Items where Author is "Wetzel, A."
Number of items: 27. YesWetzel, A. and Unverricht, D.. (2013) A muddy megaturbidite in the deep central South China Sea deposited ~350 yrs BP. Marine geology, Vol. 346. pp. 91-100. Stattegger, K. and Tjallingii, R. and Saito, Y. and Michelli, M. and Trung Thanh, N. and Wetzel, A.. (2013) Mid- to late Holocene sea-level reconstruction of Southeast Vietnam using beachrock and beach-ridge deposits. Global and planetary change, Vol. 110, part B. pp. 214-222. Szczuciński, W. and Jagodziński, R. and Hanebuth, T. J. J. and Stattegger, K. and Wetzel, A. and Mitręga, M. and Unverricht, D. and Van Phach, P.. (2013) Modern sedimentation and sediment dispersal pattern on the continental shelf off the Mekong River delta, South China Sea. Global and planetary change, Vol. 110, part B. pp. 195-213. Wetzel, A. and Weissert, H. and Schaub, M. and Voegelin, A. R.. (2013) Seawater circulation on an oolite-dominated carbonate system in an epeiric sea (Middle Jurassic, Switzerland). Sedimentology, Vol. 60. pp. 19-35. Nagel, S. and Castelltort, S. and Wetzel, A. and Willett, S. D. and Mouthereau, F. and Lin, A. T.. (2013) Sedimentology and foreland basin paleogeography during Taiwan arc continent collision. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Vol. 62. pp. 180-204. Waite, R. and Marty, D. and Strasser, A. and Wetzel, A.. (2013) The lost paleosols: Masked evidence for emergence and soil formation on the Kimmeridgian Jura platform (NW Switzerland). Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology, Vol. 376. pp. 73-90. Wetzel, A.. (2013) Tilting marks : observations on tool marks resembling trace fossils and their morphological varities. Sedimentary Geology, Vol. 288. pp. 60-65. Uchman, A. and Wetzel, A.. (2012) Deep-sea fans. In: Trace fossils as indicators of sedimentary environments. Amsterdam, pp. 643-671. Reisdorf, A. G. and Bux, R. and Wyler, D. and Benecke, M. and Klug, C. and Maisch, M. W. and Fornaro, P. and Wetzel, A.. (2012) Float, explode or sink: postmortem fate of lung-breathing marine vertebrates. Palaeobiodiversity and Paleoenvironments, Vol. 92, H. 1. pp. 67-82. Wetzel, A. and Uchman, A.. (2012) Hemipelagic and pelagic basin plains. In: Trace fossils as indicators of sedimentary environments. Amsterdam, pp. 673-701. Carmona, N. B. and Ponce, J. J. and Wetzel, A. and Bournod, C. N. and Cuadrado, D. G.. (2012) Microbially induced sedimentary structures in Neogene tidal flats from Argentina : Paleoenvironmental, stratigraphic and taphonomic implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 353-355. pp. 1-9. Wetzel, A. and Tjallingii, R. and Wiesner, M. G.. (2011) Bioturbational structures record environmental changes in the upwelling area off Vietnam (South China Sea) for the last 150,000 years. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, Vol. 311. pp. 256-267. Reisdorf, A. G. and Maisch, M. W. and Wetzel, A.. (2011) First record of the leptonectid ichthyosaur Eurhinosaurus longirostris from the Early Jurassic of Switzerland and its stratigraphic framework. Swiss Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 104, Nr. 2. pp. 211-224. Castelltort, S. and Nagel, S. and Lin, A. T. -S. and Wetzel, A. and Boris Kaus, B. and Willett, S. and Chiang, S. -P. and Chiu, W. -Y.. (2011) Sedimentology of early Pliocene sandstones in the south-western Taiwan foreland: Implications for basin physiography in the early stages of collision. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Vol. 40. pp. 52-71. Reisdorf, A. G. and Wetzel, A. and Schlatter, R. and Jordan, P.. (2011) The Staffelegg formation: a new stratigraphic scheme for the Early Jurassic of northern Switzerland. Swiss Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 104, Nr. 1. pp. 97-146. Hinsken, S. and Schmalholz, S. M. and Ziegler, P. A. and Wetzel, A.. (2011) Thermo-tectono-stratigraphic forward modeling of the upper Rhine Graben in reference to geometric balancing: Brittle crustal extension on a highly viscous mantle. Tectonophysics, Vol. 509. pp. 1-13. Wetzel, A.. (2010) Deep-sea ichnology: Observations in modern sediments to interpret fossil counterparts. Acta geologica polonica, Vol. 60. pp. 125-138. Wetzel, A. and Tjallingii, R. and Stattegger, K.. (2010) Gyrolithes in holocene estuarine incised-valley fill deposits, offshore southern Vietnam. Palaios, Vol. 25. pp. 239-246. Tjallingii, R. and Stattegger, K. and Wetzel, A. and Van Pach, P.. (2010) Infilling and flooding of the Mekong River incised-valley system during deglacial sea-level rise. Quaternary science reviews, Vol. 29. pp. 1432-1444. Dresmann, H. and Keulen, N. and Timar-Geng, Z. and Fugenschuh, B. and Wetzel, A. and Stunitz, H.. (2010) The south-western Black Forest and the Upper Rhine Graben Main Border Fault : thermal history and hydrothermal fluid flow. International Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 99, Nr. 2. pp. 285-297. Tischler, M. and Matenco, L. and Filipescu, S. and Groeger, H. R. and Wetzel, A. and Fuegenschuh, B.. (2008) Tectonics and sedimentation during convergence of the ALCAPA and Tisza-Dacia continental blocks : the Pienide nappe emplacement and its foredeep (N. Romania). Geological Society special publication, No. 298. pp. 317-334. Hinsken, S. and K. Ustaszewski, K. and Wetzel, A.. (2007) Graben width controlling syn-rift sedimentation : the Palaeogene southern Upper Rhine Graben as an example. International journal of earth sciences, Vol. 96, Nr. 6. pp. 979-1002. Wetzel, A. and Socoliuc, A. and Meyer, E. and Bennewitz, R. and Gnecco, E. and Gerber, C.. (2005) A versatile instrument for in situ combination of scanning probe microscopy and time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Review of scientific instruments, Vol. 76, H. 10 , 103701, 6 S.. Lee, D. and Wetzel, A. and Bennewitz, R. and Meyer, E. and Despont, M. and Vettiger, P. and Gerber, C.. (2004) Switchable cantilever for a time-of-flight scanning force microscope. Applied physics letters, Vol. 84, H. 9. pp. 1558-1560. Lee, D. W. and Despont, M. and Drechsler, U. and Gerber, C. and Vettiger, P. and Wetzel, A. and Bennewitz, R. and Meyer, E.. (2003) Switchable cantilever fabrication for a novel time-of-flight scanning force microscope. Microelectronic engineering, Vol. 67-68. pp. 635-643. Meyer, E. and Bennewitz, R. and Gnecco, E. and Pfeiffer, O. and Barwich, V. and Wetzel, A. and Baratoff, A.. (2002) From contact to non-contact : force microscopy experiments in ultrahigh vacuum. Abstracts of papers / American Chemical Society, Vol. 223, Part 2 , 497-PHYS. NoCarmona, N. and Ponce, J. J. and Wetzel, A. and Bournod, C. and Cuadrado, D.. (2013) Marine trace fossils and microbially induced sedimentary structures of the Miocene-Pliocene Río Negro Formation, Río Negro Province, Argentina. In: SLIC 2013 : Second Latin-American Symposium on Ichnology : Post-Symposium Fieldtrip : Fieldtrip Guidebook. Santa Rosa (La Pampa, Argentina), pp. 11-28. |