health strategy. Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Vol. 103, H. 1. pp. 79-86. Keiser, J. and Chollet, J. and Xiao, S. H. and Mei, J. Y. and Jiao, P. Y. and Utzinger, J. and Tanner, M.. (2009) Mefloquine - an aminoalcohol with promising antischistosomal properties in mice. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, Vol. 3, H. 1 , e350. Geissbühler, Y. and Kannady, K. and Chaki, P. P. and Emidi, B. and Govella, N. J. and Mayagaya, V. and Kiama, M. and Mtasiwa, D. and Mshinda, H. and Lindsay, S. W. and Tanner, M. and Fillinger, U. and de Castro M. C., and Killeen, G. F.. (2009) Microbial larvicide application by a large-scale, community-based program reduces malaria infection prevalence in urban Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. PLoS One, Vol. 4, H. 3 , e5107. Wicki, M. and Svoboda, P. and Tanner, M.. 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(2009) Schistosomiasis and neglected tropical diseases : towards integrated and sustainable control and a word of caution. Parasitology, Vol. 136, H. 13. pp. 1859-1874. Wiedenmayer, K. A. and Weiss, S. and Chattopadhyay, C. and Mukherjee, A. and Kundu, R. and Ayé, R. and Tediosi, F. and Hetzel, M. W. and Tanner, M.. (2009) Simplifying paediatric immunization with a fully liquid DTP-HepB-Hib combination vaccine: evidence from a comparative time-motion study in India. Vaccine : the official journal of the International Society for Vaccines, 27 (5). pp. 655-659. Bongfen, S. E. and Ntsama, P. M. and Offner, S. and Smith, T. and Felger, I. and Tanner, M. and Alonso, P. and Nebie, I. and Romero, J. F. and Silvie, O. and Torgler, R. and Corradin, G.. (2009) The N-terminal domain of Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite protein represents a target of protective immunity. Vaccine : the official journal of the International Society for Vaccines, 27 (2). pp. 328-335. 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Keiser, J. and Rinaldi, L. and Veneziano, V. and Mezzino, L. and Tanner, M. and Utzinger, J. and Cringoli, G.. (2008) Efficacy and safety of artemether against a natural Fasciola hepatica infection in sheep. Parasitology research, Vol. 103, H. 3. pp. 517-522. Li, J. V. and Wang, Y. and Saric, J. and Nicholson, J. K. and Dirnhofer, S. and Singer, B. H. and Tanner, M. and Wittlin, S. and Holmes, E. and Utzinger, J.. (2008) Global metabolic responses of NMRI mice to an experimental Plasmodium berghei infection. Journal of Proteome Research, Vol. 7, H. 9. pp. 3948-3956. Battegay, M. and Stoeckle, M. and Tanner, M. and Hatz, C.. (2008) Wo HIV-Betreuung in Afrika wirkt. Gazzetta des Universitätsspitals Basel, 2008, Nr. 1. pp. 4-5. Tanner, M. and Kölliker, M. and Richner, H.. (2007) Parental influences on sibling rivalry in great tits (Parus major). Animal Behaviour, 74 (4). pp. 977-983. Hetzel, M. and Bonfoh, B. and Farah, Z. and Traore, M. and Simbe, C. F. and Alfaroukh, I. 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(2015) A one health perspective for integrated human and animal sanitation and nutrient recycling. In: One health : the theory and practice of integrated health approaches. Wallingford, pp. 96-106. Bonfoh, B. and Béchir, M. and Schelling, E. and Ouattara, K. and Cailleau, A. and Haydon, D. and Cleaveland, S. and Zinsstag, J. and Tanner, M.. (2015) Individual and institutional capacity building in global health research in Africa. In: One health : the theory and practice of integrated health approaches. Oxfordshire, pp. 357-365. Nguyen-Viet, H. and Nguyen, V. and Pham-Duc, P. and Vu Anh, L. and Dac Cam, P. and Tanner, M. and Grace, D. and Zurbrügg, C. and Tuyet Hanh, T. T. and Vu-Van, T. and Quoc Toan, L. and Xuan Sinh, D. and Huong Giang, P. T. and Zinsstag, J.. (2015) Institutional research capacity development for integrated approaches in developing countries : an example from Vietnam. In: One health : the theory and practice of integrated health approaches. 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Bechir, M. and Zinsstag, J. and Tidjani, A. and Schelling, E. and Ibrahim, A. and Bonfoh, B. and Tanner, M.. (2013) Food security and resilience among mobile pastoral and settled community around lake Chad in Sahel : an overview. In: Advances in food science and nutrition. Akure, pp. 97-112. Krieger, G. and Singer, B. and Winkler, M. and Divall, M. and Tanner, M. and Überbacher, R.. (2013) Health impact assessment in developing countries. In: Health impact assessment : past achievement, current understanding, and future progress. Oxford, pp. 265-276. Koudou, B. G. and Tanner, M. and Utzinger, J.. (2012) Effects of irrigated rice fields and seasonality on Plasmodium transmission in West Africa, particularly in central Côte d'Ivoire. In: Current topics in tropical medicine. Rijeka, pp. 155-168. Zinsstag, J. and Tanner, M. and Nguyen-Viet, H. and Obrist, B. and Cissé, G. and Bonfoh, B. and Schertenleib, R. and Zurbrügg, C. and Yitaferu, B. and Bantider, A. and Hurni, H.. (2011) Interdisciplinary approches in research for sustainable development. In: Research for sustainable development: foundations, experiences, and perspectives, 6. Bern, pp. 207-228. Bonfoh, B. and Zinsstag, J. and Fokou, G. and Weibel, D. and Ould Tableb, M. and Ur-Rahim, I. and Maselli, D. and Kasymbekov, J. and Tanner, M.. (2011) Pastoralism at the crossroads : new avenues for sustainable livelihoods in semi-arid regions. In: Research for sustainable development : foundations, experiences, and perspectives. Bern, pp. 549-570. Zinsstag, J. and Bonfoh, B. and Cissé, G. and Nguyen-Viet, H. and Silué, B. and N'Guessan, S. and Weibel, D. and Schertenleib, R. and Obrist, B. and Tanner, M.. (2011) Towards equity effectiveness in health interventions. In: Research for sustainable development: foundations, experiences, and perspectives, 6. Bern, pp. 623-639. Sy, I. and Schwärzler, P. and Kouadio, A. S. and Kablan, C. and Granado, S. and Obrist, B. and Tanner, M. and Cissé, G.. (2010) An interdisciplinary vulnerability and resilience approach to health risks in underprivileged urban contexts in West Africa. In: Global change and sustainable development : a synthesis of regional experiences from research partnerships. Bern, pp. 33-46. Bonfoh, B. and Schwabenbauer, K. and Wallinga, D. and Hartung, J. and Schelling, E. and Zinsstag, J. and Meslin, F. -X. and Tschopp, R. and Ayayi Akakpo, J. and Tanner, M.. (2010) Human health hazards associated with livestock production. In: Livestock in a changing landscape, Vol. 1: Drivers, consequences, and responses. Washington, pp. 197-219. Conference or Workshop ItemAuckenthaler, A. and Raso, G. and Huggenberger, P. and Miracapillo, C. and Tanner, M.. (2001) Particle transport in karst area: Case study conducted in Northwestern Switzerland. In: International Webmasters Association 2nd World Water Congress, Efficient water Management - Making it Happen. Berlin, p. 115. Newspaper or Magazine ArticleTanner, M.. (1 October 2014) Durchzogene Bilanz bei der Bekämpfung schwerer Krankheiten. Wendekreis, (10). pp. 26-27. N'Guessan, T. S. and Cissé, G. and Tanner, M. and Dedy, S. F.. (1 January 2014) Gratuite du traitement ARV : perception des acteurs, opportunities d'acces universel et enjeux en Côte d'Ivoire. Revue du C.A.M.E.S. Nouvelles Séries, Sciences Humaines, 1 (002). pp. 156-172. Nguyen-Viet, H. and Grace, D. and Hanh, T. T. T. and Pham Duc, P. and Tanner, M.. (1 September 2013) Risk assessment for food safety in Vietnam. Evidence for Policy Series, Regional edition Southeast Asia, (5). pp. 1-2. Lorenz, N. and Tanner, M.. (1 February 2013) Upholding health for all. Evidence for Policy Series, Global Edition, (11). pp. 1-4. Bern. Kaba, M. and Tanner, M. and Zinsstag, J.. (1 June 2012) Tailoring HIV interventions in Ethiopia to suit the local context. Evidence for Policy Series, Regional edition Horn of Africa, (4). pp. 1-4. Bern. Zinsstag, J. and Tanner, M.. (1 March 2012) "One health" für Mensch und Tier. Uni Nova. Wissenschaftsmagazin der Universität Basel. pp. 8-9. Basel. Kaba, M. and Tanner, M. and Zinsstag, J. and Obrist, B.. (1 July 2011) Learning via community conversations : HIV prevention among Ethiopian pastoralists. Outcome highlights, (5). pp. 1-2. Bern. OtherBorghi, J. and Cousens, S. and Hamisi, Y. and Hanson, C. and Jaribu, J. and Manzi, F. and Marchant, T. and Mkumbo, E. and Mshinda, H. and Penfold, S. and Schellenberg, D. and Shamba, D. and Tanner, M.. (2013) Study protocol : improving newborn survival in rural southern Tanzania : a cluster-randomised trial to evaluate the impact of a scaleable package of interventions at community level with health system strengthening. LSHTM Research Online. |