Items where Author is "Wänke, M."
Number of items: 51. YesFiedler, K. and Friese, M. and Wänke, M.. (2011) Psycholinguistic methods in social psychology. In: Cognitive methods in social psychology. New York, pp. 206-235. Wänke, M. and Herrmann, A. and Schaffner, D.. (2007) Brand name influence on brand perception. Psychology & marketing, Vol. 24, H. 1. pp. 1-24. Bless, H. and Greifeneder, R. and Wänke, M.. (2007) Marken als psychologische Kategorien = Brands as psychological categories : Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer sozial-kognitiven Sichtweise : Potentials and Limits of a social cognition approach. In: Psychologie der Markenführung. München, pp. 31-40. Wänke, M. and Florack, A.. (2007) Markenmanagement. In: Wirtschaftspsychologie. Heidelberg, pp. 107-126. Wänke, M. and Greifeneder, R.. (2007) Mehr ist mehr? : die Psychologische Wirkung von Angebotsvielfalt und Markenbreite. In: Psychologie der Markenführung. München, pp. 149-158. Herzog, S. M. and Hansen, J. and Wänke, M.. (2007) Temporal distance and ease of retrieval. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 43 (3). pp. 483-488. Wänke, M. and Haberstroh, S.. (2007) Werbegestaltung und Werberezeption im kulturellen Vergleich. In: Anwendungsfelder der kulturvergleichenden Psychologie. Göttingen, pp. 421-462. Wänke, M.. (2007) What is said and what is meant : conversational implicatures in natural conversations, research settings, media and advertising. In: Social Communication. New York, pp. 223-256. Wänke, M. and Bohner, G.. (2006) Einstellungen. In: Handbuch der Sozialpsychologie und Kommunikationspsychologie. Göttingen, pp. 404-414. Bohner, G. and Wänke, M.. (2006) Einstellungsänderung. In: Handbuch der Sozialpsychologie und Kommunikationspsychologie. Göttingen, pp. 415-422. Brunner, T. and Wänke, M.. (2006) The impact of sharing features with a context stimulus at different stages in the evaluation process. Journal of consumer psychology, Vol. 16, H. 2. pp. 101-111. Einwiller, S. and Wänke, M. and Herrmann, A. and Samochowiec, J.. (2005) Attributional processes in the case of product failures : the role of the corporate brand as buffer. Advances in consumer research, Vol. 33. pp. 270-271. Wänke, M. and Bless, H.. (2005) Einstellungsmessung in der Marktforschung. In: Wirtschaftspsychologie. Weinheim, pp. 60-65. Bless, H. and Wänke, M.. (2005) Marken und Markenerweiterungen. In: Wirtschaftspsychologie. Weinheim, pp. 246-250. Wänke, M. and Friese, M.. (2005) The role of experience in consumer decisions : the case of brand loyalty. In: The routines of decision making. Mahwah, pp. 289-310. Shavitt, S. and Wänke, M.. (2004) Consumer Behavior. In: Applied social psychology. Malden, Mass., pp. 245-267. Fiedler, K. and Wänke, M.. (2004) On the vicissitudes of cultural and evolutionary approaches to social cognition : the case of meta-cognitive myopia. Journal of cultural and evolutionary psychology, Vol. 2. pp. 23-42. Bohner, G. and Wänke, M.. (2004) Psychological gender mediates sex differences in jealousy. Journal of cultural and evolutionary psychology, Vol. 2. pp. 213-229. Schwarz, N. and Bless, H. and Wänke, M. and Winkielmann, P.. (2003) Accessibility revisited. In: Foundations of Social Cognition. Mahwah, pp. 51-78. Wänke, M. and Bless, H. and Wortberg, S.. (2003) Der Einfluss von "Karrierefrauen" auf das Frauenstereotyp : Moderatoren von Stereotypenänderung und Subtyping. Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie, Vol. 34, H. 3. pp. 187-196. Bless, H. and Schwarz, N. and Wänke, M.. (2003) The size of context effects in social judgments. In: Social Judgments : Implicit and Explicit Processes. Cambridge, pp. 180-197. Wänke, M.. (2002) Conversational norms and the interpretation of vague quantifiers. Applied cognitive psychology, Vol. 16, H. 3. pp. 301-307. Schwarz, N. and Wänke, M.. (2002) Experiential and contextual heuristics in frequency judgment : ease of recall and response scales. In: Etc. frequency processing and cognition. New York, pp. 89-108. Wänke, M. and Plessner, H. and Gartner, T. and Friese, M.. (2002) Measuring implicit consumer attitudes and predicting brand choice. In: Advances in consumer research, Vol. 29. Duluth, Minn., p. 222. Schmook, R. and Bendrien, J. and Frey, D. and Wänke, M.. (2002) Prospekt-Theorie. In: Motivations-, Selbst- und Informationsverarbeitungstheorien. Bern, pp. 279-311. Fiedler, K. and Wänke, M.. (2002) Psychology and economics. In: International encyclopedia of the social & behavioral sciences, Bd. 18. Amsterdam, pp. 12390-12396. Shavitt, S. and Wänke, M.. (2001) Consumer Behavior. In: Blackwell Handbook of social psychology, Bd. 1. Malden, pp. 569-590. Wänke, M. and Bless, H. and Igou, E. R.. (2001) Next to a star - paling, shining, or both? : turning interexemplar contrast into interexemplar assimilation. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 27 (1). pp. 14-29. Bless, H. and Wänke, M.. (2000) Can the same information be typical and atypical? : how perceived typicality moderates assimilation and contrast in evaluative judgments. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 26 (3). pp. 306-314. Hewstone, M. and Hassebrauck, M. and Wirth, A. and Wänke, M.. (2000) Pattern of disconfirming information and processing instructions as determinants of stereotype change. British Journal of Social Psychology, Vol. 39, Part 3. pp. 399-411. Hewstone, M. and Hassebrauck, M. and Wirth, A. and Wänke, M.. (2000) Perceived variability and stereotype change. British Journal of Social Psychology, Vol. 39. pp. 399-411. Bless, H. and Igou, E. R. and Schwarz, N. and Wänke, M.. (2000) Reducing context effects by adding context information : the direction and size of context effects in political judgment. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 26 (9). pp. 1036-1045. Wänke, M. and Bless, H. and Schwarz, N.. (1999) Assimilation and contrast in brand and product evaluations : Implications for marketing. In: Advances in consumer research, Vol. 26. Duluth, Minn., pp. 95-98. Wänke, M. and Bless, H. and Schwarz, N.. (1999) Lobster, Wine, and Cigarettes : ad Hoc Categorizations and the Emergence of Context Effects. Marketing bulletin, Vol. 10. pp. 52-56. Menon, G. and Wänke, M.. (1998) Accessibility revisited : when and how it is diagnostic for consumer judgments. In: Advances in consumer research, Vol. 25. Duluth, Minn., pp. 264-265. Wänke, M. and Bless, H. and Schwarz, N.. (1998) Context effects in product line extensions : context is not destiny. Journal of consumer psychology, Vol. 7, H. 4. pp. 299-322. Wänke, M.. (1998) Markenmanagement als Kategorisierungsproblem. Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie, Vol. 29, H. 2. pp. 117-123. Wänke, M.. (1998) Why a special issue on consumer psychology? Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie, Vol. 29, H. 2. p. 88. Wänke, M.. (1997) Making context effects work for you : suggestions for improving data quality from a construal perspective. International journal of public opinion research, Vol. 9. pp. 266-276. Wänke, M. and Schwarz, N.. (1997) Reducing question order effects : the role of buffer items. In: Survey Measurement and Process Quality. New York [u.a.], pp. 115-140. Wänke, M. and Bohner, G. and Jurkowitsch, A.. (1997) There are many reasons to drive a BMW : does imagined ease of argument generation influence attitudes? The journal of consumer research, Vol. 24, H. 2. pp. 170-177. Wänke, M.. (1997) Thinking about answers : the application of cognitive processes to survey methodology. Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie, Vol. 28, H. 3. pp. 223-225. Wänke, M.. (1996) Comparative judgments as a function of the direction of comparison versus word order. Public opinion quarterly, Vol. 60, H. 3. pp. 400-409. Wänke, M. and Wyer, R. S.. (1996) Individual differences in person memory : the role of sociopolitical ideology and in-group versus out-group membership in responses to socially relevant behavior. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 22 (7). pp. 742-754. Wänke, M. and Schmid, J.. (1996) Rumination : when all else fails. In: Ruminative thoughts. Mahwah (N.J.), pp. 177-188. Wänke, M. and Bless, H. and Biller, B.. (1996) Subjective experience versus content of information in the construction of attitude judgments. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 22 (11). pp. 1105-1113. Wänke, M. and Schwarz, N. and Noelle-Neumann, E.. (1995) Question wording in comparative judgments : understanding and manipulating the dynamics of the direction of comparison. Public Opinion Quarterly, Vol. 59. pp. 347-372. Shavitt, S. and Swan, S. and Lowrey, T. and Wänke, M.. (1994) The interaction of endorser attractiveness and involvement in persuasion on the goal that guides message processing. Journal of consumer psychology, Vol. 3, H. 2. pp. 137-162. NoBohner, G. and Wänke, M.. (2002) Attitudes and attitude change. Social psychology. Hove. Wänke, M. and Bless, H.. (2001) Marken aus der Perspektive menschlicher Informationsverarbeitung. Schwarz, N. and Wänke, M.. (1989) Monadisch testen: Ja oder nein? : kognitionspsychologische Aspekte der Kontrolle interner und externer Einflüsse. |