
Items where Author is "Willitsch, Stefan"

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Number of items: 32.


Rivero, Uxia and Meuwly, Markus and Willitsch, Stefan. (2017) A computational study of the Diels-Alder reactions between 2,3-dibromo-1,3-butadiene and maleic anhydride. Chemical Physics Letters, 683. pp. 598-605.

Eberle, Pascal and Dörfler, Alexander D. and von Planta, Claudio and Ravi, Krishnamurthy and Willitsch, Stefan. (2016) A Dynamic Ion-Atom Hybrid Trap for High-Resolution Cold-Collision Studies. ChemPhysChem, 17 (22). pp. 3769-3775.

Ploenes, Ludger and Haas, Dominik and Zhang, Dongdong and van de Meerakker, Sebastiaan Y. T. and Willitsch, Stefan. (2016) Cold and intense OH radical beam sources. Review of Scientific Instruments, 87 (5). 053305.

Rösch, Daniel and Gao, Hong and Kilaj, Ardita and Willitsch, Stefan. (2016) Design and characterization of a linear quadrupole ion trap for high-resolution Coulomb-crystal time-of-flight mass spectrometry. EPJ Techniques and Instrumentation, 3. p. 5.

Germann, Matthias and Willitsch, Stefan. (2016) Fine- and hyperfine-structure effects in molecular photoionization. I. General theory and direct photoionization. Journal of Chemical Physics, 145 (4). 044314.

Germann, Matthias and Willitsch, Stefan. (2016) Fine- and hyperfine-structure effects in molecular photoionization. II. Resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization and hyperfine-selective generation of molecular cations. Journal of Chemical Physics, 145 (4). 044315.

Germann, Matthias and Willitsch, Stefan. (2016) Line strengths for fine- and hyperfine-resolved electric-quadrupole rotation-vibration transitions in Hund’s case b molecules. Molecular Physics, 114 (6). pp. 769-773.

Eberle, Pascal and Dörfler, Alexander D. and von Planta, Claudio and Ravi, Krischnamurthy and Haas, Dominik and Zhang, Dong and Meeraker, Sebastiaan Y. T. and Willitsch, Stefan. (2015) Ion-Atom and Ion-Molecule Hybrid Systems: Ion-Neutral Chemistry at Ultralow Energies. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 635 (1). 012012.

Willitsch, Stefan. (2015) Ion-atom hybrid systems. Proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi", 189. pp. 255-268.

Mokhberi, Athar and Willitsch, Stefan. (2015) Structural and energetic properties of molecular Coulomb crystals in a surface-electrode ion trap. New Journal of Physics, 17 (4). 045008.

Willitsch, Stefan and Rouse, Ian. (2015) Superstatistical velocity distributions of cold trapped ions in molecular dynamics simulations. Physical Review A , 92 (5). 053420.

Rösch, Daniel and Willitsch, Stefan and Chang, Yuan-Pin and Küpper, Jochen. (2014) Chemical reactions of conformationally selected 3-aminophenol molecules in a beam with Coulomb-crystallized Ca+ ions. Journal of Chemical Physics, 140 (12). p. 124202.

Germann, Matthias and Tong, Xin and Willitsch, Stefan. (2014) Observation of electric-dipole-forbidden infrared transitions in cold molecular ions. Nature Physics, 10. pp. 820-824.

Mokhberi, Athar and Willitsch, Stefan. (2014) Sympathetic cooling of molecular ions in a surface-electrode ion trap. Physical Review A, 90 (2). 023402.

Hall, Felix H. J. and Eberle, Pascal and Hegi, Gregor and Raoult, Maurice and Aymar, Mireille and Dulieu, Olivier and Willitsch, Stefan. (2013) Ion-neutral chemistry at ultralow energies: dynamics of reactive collisions between laser-cooled Ca+ ions and Rb atoms in an ion-atom hybrid trap. Molecular Physics, 111. p. 2020.

Hall, Felix H. J. and Aymar, Mireille and Raoult, Maurice and Dulieu, Olivier and Willitsch, Stefan . (2013) Light-assisted cold chemical reactions of barium ions with rubidium atoms. Molecular Physics, 111. pp. 1683-1690.

Chang, Yuan-Pin and Długołęcki, Karol and Küpper, Jochen and Rösch, Daniel and Wild, Dieter and Willitsch, Stefan. (2013) Specific Chemical Reactivities of Spatially Separated 3-Aminophenol Conformers with Cold Ca+ Ions. Science, 342 (6154). pp. 98-101.

Tong, Xin and Wild, Dieter and Willitsch, Stefan. (2011) Collisional and radiative effects in the state-selective preparation of translationally cold molecular ions in ion traps. Physical Review A, 83 (2). 023415.

Hall, Felix H. J. and Aymar, Mireille and Bouloufa-Maafa, Nadia and Dulieu, Olivier and Willitsch, Stefan. (2011) Light-Assisted Ion-Neutral Reactive Processes in the Cold Regime: Radiative Molecule Formation versus Charge Exchange. Physical Review Letters, 107 (24). p. 243202.

Georgescu, Iulia M. and Willitsch, Stefan. (2011) Theoretical characterization of laser- and sympathetically-cooled ions in surface-electrode ion traps. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13 (42). pp. 18852-18858.

Tong, Xin and Winney, Alexander H. and Willitsch, Stefan. (2010) Sympathetic Cooling of Molecular Ions in Selected Rotational and Vibrational States Produced by Threshold Photoionization. Physical Review Letters, 105 (14). p. 143001.

Bell, Martin T. and Gingell, Alexander D. and Oldham, James M. and Softley, Timothy P. and Willitsch, Stefan. (2009) Ion-molecule chemistry at very low temperatures : cold chemical reactions between Coulomb-crystallized ions and velocity-selected neutral molecules. In: Faraday Discussions, 142. London, pp. 73-91.

Willitsch, Stefan and Bell, Martin T. and Gingell, Alexander D. and Softley, Timothy P.. (2008) Chemical applications of laser- and sympathetically-cooled ions in ion traps. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 10 (48). pp. 7200-7210.


Willitsch, Stefan. (2017) Chemistry with Controlled Ions. In: Advances in Chemical Physics, 162. Hoboken, p. 307.

Dulieu, Olivier and Willitsch, Stefan. (2015) Cristaux coulombiens: De la technologie quantique à la chimie proche du zéro absolu. Reflets de la physique, 44-45. pp. 91-94.

Germann, Matthias and Tonga, Xin and Willitsch, Stefan. (2015) Forbidden Vibrational Transitions in Cold Molecular Ions: Experimental Observation and Potential Applications. Chimia, 69 (4). pp. 213-216.

Willitsch, Stefan. (2013) Molecular physics: Ultracold ménage à trois. Nature Physics, 9. pp. 461-462.

Dulieu, Olivier and Krems, Roman and Weidemüller, Matthias and Willitsch, Stefan. (2011) Physics and Chemistry of Cold Molecules. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13 (42). pp. 18703-18704.

Willitsch, Stefan. (2010) Molecular physics: very cool molecular ions. Nature Physics, 6 (4). pp. 240-241.

Willitsch, Stefan. (2010) Nahe am Nullpunkt. Nachrichten aus der Chemie, 58 (9). pp. 872-875.

Maier, John P. and Willitsch, Stefan . (2010) Spectroscopy and Chemical Dynamics. Chimia, 64 (12). pp. 855-858.

Willitsch, Stefan. (2009) Molecules and Ions at Very Low Temperatures. Chimia, 63 (1/2). pp. 54-57.

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