Items where Author is "van Os, J."
Number of items: 24. YesGuloksuz, S. and van Nierop, M. and Lieb, R. and van Winkel, R. and Wittchen, H.-U. and van Os, J.. (2015) Evidence that the presence of psychosis in non-psychotic disorder is environment-dependent and mediated by severity of non-psychotic psychopathology. Psychological Medicine, Vol. 45, H. 11. pp. 2389-2401. Lataster, J. and Myin-Germeys, I. and Lieb, R. and Wittchen, H. -U. and van Os, J.. (2012) Adversity and psychosis : a 10-year prospective study investigating synergism between early and recent adversity in psychosis. Acta psychiatrica scandinavica, Vol. 125, H. 5 , S. 388–399. Smeets, F. and Lataster, T. and Dominguez, M. and Hommes, J. and Lieb, R. and Wittchen, H. -U. and van Os, J.. (2012) Evidence that onset of psychosis in the population reflects early hallucinatory experiences that through environmental risks and affective dysregulation become complicated by delusions. Schizophrenia bulletin, Vol. 38, Iss. 3. pp. 531-542. Wigman, J. T. W. and van Nierop, M. and Vollebergh, W. A. M. and Lieb, R. and Beesdo-Baum, K. and Wittchen, H. -U. and van Os, J.. (2012) Evidence that psychotic symptoms are prevalent in disorders of anxiety and depression, impacting on illness onset, risk, and severity-implications for diagnosis and ultra-high risk research. Schizophrenia bulletin, Vol. 38, Iss. 2. pp. 247-257. Schutters, S. I. J. and Dominguez, M. D. G. and Knappe, S. and Lieb, Roselind and van Os, J. and Schruers, K. R. J. and Wittchen, H. -U.. (2012) The association between social phobia, social anxiety cognitions and paranoid symptoms. Acta psychiatrica scandinavica, Vol. 125, Iss. 3. pp. 213-227. Olesen, J. and Gustavsson, A. and Svensson, M. and Wittchen, H. U. and Jönsson, B. and European Brain Council, and Jordanova, A. and Musayev, A. and Gustavsson, A. and Gabilondo, A. and Maercker, A. and Melin, B. and Jönsson, B. and Walder, B. and Gannon, B. and Schlehofer, B. and Faravelli, C. and Allgulander, C. and Ljungcrantz, C. and Jacobi, C. and Muresanu, D. F. and Hilton Jones, D. and Ehler, E. and Beghi, E. and Norwood, F. and Aguilera, F. and Jacobi, F. and Kobelt, G. and Meinlschmidt, G. and Steinhausen, H. -C. and Wittchen, H. U. and Verschuuren, J. and Vallat, J. M. and Glaus, J. and Reese, J. P. and Olesen, J. and van Os, J. and Bentzen, J. and Alonso, J. and Garcia-Ibanez, J. and Dams, J. and Rehm, J. and Lauer, K. and von Wild, K. and Karampampa, K. and Stovner, L. J. and Vécsei, L. and Fratiglioni, L. and van den Berg, L. H. and Jönsson, L. and Salvador-Carulla, L. and Perrin, M. and Milenkova, M. and Knapp, M. and Preisig, M. and Moscarelli, M. and Ekman, M. and Linde, M. and Pugliatti, M. and Svensson, M. and Rogers, M. M. and Tenovuo, O. and Van den Bergh, P. and Azouvi, P. and Vos, P. and Jennum, P. and Martinez-Leal, R. and Dodel, R. and Simon, R. and Lieb, R. and Drabsch, S. and Otero, S. and Kurth, T. and Xu, W. and Winter, Y.. (2012) The economic cost of brain disorders in Europe. European journal of neurology, Vol. 19, Iss. 1. pp. 155-162. Van der Werf, M. and Thewissen, V. and Dominguez, M. D. G. and Lieb, R. and Wittchen, H. -U. and van Os, J.. (2011) Adolescent development of psychosis as an outcome of hearing impairment : a 10-year longitudinal study. Psychological Medicine, H. 41. pp. 477-485. Van Rossum, I. and Dominguez, M. D. G. and Lieb, R. and Wittchen, H. -U. and van Os, J.. (2011) Affective dysregulation and reality distortion : a 10-year prospective study of their association and clinical relevance. Schizophrenia bulletin, H. 37. pp. 561-571. Kuepper, R. and van Os, J. and Lieb, R. and Wittchen, H. U. and Höfler, M. and Henquet, C.. (2011) Continued cannabis use and risk of incidence and persistence of psychotic symptoms : 10 year follow-up cohort study. BMJ : British medical journal, Vol. 342 , d738. Gustavsson, A. and Svensson, M. and Jacobi, F. and Allgulander, C. and Alonso, J. and Beghi, E. and Dodel, R. and Ekman, M. and Faravelli, C. and Fratiglioni, L. and Gannon, B. and Hilton Jones, D. and Jennum, P. and Jordanova, A. and Jönsson, L. and Karampampa, K. and Knapp, M. and Kobelt, G. and Kurth, T. and Lieb, R. and Linde, M. and Ljungcrantz, C. and Maercker, A. and Melin, B. and Moscarelli, M. and Musayev, A. and Norwood, F. and Preisig, M. and Pugliatti, M. and Rehm, J. and Salvador-Carulla, L. and Schlehofer, B. and Simon, R. and Steinhausen, H. -C. and Stovner, L. J. and Vallat, J. M. and Van den Bergh, P. and van Os, J. and Vos, P. and Xu, W. and Wittchen, H. U. and Jönsson, B. and Olesen, J.. (2011) Cost of disorders of the brain in Europe 2010. European neuropsychopharmacology, Vol. 21, H. 10. pp. 718-779. Kuepper, R. and van Os, J. and Lieb, R. and Wittchen, H. -U. and Henquet, C.. (2011) Do cannabis and urbanicity co-participate in causing psychosis? : evidence from a 10-year follow-up cohort study. Psychological Medicine, Vol. 41, Iss. 10. pp. 2121-2129. Dominguez, M. D. G. and Wichers, M. and Lieb, R. and Wittchen, H. -U. and van Os, J.. (2011) Evidence that onset of clinical psychosis is the outcome of progressively more persistent subclinical psychotic experiences : an 8-year cohort study. Schizophrenia bulletin, H. 37. pp. 84-93. Kuepper, R. and Henquet, C. and Lieb, R. and Wittchen, H. -U. and van Os, J.. (2011) Non-replication of interaction between cannabis use and trauma in predicting psychosis. Schizophrenia research, Vol. 131, H. 1-3. pp. 262-263. Dominguez, M. D. G. and Saka, M. C. and Lieb, R. and Wittchen, H. -U. and van Os, J.. (2010) Early expression of negative/disorganized symptoms predicting psychotic experiences and subsequent clinical psychosis : a 10-year study. American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 167, H. 9. pp. 1075-1082. Tijssen, M. J. A. and van Os, J. and Wittchen, H. -U. and Lieb, R. and Mengelers, R. and Krabbendam, L. and Wichers, M. C.. (2010) Evidence that bipolar disorder is the poor outcome fraction of a common developmental phenotype : an 8-year cohort study in young people. Psychological Medicine, Vol. 40, H. 2. pp. 289-299. Tijssen, M. J. A. and van Os, J. and Wittchen, H. -U. and Lieb, R. and Beesdo, K. and Mengelers, R. and Wichers, M. C.. (2010) Prediction of transition from common adolescent bipolar experiences to bipolar disorder : 10-year study. British journal of psychiatry, Vol. 196, H. 2. pp. 102-108. Cougnard, A. and Marcelis, M. and Myin-Germeys, I. and de Graaf, R. and Vollebergh, W. and Krabbendam, L. and Lieb, R. and Wittchen, H.-U. and Henquet, C. and Spauwen, J. and van Os, J.. (2007) Does normal developmental expression of psychosis combine with environmental risk to cause persistence of psychosis? : a psychosis proneness- persistence model. Psychological medicine, Vol. 37, H. 4. pp. 513-527. Spauwen, J. and Krabbendam, L. and Lieb, R. and Wittchen, H.-U. and van Os, J.. (2006) Evidence that the outcome of developmental expression of psychosis is worse for adolescents growing up in an urban environment. Psychological medicine, Vol. 36, H. 3. pp. 407-415. Spauwen, J. and Krabbendam, L. and Lieb, R. and Wittchen, H.-U. and van Os, J.. (2006) Impact of psychological trauma on the development of psychotic symptoms : relationship with psychosis proneness. British journal of psychiatry, Vol. 188. pp. 527-533. Henquet, C. and Krabbendam, L. and Spauwen, J. and Kaplan, C. and Lieb, R. and Wittchen, H.-U. and van Os, J.. (2005) Prospective cohort study of cannabis use, predisposition for psychosis, and psychotic symptoms in young people. BMJ, vol. 330, no. 7481. pp. 11-14. Spauwen, J. and Krabbendam, L. and Lieb, R. and Wittchen, H.-U. and van Os, J.. (2004) Does urbanicity shift the population expression of psychosis? Journal of psychiatric research, Vol. 38, H. 6. pp. 613-618. Spauwen, J. and Krabbendam, L. and Lieb, R. and Wittchen, H.-U. and van Os, J.. (2004) Early maternal stress and health behaviours and offspring expression of psychosis in adolescence. Acta psychiatrica scandinavica, Vol. 110, H. 5. pp. 356-364. Spauwen, J. and Krabbendam, L. and Lieb, R. and Wittchen, H.-U. and van Os, J.. (2003) Sex differences in psychosis : normal or pathological? Schizophrenia research, Vol. 62, H. 1/2. pp. 45-49. NoMyin-Germeys, I. and Spauwen, J. and Lieb, R. and Wittchen, H.-U. and van Os, J.. (2004) The aetiological continuum of psychosis. In: Search for causes of Schizophrenia. Darmstadt, pp. 342-367. |